Anonymous ID: 387dc2 Nov. 11, 2023, 6:02 a.m. No.19898157   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Morning anons…


This is the like reason for the Israeli invasion of Gaza. Lots and lots of ways to deal with what happened (which was likely a FF anyway) rather than demolishing an entire city area of over 4MM people.


Egypt controls the Suez Canal and the millions of dollars in revenue it generates. The Suez is narrow and has many turns (recall the EverGrande) The Gurion would be a straight show…the bad news isGAZA IS IN THE WAY


"The Ben Gurion Canal Project[citation needed] or Israeli Canal[citation needed] is a proposed canal project through the state of Israel. It would connect the Gulf of Aqaba to the Mediterranean Sea.[1][2][better source needed] David Ben Gurion, for whom it would be named, is considered the Founding Father of Israel and was the first Prime Minister of Israel.


The canal would rival the Suez Canal, which runs through Egypt and has had many disturbances in its history, such as the Israeli blockage through the Suez Canal and Straits of Tiran, Closure of the Suez Canal (1956–1957), Closure of the Suez Canal (1967–1975), and the 2021 Suez Canal obstruction.[1] It would be almost one third longer than the 120.1 mi (193.3 km) Suez Canal, at around 182 mi (292.9 km).[2]"


Starting from the Southern end at the Gulf of Aqaba, by the port city of Eilat in Israel on the Israeli and Jordanian border, through the Arabah Valley for about 100 km between the Negev Mountains and the Jordanian Highlands and veers West before the Dead Sea basin and the Dead Sea which is 430.5 metres (1,412 ft) below sea level,[3] and heads through a valley in the Negev Mountain Range,then heads North again to get around the Gaza Strip(how inconvenient) and link up with the Mediterranean Sea.

Anonymous ID: 387dc2 Nov. 11, 2023, 6:15 a.m. No.19898227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8248


Hezbullah issued a statement announcing they attacked Hadb Al-Bustan military site with rocket fire at 10.55 am. They confirm a direct impact.

Anonymous ID: 387dc2 Nov. 11, 2023, 6:29 a.m. No.19898305   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>whoever did this to us, goddamn you!


I think you are getting your wish anon…with the exception of election night (they) and #losing at every turn…