Anonymous ID: 46666b Nov. 22, 2023, 11:32 p.m. No.19963806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3814 >>3836 >>3839 >>3848 >>3853 >>3863 >>3865 >>3877 >>3897 >>3898 >>3899 >>3994

Donald J. Trump



Happy Thanksgiving to ALL, including the Racist & Incompetent Attorney General of New York State, Letitia “Peekaboo” James, who has let Murder & Violent Crime FLOURISH, & Businesses FLEE; the Radical Left Trump Hating Judge, a “Psycho,” Arthur Engoron, who Criminally Defrauded the State of New York, & ME, by purposely Valuing my Assets at a “tiny” Fraction of what they are really worth in order to convict me of Fraud before even a Trial, or seeing any PROOF, & used his Politically Biased & Corrupt Campaign Finance Violator, Chief Clerk Alison Greenfield, to sit by his side on the “Bench” & tell him what to do; & Crooked Joe Biden, who has WEAPONIZED his Department of Injustice against his Political Opponent, & allowed our Country to go to HELL; & all of the other Radical Left Lunatics, Communists, Fascists, Marxists, Democrats, & RINOS, who are seriously looking to DESTROY OUR COUNTRY. Have no fear, however, we will WIN the Presidential Election of 2024, & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!


Nov 23, 2023,2:03AM

Anonymous ID: 46666b Nov. 22, 2023, 11:41 p.m. No.19963818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3897 >>3898 >>3899 >>3994

Wisconsin Victories bringing Remedy through Using Notices: A Timeline of Events


The People of Wisconsin have been instructing their government servants using notices to bring remedy to the people. Wisconsin is having a big win after instructing the legislature on their granted authority from the people to impeach Meghan Wolfe, dissolve the WEC, ERIC, and other issues surrounding the Peoples Election processes. The Big wins are starting to come in with the removal of Meghan Wolfe, government servants now working to start the process for her impeachment, resolution to remove E.R.I.C. and other things the People sent notice for.


legislators are asking for your help and show of more support by signing these notices. Here are the links to the two notices that the people can autograph to support the efforts of those in the legislature that want to do good for the people and to become one of the people taking active effort to correct and regulate their internal government.


Notice of maladministration and trespass of rights to free and fair elections


final notice on WEC and Meagan Wolfe


2023 Assembly Resolution on Impeachment of Wolfe Document



Huge thank you to Dave Jose that has taught the People to stand on our authority and Remedy that is reserved to the people in the Law.



Anonymous ID: 46666b Nov. 22, 2023, 11:43 p.m. No.19963821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4028

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump


Hostage deal substantially delayed. Too much talk, no action!!! Some hostages held by criminal syndicates of which Hamas has no control. ZERO RESPECT FOR THE UNITED STATES, & OUR INCOMPETENT LEADERSHIP!


Nov 23, 2023, 12:43 AM

Anonymous ID: 46666b Nov. 23, 2023, 12:56 a.m. No.19963897   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>>19963806, >>19963847, >>19963814, >>19963877 Donald J. Trump: Happy Thanksgiving to ALL, including… TOP KEK

>>19963552, >>19963563 Donald Trump: Hostage deal substantially delayed. Too much talk, no action!!! Some hostages held by criminal syndicates of which Hamas has no control. ZERO

>>19963580, >>19963613 POTUS updated his banner to the military.

>>19958547 pb, >>19958571 pb, >>19958577 pb, >>19958617 pb, >>19958686 pb, >>19957344 pb, >>19957359 pb, >>19957420 pb, >>19957436 pb, >>19958709 pb, >>19958813 pb, >>19958822 pb Donald J. Trump: D5 D5 @dualheadedeagle Ron DeDe Sanctimonious, Double Zero Deltas on 2/17/2019 double confirmed by 2Q+drops

>>19963557 Pulmonary nodule? SOUNDS LIKE MOAR FEAR PORN sounds like they just want to jab them kids with something. do not take any jabs

>>19963506 @elonmusk made Q trend in 🇦🇺❗️Thank Q

>>19963779, >>19963760 Gov. Andy Beshear has declared a state of emergency following a multiple-car train derailment that occurred in Rockcastle County this afternoon.

