Anonymous ID: 7f14d7 Nov. 8, 2023, 11:50 a.m. No.19882308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2320 >>2334


Ok. That would mean enforcing the rule you're proposing. Calling abortion murder and feeling virtuous doesn't wrap it up. There has to be implementation. How will you know women are pregnant and how will you know when and if they abort? Self-reporting? Tattle-telling? Will the doctor report to the federal government when you test positive and register your pregnancy as an identifiable human? Will they check you gave birth? The Republican party will win zero elections by proposing to theoretically put half the voting population in prison for not carrying to full term.

Anonymous ID: 7f14d7 Nov. 8, 2023, noon No.19882367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2386


Then what you are advocating for is charges of murder against healthcare professionals performing abortions. Not charges of murder for ending your own pregnancy. Much like ending drunk driving is requiring the government have permission to remotely turn off your car, ending women's ability to abort would require the government have control over the execution of the pregnancy. That is an impossibility, as history has proven. The only thing Republicans should be fighting for in the abortion debate is to divorce abortion FROM healthcare.