Anonymous ID: 288d3b Nov. 17, 2023, 2:22 p.m. No.19933430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3436 >>3521




The Recount Joins The News Movement

John Battelle


John Battelle




3 min read


Feb 1


(Original Post on Searchblog)


Four years ago this past summer my family and I decided to move to New York, and as I prepared, I called my best friend in Manhattan, the journalist John Heilemann. If anyone could present me with the key to our new city, it was John — he was connected to everything and everyone worth knowing in New York.


But much to my surprise John had something different in mind when I rang to pick his brain. In short, he had an idea for a new kind of company, one he’d been bouncing off of our 00mutual friend Fred Wilson. John wanted to totally rethink video-based news for what we came to call the “post-linear” information ecosystem — in other words, for a world dominated by Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and of course the emerging world of streaming.


As I’ve written previously, I was reluctant to start another company at the time. But Fred and John convinced me to jump onboard, and for the next four years — three of which fell in the shadow of a once-in-a-century pandemic — we built The Recount into a potent voice covering politics and power in the United States. Before we launched the company in the Fall of 2019, John, Fred and I agreed we’d stay true to our core mission and values — to focus on the problem of video in social and streaming, to not deviate from the fundamental principles of journalism, and above all, to not let the company interfere with friendships that had been decades in the making.


More than three years since our launch, I’m proud to say that The Recount has been acquired by The News Movement, an innovative and ambitious startup that shares our core values. It’s been quite a journey, and I’ve learned more in these past few years than the entire decade prior. One of the main reasons I agreed to join Fred and John was because I’d had limited experience in digital video, and pretty much no exposure to the kind of high-level political journalism that John practices daily. Along the way I was honored to work with scores of extraordinary people — people who created a brand, a voice, and a point of view that I’m proud to say will live on as part of The News Movement going forward.


In time I hope to write about those people and the lessons I’ve learned, but that’s for the future. For now, I just want to express my gratitude to everyone who joined The Recount in its mission. I’m signing off, but the work continues. As Slade Sohmer, for four years our Editor in Chief and now the leader of The Recount, famously puts it whenever change is in the wind: Onward.


— -


You can follow whatever I’m doing next by signing up for my site newsletter here. Thanks for reading.

Anonymous ID: 288d3b Nov. 17, 2023, 2:29 p.m. No.19933458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3461 >>3548

from the archives.

Nicki Haley Scandal


How Nikki Haley Survived Political Scandal

Jun 23, 2010 9:15 AM EDT

Any allegations about sexual misconduct are usually deadly to politicians. But there are ways to overcome them.




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Nikki Haley (center) celebrated her runoff victory in Columbia on Tuesday night with husband Michael Haley (left), daughter Rena (second from left), and former opponent Henry McMaster (right). , Brett Flashnick / AP


In the old days—and I’m talking only a few years ago—Nikki Haley wouldn’t have had a chance. Here she was, an attractive, 38-year-old married woman running for the Republican nomination for governor in solidly conservative, highly religious South Carolina, andtwo men come forward to allege publicly that she’d committed adultery with them.


In the old Bible Belt, that would have derailed Haley’s campaign—even if, as in her case, there were no videos or hotel receipts or anything other than on-the-record accusations.


But on Tuesday night, she won the GOP nomination for governor, and is well on her way to becoming the state’s next chief executive. (She leads Democrat Vincent Sheheen by 21 points in recent polls.)


By “overcoming a sex scandal,” as one TV network reporter put it, Haley becomes a contrasting data point on the ever-more-complex grid of personal politics. An allegation of infidelity, or even an admittance of sexual misconduct, no longer automatically spells death at the ballot box.


Haley’s survival was partly due to her gender (women rallied around her), and the fact that she is a conservative Republican (Sarah Palin was for her). Haley was also helped by the backing of the estranged wife of former governor Mark Sanford—the irony was potent—who was made a laughingstock by his own sex scandal.


Haley survived because she found a safe spot amid the danger/safety variables on the new personal-scandal grid. Here are some:


SITTING GOVERNOR. You don’t want to be one of these when you get hit with a sex scandal. The survival rate is awful: New York’s Eliot Spitzer (hookers), New Jersey’s Jim McGreevey (male “national security” aide), Sanford (mistress in Buenos Aires). Voters don’t seem to care as much about members of Congress. But they do care about chief executives, including, sometimes, mayors (Kwame Kilpatrick of Detroit). And governors tend to make local enemies—powerful ones.


