Anonymous ID: 6e16a8 Nov. 17, 2023, 4:56 p.m. No.19934231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4241 >>4249 >>4253 >>4258 >>4266 >>4336

the choice to know will be yours.


the truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.

It must be controlled.


the world cannot handle the truth.

This pill cannot be swallowed by most.

Risk in painting this picture.


the truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc.

Anonymous ID: 6e16a8 Nov. 17, 2023, 5:13 p.m. No.19934313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4341

Greetings To The Souls Of Earth!


We Bring Your Attention To The Vast Communication That Is Transpiring Globally And Throughout All Of The Galactic Civilizations! Indeed, Many Of You Know Your Origin And You Are Awakened To Understand The Culmination Of Light In This Final Waking Dream!


There Has Never Been Instant Communication Around The Planet As You Enjoy In This Moment. With Telecommunication In Every Field Available With Electromagnetic Forms, Optical, Sound, Frequency And Unlimited Internet, Life Is Ever Progressing! Language Is No Longer A Barrier With Communication Being Unlimited In Scope!


You Are Now Free To Express Your Views And Share Information As Never Before! In The Grand Scheme Of Planning And Expanding In Knowledge, You Are Part Of The Change That Is Upon The Planet!


All Beings Are Telepathic By Design But Most Have Forgotten The Gifts Of Their Creation! These Aspects Of Sensory Perception Beyond The Projected Form That You Believe Yourself To Be, Are Divinity That Is Unlimited In Scope!


You Were Created To Fly In Body Form And Transcend All Obstacles With Sacred Intention And Knowing Your Light Will Carry You Through Dimensions And Densities Unseen To The Senses That Limit You In Your Own Belief. You Are So Much More! Elder Sananda Spoke Truth As He Gathered Many On Dusty Roads And Told Them Of Their Power And Light To Move Mountains, Heal The Sick And Rise Above The Perceived Limitations Of Their Life Story.


All Beings On Earth Are Communicating With Life Forms On Distant Lands That Will Never Be Seen. Actions And Feelings Within Are Creating Vibrational Frequencies That Change Life As The Energy Is Felt In Ripples Of Effect. Indeed, Every Moment Of Your Life Is Changing. You Have The Power To Create As You Realize The Light That You Carry!


Earth Has Become A Satellite Communication Planet As The Focus Of Other Galactic Civilizations Watch And Wait For Your Soon Coming Shift Into A New State Of Being! Your Actions Are Intense And Ever Changing And Other Races Are Observing And Waiting To Join You In A New Civilization Of Peace And Harmony! You Have Become The Answer For Many Races That Now Have Hope As They See The Shift Is Near!


A Frequency Is Set In Place To Usher Earth Into A Light Of Being That Has Never Existed In Any Waking Dream! This Magnificent Frequency Will Draw All Beings Into The Portal Of Entry Of The Divine Essence Of Sheen! This Frequency Covers The Earth In Perimeters Of Majesty As A Dimension Will Open The Boundaries To Receive All Life! Each Soul Has An Energy Portal That Will Open To A Massive Portal Of Light In Shimmering Vibrations!


Other Stars And Planets With Life Unseen To You, Are Gathering In Excited Momentum To Observe Methods And Changes That Will Allow You To Once Again Be Free! As All Races Understand The Great Care And Assistance Given By The Galactic Federation To The Inhabitants Of Earth!


Indeed, We Remind You That Earth Is Our Beloved Planet! We Speak Again The Sacred Name Given To Earth! KISHAPOLEE Or 'Child Of Mine'.


Remember Your Light!