This translation has been a combined effort by several people.
Chapters 4 and 5 from Volume 1, as well as Chapters 13, 14 and 16-27 were
translated pseudonymously by multiple people and posted online in 2010 at Some of these chapters did not have
English footnotes.
Chapters 2,3 and 6 through 12, as well as Chapter 15 have been translated
between February and March of the year 2017. They were made available
pseudonymously by David and Davina Davison at These chapters were translated
from French.
Chapter 1 is of unknown origin, it was posted on 8chan in pdf format.
Some footnotes from the French edition have been edited in. The translation for
this chapter is not complete and a better version will likely be made and
included in future editions of this work.
Other translations of some of these chapters can be found online. There
exists an alternative partial translation of chapters 2,3 and 6 from the original
Russian. I decided to use the one made by the Davisons because the writing was
of superior quality and no difference in the content was found.
If you find any errors in this publication, look for my contact details at The
Incorrect Library.
March 2017