CONFESS QUICKLY AND USE THE WORD 'SIN.' This seems to have helped senators David Vitter of Louisiana (hookers) and John Ensign of Nevada (female former campaign aide). They proclaimed their own sin and used the very word—often. Had he tried the confessional route, President Bill Clinton might have lost a wife in 1998, but not been impeached and almost convicted.

Anonymous ID: 288d3b Nov. 17, 2023, 2:29 p.m. No.19933461   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>from the archives.


>Nicki Haley Scandal


COME OUT. Even back in 1990, the Prohibition Era of sex-scandal history, Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts was able to weather a scandal involving a gay prostitute who conducted his business out of Frank’s apartment. There was no evidence that the congressman knew about the extent of the business, but what really saved Frank was that he had been honest about his sexuality: he had bravely come out of the closet three years earlier. Former senator Larry Craig of Idaho (men’s room “wide stance”) and former representative Eric Massa of New York (male birthday “tickle pile”) never said they were gay. Maybe they aren’t. But if they were, they would have been better off saying so. Former representative Mark Foley (male Congressional pages) did, but only after he lost his bid for reelection in Florida. One exception to the coming-out rule: New Jersey (See: McGreevey and episodes of The Sopranos).


SOME STATES ARE EASIER THAN OTHERS. If you’re going to be accused of engaging in an “extramarital affair”—the phrase has an almost antique ring to it these days—it’s best to be an elected official in California. The mayors of Los Angeles and San Francisco admitted to affairs in recent years, and they are both still in office. And if you are going to admit to patronizing prostitutes, it’s a good idea to be from New Orleans (Vitter).


AVOID E-MAILS AND TEXT MESSAGES. Foley was done in, in part, by his sick e-mails to congressional pages, Kilpatrick by his steamy texts. Tweets surely are next. Nothing ever truly vanishes on the Internet, and nothing goes viral faster than content that was digital to begin with.


TELL THE TRUTH. Former senator John Edwards of North Carolina destroyed himself not only with infidelity but with outrageous denials and coldly cynical lies about his affair with Rielle Hunter. He went up in flames the moment he was cornered in an L.A. hotel room. The bigger the lie, the bigger the eventual fall.


Which brings us back to Nikki Haley. She quickly and flatly denied that she had had any sexual involvement with either man, and despite inconclusive phone logs and speculative, hearsay e-mails, no evidence has surfaced to contradict her. She has vowed to resign from the governor’s office if anyone can prove that she is lying. So far, her denials and counterattacks have not only protected her, they actually allowed her to benefit from a backlash.


And that will continue. As long as she is telling the truth. Never forget John Edwards, the politician from the other Carolina.



Anonymous ID: 288d3b Nov. 17, 2023, 2:44 p.m. No.19933544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3560 >>3600




>jovial moose pedo


Now do you understand the media IS Pizzagate?

Former editor-in-chief of The Recount, Slade Sohmer, was charged for the possession and distribution of child pornography, according to Massachusetts authorities. The 44-year-old reportedly disseminated “hundreds of child pornography images and videos,” as reported by The Berkshire Eagle. Sohmer, who also worked as a camp counselor for a New York City-based nonprofit, was arrested at his residence in Otis, Massachusetts after a search warrant led to the seizure of his electronic devices. The former editor pleaded not guilty to two charges of possession and two charges of dissemination of child pornography upon his release on a $100,000 bail. The Recount is a far-left site founded by The Circus’s John Heilemann, who hired Sohmer as editor-in-chief. While Sohmer’s LinkedIn page still lists him as the Editor-in-Chief, The Recount has recently been sold to a far-left Gen-Z news network and its “Team” page is now blank. In 2018, Buzzfeed appeared to celebrate Sohmer


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JovialMoose · 46-50, M

You found one! Congrats!


Find more. Find them all.


But seriously… pizzagate was the trashiest thing ever. Some idiot brought an assault rifle and threatened a pizza parlor with no hidden child rooms and a place I frequent. Dangerous and moronic propaganda.

