Anonymous ID: 7d8d74 Nov. 22, 2023, 6 a.m. No.19958575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8587 >>8589 >>8593 >>8599 >>8633


it goes farther back than that, anon.

the counter culture personas were also in Jazz, and in other areas too.

'Hippy' was a name from San Francisco.

first they hade the 'beatniks' : the root 'nik' is not English.

Kerouac was supposedly 'important' with his 'On The Road'.

later he realized that the 'movement' people who attached themselves to his fame were a lot of leftists and marxists.

in the end he loathed Ginsberg.

Bouroughs , William Bouroughs, was a child of wealth and he was also a junkie. He used to speak a lot of redpill talk, even 40 years ago. He is worth reviewing, though his books are very hard to understand, and often not worth the time.

Counter culture goes back a long long way.

The reason for so much discontent in the 60s was that it became obvious that the 'dream' of cheep housing often resulted in abusive alchoholics living in the suburbs with a large crop of ferrel youth who were shopped between church, school, band, and atheletics and prayed upon by coaches, ministers, teachers, and piano teachers.

Anonymous ID: 7d8d74 Nov. 22, 2023, 6:09 a.m. No.19958608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8618 >>8624 >>8632


what were communes?

someone wanted land.

they were connected

they could 'borrow' from dad's bank

they grew a beard.

they said 'come live and work the land on our commune'

then they would work the people for about a month, at which time the person would get fed up and leave.

so they were able to run their little camp for free.


how many times have I heard the story about 'oh, they all wanted us to march over the 'some governement facility' and they wanted us to accost the police and they got behind us and started chanting anti-american solgans and pushing us towards the police' and then 'they all started disappearing leaving the ones who thought it was a social movement and were what might be called 'dupes' to get arrested and ruin their lives in a needless protest turned riot.


or how about all those 'free love' people from the 70s, Manhattan, Miami, Key West, Los Angeles, San Francisco.

love orgy naked gay no limits, sex? more like ritual satanic abuse.

drugs? more like 'put them under so we can rape them harder.

they got sick. they had skin diseases.

they were sex and drug addicts, still trying to pick people up. they were 'counter culture' but sick and dieing.



intelligent people realize when they are young that 'counterculture' excess isn't 'cool', but a deathwish.

sadly for many of them they are already too addicted and too diseased to reform quick enough.

Anonymous ID: 7d8d74 Nov. 22, 2023, 6:16 a.m. No.19958631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8639


go study anthropology for a while.

you'll find out that there are always elders who put limits on behaviors.

there are always taboos for certain types of sexual activity.

there are always leaders who run it all.

always children who must rise up in social standing.

the ideas of some 'free love natives on an island and sex sex sex no issues' was always a lie.


'though prison'? how about 'social decorum'.

go study anthropology. You're ignorant of it.

Anonymous ID: 7d8d74 Nov. 22, 2023, 6:22 a.m. No.19958656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8693


no, anon, I'm giving you examples of some people. Marxists who pray on young people and fill there heads up with nonsnse to use them as what they call 'useful idiots'.


they do their damage and do not care. they don't see a soul in need of guidance, a person in need of council, they see a sterotype in need of abusing.

not everyone is like that, anon.


you read what I wrote and thought that I was saying 'all' but I never said that.

the 'sexual revolution' was more like a revolution of excess and most people were looking for spouses, even then. They did what they thought that they needed to do to fit in.

and it was only those who had families with exceptional abusive situations, like a drunk dad who abused his daughters , that would run off and make a bunch of marxists rich-kid posers-as-rebels (whose parents ran the banks) as 'family'.

so broken home abusive parents people

ended up pray for cultists, marxists, and sex trafficers who called it 'social and sexual liberation'

Anonymous ID: 7d8d74 Nov. 22, 2023, 6:25 a.m. No.19958677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8692 >>8701



there were those in San Francisco who were fully aware of the psyop being played on them and did their best to counter it.

Anonymous ID: 7d8d74 Nov. 22, 2023, 6:36 a.m. No.19958719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8728 >>8741


what are you claiming I said?

