Anonymous ID: 997666 Nov. 22, 2023, 7:30 a.m. No.19958919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8960

For those who are interested in learning just how long the government has been force feeding false crap to the public, check out all of the relatively recent developments in the JFK assassination case.


Now that we are all familiar with tissue and blood spatter analysis from CSI type shows, such an analysis has been retroactively performed. In the attached YT video of the book, "Last Second," we find there were two shots that hit Kennedy's head just fractions of a second apart. Blood and tissue hit the secret service agent running toward the presidential limousine and the two motorcycle cops riding to the left and slightly behind the car. When something hard like skull bone hit one of the motorcycle cops, he originally thought he was hit by a bullet. The object hit with such force, it negates the flimsy theory that he was hit by a "cloud" of debris just suspended in the air. This shot had to have come from behind the fence in the area of the grassy knoll. This is what witnesses still insist they heard. One of the motorcycle cops left his ride and ran up toward the fence right after that shot, as he was certain that was where gunfire had come from. He also reported smelling gunpowder lingering in the area.


What sound techs discovered and blood spatter seen on the Zapruder film confirmed was the existence of a "fourth" shot that hit JFK's head just a fraction of a second after the hit from the grassy knoll. This fourth shot has a trajectory that appears to point back the the Texas School Book Depository building.


When you scan more of the YT vids out there, the issue of the magic bullet is debunked. Most recently, a secret service agent now says he found the so-called "pristine" bullet on the back of the limo after they had gotten JFK out of the car. He said he pocketed it and placed it on JFK's stretcher at Parkland, so as not to "lose" an important piece of evidence. Therefore the "pristine" bullet was not the magic bullet that went through JFK and Gov Connelly making 7 wounds, while remaining almost perfect. That bullet was never anywhere near Connelly. Other analysis suggests Connelly was hit by a shot taken from the top of another building (not the TSBD), indicating at least a third shooter.


Still other reports suggest a fourth shooter somewhere in the area of the highway overpass, but that one is difficult to justify as there were police and a few other witnesses stationed on that overpass. Still, the Parkland doctors first say the neck wound was an entrance wound. One witness from the overpass insists he heard at least five shots. This tells me that it was possible that more than one shot was taken almost simultaneously (like the final two shots within a second). This likely confused many witnesses, many of whom thought they only heard three shots. One report also said the sound of the shots tended to echo off the tall buildings, further confusing the issue.


Believe what you want, and do your own scan of the new info, but for me, I am convinced:


  1. There were multiple shooters, therefore a conspiracy.

  2. Oswald was selected to be the patsy. (whether he fired any shots or not, that is not exactly clear)

  3. LBJ and J Edgar Hoover pushed for the bogus Warren Commission findings and insured the coverup would occur. They actively attacked researchers who were trying to dig for actual facts.