George Washington kissed the Jewish Talmud under oath.
George Washington kissed the Jewish Talmud under oath.
>Would YOU want to give up a sub 3% mortgage today? No.
Fuck mortgages to begin with it's just slavery.
George Washington kissed the Jewish Talmud under oath.
>Q will post when he/she is ready
George Washington kissed the Jewish Talmud under oath.
It's a pretty fucking important fucking note. There are literally fucking clubhouses in this entire shit hole country.
> fucking commie mouth.
> He was George Fucking Washington
You're clinging pretty hard to the past ignoring your present situation where you don't even live in a country that protects the bill of rights. You're protecting a corporate communist state and everything you know is a lie, bet you've never actually spilled blood for this country.
>full later for evidence of anon's claim, thx
Master Mason ceremony, Mason kisses The Jewish Talmud. George Washington was a Master Mason. That's my claim.
I just posted a video of a Master Mason ceremony anon and pointed out that they objectively kiss and swear an oath to the Jewish Talmud. The only training I ever received was in the Army when I spilled blood for this lie of a country.
Watch this video where the Master Masons kiss the Talmud.
>I donโt know, do you?
5th Column
Checked, you're a fucking pedophile.