Anonymous ID: 288d3b Nov. 17, 2023, 2:47 p.m. No.19933560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3600


top knotch headline



Can You Guess Which One of These Men Is (Allegedly) a Homosexual Pedophile?


Posted on | November 16, 2023 | 28 Comments


Let me begin by thanking Ace of Spades for inspiring this little contest.


Both of the two men pictured above are liberal journalists. One of them is a frequent guest on the MSNBC program Morning Joe, and the other one was recently arrested on child pornography charges:


Court documents cited by the Berkshire Eagle earlier this week allege that [the suspect’s] phone contained disturbing video clips showing boys believed to be as young as 3 years of age being raped and forced to perform sex acts by adults.

Assistant District Attorney Marianne Shelvey said this was one of the most “egregious” cases of its kind she has come across.

If convicted, [the suspect] faces mandatory minimum sentences of 10 years in state prison if convicted of dissemination of child pornography and five years if convicted of possession of child pornography.


While I could keep you in suspense a while longer, I’ll go ahead and tell you that the suspect charged with child pornography is Slade Sohmer (the one in the photo on the right above), and not frequent MSNBC guest John Heilemann (in the photo at top left). However, the two men had a past business relationship. In 2019, Heilemann co-founded a video-news website called The Recount. Slade Sohmer was editor-in-chief of The Recount. More than $30 million in investment capital was plowed into The Recount before it went broke in December 2022. Two months later, it was announced that The Recount would be acquired by another video-media startup, the News Movement. Burning through $30 million in venture capital in four years is not a crime, but it certainly raises questions about Heilemann’s judgment, beyond the fact that his choice to be the site’s editor-in-chief is now facing child pornography charges.


By the time Sohmer was arrested, however, Heilemann had apparently exited The Recount — a site so obscure that I hadn’t even heard of it — and I wouldn’t have known of his connection to Sohmer if Ace hadn’t stuck Heilemann’s mugshot into his post. It seemed important to me to clarify that John Heilemann is not a homosexual pedophile who allegedly possessed “hundreds” of videos of young boys being raped.


As far as we know.


You’re welcome.

Anonymous ID: 288d3b Nov. 17, 2023, 2:53 p.m. No.19933600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3619 >>3639 >>3655 >>3671




Can one of you fags figure out how to save this offline?


Chuck Schumer

Slade Sohmer

Molly Jong Fast



Sen. Chuck Schumer & Ben Wikler



Fast Politics with Molly Jong-Fast

52 minutes


Senate Majority Leader,Charles Schumer, stops by to tell his story of what went down on 1/6 for the first time in full detail. Then chairman of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Ben Wikler, tells us the details of one of the most crucial states in the midterms and why you should focus your attention there.But the fun really starts at the top of the show when Editor-In-Chief of The Recount, Slade Sohmer, stops by to talkabout all the lunacy of the recent senate debates. See for privacy information.

Anonymous ID: 288d3b Nov. 17, 2023, 2:59 p.m. No.19933639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3648 >>3656 >>3671 >>3676


>Can one of you fags figure out how to save this offline?


Brian Stelter, Anne Alvergue & Debra McClutchy

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Brian Stelter, Anne Alvergue & Debra McClutchy



Fast Politics with Molly Jong-Fast

49 minutes


Brian Stelter joins us to talk about the flaws of modern-day political coverage.The Recount’s Slade Sohmer reacts to President Biden’s State of the Union address.Directors Anne Alvergue & Debra McClutchy tell us about their documentary, The Martha Mitchell Effect, which is now streaming on Netflix.See for privacy information.

Anonymous ID: 288d3b Nov. 17, 2023, 3:05 p.m. No.19933671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3673 >>3691



George Conway, Amb. Gordon Sondland& Nick Turner



Fast Politics with Molly Jong-Fast

59 minutes


George Conway stops by to react to Trump’s 2024 presidential announcement.Slade Sohmer the editor of The Recount, breaks down the latest details of the midterm. Ambassador Gordon Sondland stops by to talk to us about him time under Trump and his new book The Envoy. Then we’re joined by Nick Turner President of the Vera Institute, who will talk to us about crime and the effect it had on the midterms. See for privacy information.