I got to watch it as a child.

I read 'Do it' when I was too young to understand.

I saw my brrother drift off.

I saw other pepole get ruined.

our neighborhood was depopulated and ended up with no one there anymore.

I heard the stories of the people who were much older than I was, telling me, warning me, giving me their stories. I studied Kerouac and Bouroughs. I read about the hippies. I wasn't one of them. I didn't go to SF in 1967.

I wasn't in Manhattan for the stonewall riots.

I got to watch a lot of people who got sick and died.

I got to see up close the effects on those who had been abuse victims. They would tell me their stories. I would liisten non judgementally.


when there are people here trying to promote culture of death libertine sexuality, and 'LSD is fun' (which it certainly is not) then I speak up.

they got their 'oh the beautiful Hippys' script. and 'sex and drugs and rock-n-roll' and I'm here to say "no, it wasn't fun, it wasn't easy, and free sex, peole who 'give it away' are called 'sluts' by those who take the offer. And if they trade it, the are called 'whores'

most people who fall into that pit get sick eventually and reform.

they become strong and faithful in later life if they survive.

the leftists, andmarxists, who want constant cultural revolution, believe that no sacrifice is too much to get it.

even they will be sacrificed themselves.

they don't see each person as needing salvation. They see people are sheep and call people 'useful idiots'.

a stern warning that it's not the way that it was promoted, that the 'free love' persona was never real (sex was always a transaction for approval).

and it's dangerous for your health and social standing to think that a free love persona actually ever works.

more likely the one who wants to 'give it for free' these day, if they aren't looking for a commitement, is some kind of energy vampire looking for his/or/her next victim.

or even a real vampire who will bleed you out after they inject you and strap you down.

that's what you find in some parts, when you travel alone, and I figured it long before anyone had the chance to try it on me.

Anonymous ID: 7d8d74 Nov. 22, 2023, 6:44 a.m. No.19958739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8761


not the fun police. I asked the question 'what is fun' and none of you answered.

I know what fun is for me, I wanted to hear it from someone else.

when you take LSD youopen doors in your mind that probably ought to be more carefully considered as to if you're ready to handle what's behind that door.


if you overdose on alkoloids it's an instant mystical trip into the ruins of your past mentality. Some say it even opens doors to spirits and/or demons.

so no one who isn't prepared ought to go that route.

and if you do go that route, you'd better be in a situatin where you can go somewhere to a lonely place apart while you deal with your own mental freak show.

it's not fun.

Anonymous ID: 7d8d74 Nov. 22, 2023, 6:55 a.m. No.19958784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8794



he was strong enough and wise enough to sort through it all.

a teenager, who was abused and man handled by betrayers, probably isn't strong enough and wise enough to endure an LSD carnival ride.


PS: if you mediate and spend a lot of time in contemplation you can get to that 'change my life' place without LSD.


If it were me and I thought that alkoloid overdose was 'ok' I'd not do it at a party, and I'd not think it was for 'fun' and I'm speaking from observation.


for those who are exceptionally blocked, emotionally, microdoses might start to open the locks of their minds and let them start to remember the stuff from their past that they were blocking.

such a person might have an awful lot of stuff that they need to go over.

and for that person alkoloid poisoning (overdose) is going to make them seem crazy for a while.

crazy gets you to the mental hospital where abuse is par for the course.

for anyone who did have an overdose of alkoloids situation: don't tell anyone when your still crazy. pretend to be 'normal'

PS: there is no normal.

the natural way of man is to love the people around you.

so just do that, and I"m not talking about sex.


if you ever get to that 'tripping balls' place, either on purpose or by accident, don't tell anyone. Just live through it.

don't commit yourself.

don't try to fly or do things that are impossible.

and don't hang around with manipulators and human traffickers.

Anonymous ID: 7d8d74 Nov. 22, 2023, 6:57 a.m. No.19958794   🗄️.is 🔗kun


wait, let me modify that: youcan tell a trusted friend who will help you get through it, give you a place while you're crazy, and let you come down from the arid mountain of forced emtional discord.