Anonymous ID: 9eebe2 Nov. 11, 2023, 5:03 a.m. No.19897932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7952

>>19896246 pb

there's no consensus religion for the board.

either newbies or shills must've been told by Propaganda sources that posters and researchers here were Christian (as if that's one doctrine anyway?)


About Communist vs. Capitalist.

And how competition drives excellence and the economy?

All the perps belong to CHARITIES which give money, don't earn it (supposedly) (CHARATAS. love compassion) ..because that's the highest ambition.

So for them, the biggest "feather in their cap" is to pretend they are all about "saving people" and "begin good" (political correctness, proper speech, recycling, protecting beautiful Nature, all for freedom – (Biden's lies come to mind)

Reality is: that's a front for their criminality.

But think of it another way;

To Save the World, or eliminate suffering or to re-enable, refresh, the life on Earth for the Human, as it was meant to be - would be the Highest ambition.

To return to the Paradise this world was created for and meant to be…

The perps know that and so hide behind "charitable" work; meanwhile gumming up the gears that would be taking us there;

ditto Congress, as it has stood and is still

Maybe more congress critters will step down?


The crooks hate the Q team and DJTrump and his followers because those are trying to do, what they only pretend.

We beat them.

Anonymous ID: 9eebe2 Nov. 11, 2023, 5:25 a.m. No.19898010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8027




"What is their Council?"


Mitre , Aspen Society, some top freemason group

(Knights orders which began in Roma, Roman Legions and morphed to Orders of Knights, ancestral titles)


Knights of Malta

The ones who have the deadsheep dangling around their necks.

"Order of the Golden Fleece"


Could be the top of the Pickle agency?

the Pickle Club?

Those who have access to mass surveillance, might have a better Idea?


wouldn't be surprised if there was some royalty / secret society connect.

that "goes back" some 400 to 800 years, and were the group who killed King Jeusu "Esau" ? (smeared after the fact as they always do with whom they murder?) who created the cult of Jesus, to control His followers (mind op)

( in those days "J" was an "I" - so.. Iesus - close to Isis which I think is their "little joke")

Anonymous ID: 9eebe2 Nov. 11, 2023, 5:57 a.m. No.19898142   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's not clear why this one is shillary

Thinking it's more anti-war than anti-jew


Why is that a proof of Shill

OSS did much worse.

this top one (picrel) isn't even Jew Hate.


mr. 81 posts. oh well.

busybusy busy

Just explain why the post is muhJew.

OSS ( I called it "BV" ) claimed it was in direct contact with "Q"

That's the desperation of the Hate-Jew Propagandists.

They have to lie to win.

Since they have no logic

Same with the Democrat Party and the Rhino

All they have are lies.