Anonymous ID: bec122 Q Research General #24436: 11:11 Edition Nov. 11, 2023, 4:04 p.m. No.19901541   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: bec122 Nov. 11, 2023, 4:06 p.m. No.19901557   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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#24435 >>19900765


>>19900887, >>19901033 8th Grade Final Exam from 1895 6 hours to complete: [THEY] have made us stupid, on purpose

>>19900889 Biden get lost again, while laying wreath for Veterans Day - given stage directions by Arlington honor guard

>>19900921 Possibly 45 in N998CA Bombardier CRJ100 departing Lebanon Muni Airport, NH

>>19901027 45in N998CA Bombardier CRJ100 heading to LaGuardia Airport

baker change


>>19901188 Aircraft conducting training operations suffered ‘mishap and went down’ late Friday, says US European Command

>>19901207, >>19901259, >>19901470 Military crash in Mediterranean Sea, no details yet - DIG CALL

>>19901237 NASA releases ‘ghostly’ skull-like image seen from space

>>19901256, >>19901478 QClock, November 11, 2023 - Flynn: Enough Is Enough, moar

>>19901274 Kim Dotcom Replying to RFKjr Make a sacrifice and break with the Israel lobby


>>19901349 Revolver: Biden deploys FBI against another critic… and the timing on this one is soooo suspicious…

>>19901369 Fulton County, Georgia, acknowledges, in a major Consent Decree, that 3,600 individual ballots were DUPLICATED (36 Batches)

>>19901414 Baltimore police union appears to call Mosby conviction 'karma'

>>19901428 Virginia Dems Could Lose Control Of 21-19 Senate Because Member May Have Lied About Residence

>>19901447 Anon Prayer Storm, 7 PM every day: Get ready, it's going to be Biblical!

>>19901465 Who Is Marilyn Mosby, Ex Baltimore Prosecutor Guilty In Perjury Trial?

>>19901472 Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger says the election office in Fulton County is among those across the U.S. that have received a suspicious letter – including some laced with fentanyl.

>>19901480 Congressman Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, announced on Thursday that he would not be seeking reelection in 2024.

>>19901487 Vivek debutes a line of "Rebel SCUM" merchandise

>>19901488 The John Kerry signature toward end not matching

>>19901513 Hochul announces the appointment of a famous sex therapist to serve as the state's honorary Ambassador to Loneliness

>>19901520 Military speaking out against what they call the politicization of the Defense Department

>>19901551 #24435


#24434-A >>19899907

>>19899957, >>19899982 President Trump: Most of this will be solved in six months. Some of it sooner. We'll be drilling a lot sooner than that.

>>19900067 President Trump: I said, 'You have to finish it off'…and you know what? We got rid of ISIS. One hundred percent of ISIS.

>>19900116 President Trump: I told China, if you give Iran one dollar for oil, they have a lot of oil, if you purchase any oil, you're not doing business with the United States, and any business that gets through, we're going to tariff or tax you at one hundred percent.

>>19900131 President Trump: Once you pay money [for hostages], you set a precedent where they're going to do it again, and again, and again.

>>19900170 President Trump: I will end Joe Biden's disastrous war on American energy, and unleash the most powerful economic weapon; it's called, drilling for oil, or, as I call it, liquid gold, or as I say sometimes, Drill, Baby, Drill. We have more liquid gold than anybody.

>>19900215, >>19900226 President Trump: They indicted me because they said I inflated numbers, and my numbers, it turned out, were extremely conservative. Just the opposite. And now they don't know what to do, and the judge is being made to look; look, he's a radical-left person, and he actually accused me of something before the trial started! And now it's sort of coming home to play. We'll see what happens.

>>19900246 President Trump: Like tens of millions of people within our nation, I'm a very proud election denier, because unless the truth is found, we will never have fair, free, and honest elections, and we have to have them.

>>19900317 President Trump: It's a very bad precedent; it's very dangerous. And again, such a thing has never happened in our country. I've made clear from the outset; the prosecution has repeatedly denied me my fundamental Constitutional rights, including my right to have a trial…I want this trial to be seen by everybody in the world. The prosecution wishes to continue this travesty in darkness, and I want sunlight…I want everything exposed to the public, including the election fraud, because this is all about election fraud, which took place in 2020, and the 2020 presidential election, so that such a thing can never happen again to our country.

>>19900323 President Trump: They want to silence me because I know the truth and I'm not afraid to say it.>>19900459 President Trump: The one way we win like you've never seen before; we have to slam it on election day…there's a point at which their cheating can't get it done.

>>19900393 President Trump: [On Day One I will] stop the invasion. This is an invasion. This is like a military invasion. We'll stop the invasion on our southern border, and begin the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.

>>19900459 President Trump: The one way we win like you've never seen before; we have to slam it on election day…there's a point at which their cheating can't get it done.

>>19900502 President Trump: Today especially, in honor of our great veterans on Veteran's Day, we pledge to you that we will rout out the communists, marxists,, fascists, and the radical-left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country. That lie, and steal, and cheat on elections, and they'll do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and to destroy the American Dream.

