…Totally stealin' that.
…You'd figure the French would get a little pissed off at this.
…Now, do a 'Palestine' flag.
…Is this the fucking part where the Saturn decodes get gaslit with ayys/UFO bullshit, yet AGAIN???
…This shit, again? Typical mental laziness.
…Can you get to the fucking part of the planets being the gods, or are you going to continue jerking off with the biblefags?
…More probable than magic sky deities. Much more.
…Anon doesn't keep any goddamn copypasta around, in deplicting the 'gods' as the planets, once in a radically different solar system 'order', slowly drifting apart over the course of millennia. Each planet resonating a frequency (Like Earth's Schumann resonance). Your 'voice of god' stemming from these massive celestial bodies closer to the Earth.