This film is a must-see. It´s like a window into a not-so-distant nwo future, what we´re fighting to prevent.
No others. No Children either.
Reminds me of that 'spectre' in latest Bond films. Is this the thing they have to tell us what they´re planning to do? doesn´t look like conditioning to me.
also, Q mentioned Official Secrets.
yeah, but why tell about 'specter', the nwo inner circle or whatever.
would be better to condition public for upcoming conditions they plan for us, instead of talking about a secret group that rules the world.
..just saying
you´re talking to a shill. best to ignore if you´re new around here.
I just called them out while scrolling the bread, but not worth the effort of talking to them. idiots working for their drugmoney
Just call them out, that´s all, throw a meme.
did you expect something else than a young female?
Not greatest actor/role, but film about much more than that girl.
>sometimes I use this one.
>but that's only if I think they are listening.
use these, they hate them
and remember, they are here to influence the newbies/new eyes, and that´s why were calling them out.
just call them out, no conversation needed.