Temple? What temple?
Epstein had George Church down to the island,
but it was with Dawkins and some others.
Epstein's not the 1'st cultist to cultivate the intellectual elite. Richard Feynman was flown about and hosted by Werner Erhart, and Sid Richardson (FDR's oilman friend) built a bungalow for Leo Szilard at his Del Charro resort at Del Mar, (Szilard invented the A bomb) and for Hans Bethe, who headed the "T Group" at Los Almos and Edward Teller who was developing the "Super" or H bamb.
The other permanent bungalows at Del Cgarro belonged to J Edgar Hoover and Clyde Tolson, Sid's friend Clint Murchison and wealthy Texans.
Nobody ever says much about this.