Anonymous ID: dbee06 Nov. 11, 2023, 6:21 a.m. No.19898261   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Michael Speicher

Anon remembers very well the FOX News coverage of Michael Speicher after 9-11. Is he dead? Is he alive? Every day they would show a picture of a different person that was supposed to be Speicher. NEVER even heard of him until AFTER 9-11. And the photos had that same grainy CGI look as the photos of the 9-11 hi-jackers. Pretty sure at this point he never even existed and was a tool for some sort of intelligence operation. To what end who knows? If he really did exist anon feels bad for his family because between The Pentagon Office of Disinformation and the News Media they pretty much mangled the guy's story. Fairly certain he was a fictitious character constructed for purposes of public support of the Iraq War.

Anonymous ID: dbee06 Nov. 11, 2023, 6:40 a.m. No.19898363   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That's a lot of views, kek. Pro tip. Clean up your copy pasta in notepad first. Then paste to replay box. That way you can tidy up your text formatting and not take up nine miles of board space. o7


BTW, there a Sky King radio check a couple days ago too.