Anonymous ID: 7726c8 Nov. 11, 2023, 2:38 a.m. No.19897498   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Have anons heard of The Great Solar Flash?

Seems like BS to me but I've never heard of it until today. Intriguing but muh bullshit detector is pinging.

Anonymous ID: 7726c8 Nov. 11, 2023, 4:12 a.m. No.19897789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8166



>We don't have a fucking country anymore the SES does.

Doesn't the W. Virginia vs. EPA case take their power and authority away? Three letter agencies throughout the Federal Govt' got their nuts cut with that one. Now their rules, regulations, decrees, edicts, etc must be enshrined in legislation (actual law) via the Congress to to have teeth. Gov't is about to get much smaller. Be happy friends, Shit be happening all over even if you don't see it.