Anonymous ID: de8ef2 Nov. 11, 2023, 3:09 a.m. No.19897596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7625

oin us today at 11:11 am & pm (your time) as we start formally praying collectively throughout the day in each time zone for the Return of the KING.

Anonymous ID: de8ef2 Nov. 11, 2023, 3:55 a.m. No.19897713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7714

Please join us today at 11:11 am & pm (your time) as we start formally praying collectively throughout the day in each time zone for the Return of the KING.

Anonymous ID: de8ef2 Nov. 11, 2023, 4:27 a.m. No.19897825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7831

Dear frenz, please join us today at 11:11 am & pm (your time) as we start formally praying collectively throughout the day in each time zone for the Return of the KING, JESUS CHRIST.

Anonymous ID: de8ef2 Nov. 11, 2023, 5:29 a.m. No.19898023   🗄️.is 🔗kun



That is total bullshit!!!! Everybody knows governments around the world are not *satinic! They are here to help us!!!



*misspelled purposely because I give that loser no espect..

Anonymous ID: de8ef2 Nov. 11, 2023, 6:39 a.m. No.19898352   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Then you don't understand the Bible fren. The Bible is 3-Dimensional. Read every chapter in verse in the Bible of 11:11. For example, John 11:11. "You will survive so long as you trust in God.." Revelation 11:11 " And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them."


But thats just 2, there are 64 other 11:11 verses with very special meaning.


Romans 8:28 teaches us about the collective of all good things working together for the good of all.


Are you not seeing 11:11 constantly for the past 6 years? If not, you better check your ego at the door fren and stop believing what the Vatican tells you. Have you not had enough of its lies and misdirection? Time wake-up! May GOD bless you!