Anonymous ID: d12537 Nov. 16, 2023, 3:32 p.m. No.19928110   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19926659 @RepMTG The days are numbered for Secretary Mayorkas.PN


You know what is sickening about watching this?


At any time the coward republicans could have defunded Marorkas’ salary at DHS or cut the funds at the agency all the way back May or June under McCarthy, but he wouldn’t allow it, and when Johnson gets in he caves asap and does a CR instead of taking budgets out of it, he did a clean CR until Feb.


This whole dog and pony show is old and tiresome. Republican leaders and RINOS are cowards, and MTG is the show boat they wheel out to give Americans hope something will happen. All because they are afraid of causing a Shut down.


Republicans are Stockholm syndrome victims, they’ve lost any intelligence to help Americans and in fighting for us.


Plus the love the benefits. UniParty at its finest!


Never forget: They Hate Us, and it shows

Anonymous ID: d12537 Nov. 16, 2023, 4:01 p.m. No.19928272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8299 >>8305 >>8356 >>8392 >>8535 >>8626 >>8723 >>8765 >>8798

He explains in great detail why the are keeping the debates going, by the donor class so they can force Trump to hire Haley for VP. Really interesting and I now understand why Pence was put in. Murdoch News, The RNC, And The Donors Have Chose Neo-Con Nikki As President Trump’s Challenger


She’s toxic and needs to go. He says she negotiates like Satan



Anonymous ID: d12537 Nov. 16, 2023, 4:22 p.m. No.19928394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8535 >>8723 >>8798

“We’re Financing Our Enemy”: Derek Harvey Warns Of The Results Of Our Top Elite Kneeling To Xi. The Corporate money grubbers to control Americans. So they can make lot money. Manchurian Candidates not in office but running major corporation. The Elite are the Manchurian candidates. “We’re Financing Our Enemy”: Derek Harvey Warns Of The Results Of Our Top Elite Kneeling To Xi


Harvey is brilliant and worth a serious listen!



Anonymous ID: d12537 Nov. 16, 2023, 4:52 p.m. No.19928564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8723 >>8798

The Director of the CIA Bill Burns flew on an emergency visit to Ukraine this week that was so secret not a single Western newspaper reported on it.In fact, we only know of it because of the Hong Kong-based Asia Times.

Ukraine is — to quote the AT — “imploding” and at risk of an “internal rebellion”.


Tenpercentskyy’s “thugocracy” is only held together by the “graft and theft” of Western taxpayer’s cash. But the CIA isn’t interested in corruption, of course.Burn’s mandate is to keep the war going until November 2024 — because a Ukraine defeat would look bad for Biden.





Anonymous ID: d12537 Nov. 16, 2023, 5:27 p.m. No.19928754   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No wonder Kemp backed Fani Willis


There’s more going on with the Georgia ballot case and attorney resignations than you’re being told…

November 16, 2023 (20 hours ago)


As you’ve probably heard, in a surprising development, two defense attorneys abruptly resigned from the Georgia ballot case. The case surrounds the accusation that thousands of GA ballots were actually counterfeit.


So, why did the two defense attorneys jump ship like that? An IT expert namedKevin Kelton suggests that the county might be gearing up to admit they’ve destroyed the ballotsin question. If true, this puts Fulton County in a heap of legal trouble. Destroying evidence during a case often signals guilt. But there’s more at stake here—are we witnessing a coverup?


Investigative journalist Rogan O’Handley shared his insights on what’s truly happening in a in a post on X:


Did you know there is an ongoing court case in Fulton County, Georgia (where Atlanta is) since 2021 whose only aim is to inspect 150,000+ mail-in ballots alleged to be fraudulent (no creases from being sent in the mail, perfect black circles, etc)


The judge dismissed it =•but the appeals court allowed== the case to go forward


The judge has illegally delayed proceedings since then


Now we find outdefense attorneys for GA have resignedand there is speculation these ballots may have illegally been destroyed.


Want to know why nobody believes in our elections anymore?


Because of this Banana Republic degeneracy occurring in Georgia and other states


If the ballots are legitimate, what is there to hide?


We all know what’s going on here


Justice delayed is justice denied!


The phrase “Justice delayed is justice denied” aptly describes the current situation. Many believe that the defense attorneys have foreseen this unraveling and want no part of it. Hence, they walked away. Now, the question is: Has the judge intentionally delayed the trial to give the other side time for damage control or to devise a ‘Plan B, C, or D’? This sketchy, peculiar behavior is precisely why the majority of Americans have lost trust in our government and our election process


(This is gonna be such aBIG BOOM, panic in DC and ATL)