Do they have the, “WOW this plan is super slow and cryptic” card? I heard it’s ultra rare.
Do they have the “soon” card? Or the “habbenning” card? I’m sure they have the “2 moar weeks” card.
Do they have the “we are purposefully dragging this out until the 2024 election” card? What about the “voting is for suckers” card? What about the “people still gonna vote anyways” card?
Do they have the “military has all our tax money” card? Or the “military operates outside the people’s jurisdiction” card? Or the “were the military and do what we want” card?
I can do an entire cynical booster expansion.
Maybe the “we ain’t tryin to disclose any truth” card? Or the “why hasn’t anyone been prosecuted” card?
Do they have the “we worship Trump” card? Or the “Trump shoulda done it his last election term” card? Or the “I’ll do it next time I’m president, wink” card?
I’ll give you the “can’t handle the truth” card
Do they have the “Kash injects himself into everything” card?
Do they have the “hurry the fuck up” card? Do they have the “PsyOps are fucking retarded” card?
Figure it out yo self. Just like the plan. Kek.
Ego is fine as long as your aware your doing it.
The “cryptic were doing something but 2 moar weeks” card.
Oh the “call them names if we don’t like what they say” card. Or the “I believe everything a random post says because I’m a sheep” card? Or the “I can’t think for myself” card.
Kek. I’ve been a free thinker since birth. Save your q shill projection for someone week minded. Punk.
Was America ever truly great? Or was America founded by crooks?
They follow the tax collection part of it..
Crooks founded the country.