>>19900620 #24434-A


#24434-B >>19899907

>>19899962, >>19900269 LIVE LINKS- President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H. - 11/11/23

>>19899963, >>19899992 TRUMP- I did it thru osmosis

>>19900007, >>19900009, >>19900015, >>19899985 POTUS T just said: Am I in a movie?, While telling the story about how they went into Iraq completely darked out and he was in the cockpit talking to the Captain.

>>19900046 Knock the hell out of them -DJT

>>19900166 DRILL BABY DRILL, more liquid gold than anyone -DJT

>>19900177, >>19900191, >>19900183, >>19900291, >>19900392 TRUMP: in the crowd - he said something you cant say, chris christie is a fat pig, you cannot do that NOT allowed to use the PIG word - FAT PIG

>>19900196 Trump- We've had a great love affair

>>19900113, >>19900198 Dan Scavino Q 310

>>19900199 meme of the bread and rally

>>19900212 Donald Trump says he wants his election fraud trial televised

>>19900245 Trump- when you think about it,what difference does it make? (HRC- "What difference at this point does it make?")

>>19900260 Oakland Council President Bends Rules for Pro-Palestinian Protesters Disrupting Meeting

>>19900265 San Francisco Clears Homeless And Cleans Sh*t-Covered Streets For World Leaders Next Week

>>19900307 TRUMP- I want a federal government takeover of our government

>>19900321, >>19900343, >>19900365 Trump: I want Sunlight! Q4600 Q4601

>>19900333 "Workin my ass off" line got a huge response.

>>19900346 PF: TITAN25 E4B NightwatchSec of Defense Austinheading to Seoul-Osan AB after crossing SCS as previously mentioned

>>19900390 FAKE NEWS Roman Chervinsky, Ukrainian special forces was the coordinator of the explosions at the Nord Stream-1 and Nord Stream-2 pipelines

>>19900430 if you vote and they steal, they commit a crime. if you don't vote they don't have to steal. no crime. that's why.

>>19900587 That was a speech loaded with comms.

>>19900599 PF Reports: TITAN25 on descent for Osan AB from Delhi depart

>>19900622 CCP sent its corps of engineers from Egypt into Gaza to help Hamas build the tunnel network.

>>19900615, >>19900649, >>19900679, >>19900691, >>19900704 Exactly. I think 80% of America had seen enough already. 4 years of bush 8 years of clinton 8 more of bush jr. 8 years of obama 4 years of trump "Now. How about lets pull the rug out and just push them all off a cliff now." - "Great idea let's do it".

>>19900743 #24434-B


#24433-A >>19899141

>>19899724 President Trump: Under the Trump administration, we live by the motto, ''Promises Made, Promises Kept'. I made that promise. And there is no more solemn pledge than a promise to America's Veterans. Unfortunately, with Crooked Joe in the White House, our veterans are once again being backstabbed and betrayed by their government. Crooked Joe gutted our historic VA reforms, and fought to reinstate thousands and thousands of fired, horrible employees, that when we terminated them, we said, 'Get out of here', and they got out, but now they have a little bit of a lobby going, and they even want back-pay. They treated our veterans badly. And it looks like it's going to cost up to two hundred million in back-pay for people that were treating our veterans badly.

>>19899731 President Trump: I'll also make it a personal mission to completely eradicate veterans homelessness in America.

>>19899745 President Trump: In the past three years, Biden has spent over one billion dollars to put up illegal aliens in hotels, some of the most luxurious hotels in the country. Meanwhile, we have thirty-three thousand homeless veterans. One Day One, I will sign an executive order to cut off Biden's spigot of money for the shelter and transport of illegal aliens, and we will redirect a large portion of the savings to provide shelter and treatment for our own homeless veterans.

>>19899779 President Trump: To me, Peace Through Strength is not just a political slogan, it's actually a moral duty, and it's my commitment to you, the American people, that you will not have World War III.

>>19899800 President Trump: As president, I will restore American strength, power, and prestige, and I will make your country safe.

>>19899811 President Trump: When President Xi sits across the table from Crooked Joe; can you imagine? President Xi is like central casting. There's nobody in Hollywood that can play the role of President Xi.

>>19899836 President Trump: If you give the death penalty to drug dealers, you will have no more problem.

>>19899860 President Trump: It's three hundred and fifty thousand people you're losing [drug overdoses], and you're destroying your homes. You ever see what happens to a family, a father, a mother, when they lose their son or their daughter to drugs? That family is destroyed. Ten years later they're destroyed. It can never be the same.

>>19899871 #24433-A


Previously Collected

>>19898687 #24431-B, >>19899126 #24432, >>19899873 #24433-B

>>19896443 #24429, >>19897234 #24430, >>19898687 #24431-A

>>19894070 #24426, >>19895583 #24427 >>19895764 #24428 posted in 29

>>19892351 #24224, >>19893174 #24425-A, >>19893192 #24425-B


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