>>19963818 Wisconsin Victories bringing Remedy through Using Notices: A Timeline of Events 1:24:37

>>19963879 Dood who started the rumor? Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS

Anonymous ID: 46666b Nov. 23, 2023, 12:56 a.m. No.19963898   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>>19963806, >>19963847, >>19963814, >>19963877 Donald J. Trump: Happy Thanksgiving to ALL, including… TOP KEK

>>19963552, >>19963563 Donald Trump: Hostage deal substantially delayed. Too much talk, no action!!! Some hostages held by criminal syndicates of which Hamas has no control. ZERO

>>19963580, >>19963613 POTUS updated his banner to the military.

>>19963557 Pulmonary nodule? SOUNDS LIKE MOAR FEAR PORN sounds like they just want to jab them kids with something. do not take any jabs

>>19963506 @elonmusk made Q trend in 🇦🇺❗️Thank Q

>>19963779, >>19963760 Gov. Andy Beshear has declared a state of emergency following a multiple-car train derailment that occurred in Rockcastle County this afternoon.

>>19963818 Wisconsin Victories bringing Remedy through Using Notices: A Timeline of Events 1:24:37

>>19963879 Dood who started the rumor? Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS


>>19958547 pb, >>19958571 pb, >>19958577 pb, >>19958617 pb, >>19958686 pb, >>19957344 pb, >>19957359 pb, >>19957420 pb, >>19957436 pb, >>19958709 pb, >>19958813 pb, >>19958822 pb Donald J. Trump: D5 D5 @dualheadedeagle Ron DeDe Sanctimonious, Double Zero Deltas on 2/17/2019 double confirmed by 2Q+drops

Anonymous ID: 46666b Nov. 23, 2023, 12:56 a.m. No.19963899   🗄️.is 🔗kun



#24509 >>19963465

>>19963806, >>19963847, >>19963814, >>19963877 Donald J. Trump: Happy Thanksgiving to ALL, including… TOP KEK

>>19963552, >>19963563 Donald Trump: Hostage deal substantially delayed. Too much talk, no action!!! Some hostages held by criminal syndicates of which Hamas has no control. ZERO

>>19963580, >>19963613 POTUS updated his banner to the military.

>>19963557 Pulmonary nodule? SOUNDS LIKE MOAR FEAR PORN sounds like they just want to jab them kids with something. do not take any jabs

>>19963506 @elonmusk made Q trend in 🇦🇺❗️Thank Q

>>19963779, >>19963760 Gov. Andy Beshear has declared a state of emergency following a multiple-car train derailment that occurred in Rockcastle County this afternoon.

>>19963818 Wisconsin Victories bringing Remedy through Using Notices: A Timeline of Events 1:24:37

>>19963879 Dood who started the rumor? Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS


>>19958547 pb, >>19958571 pb, >>19958577 pb, >>19958617 pb, >>19958686 pb, >>19957344 pb, >>19957359 pb, >>19957420 pb, >>19957436 pb, >>19958709 pb, >>19958813 pb, >>19958822 pb Donald J. Trump: D5 D5 @dualheadedeagle Ron DeDe Sanctimonious, Double Zero Deltas on 2/17/2019 double confirmed by 2Q+drops

Anonymous ID: 46666b Nov. 23, 2023, 1:03 a.m. No.19963906   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yeah, we've lost some amazing people along the way… it stings..

wonder how its been for the og's of Q

wonder how john, don and all of them are today


good day to reflect on the massive sacrifices both sides have made and taken


God bless the United States of America

Anonymous ID: 46666b Nov. 23, 2023, 1:05 a.m. No.19963909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3911







Replying to @realDonaldTrump

Happy Danksgiving! ✅

Anonymous ID: 46666b Nov. 23, 2023, 1:21 a.m. No.19963932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3991 >>3994


MJTruth ✅






US Air Marshals Have Not Been Monitoring Potential Terrorists the Last Few Years— Instead, They’ve Been Monitoring Americans who Flew into DC on JANUARY 6 in a Mission Called “Quiet Skies”


“The only missions that we're doing are quiet skies missions, and those are missions that are following the January 2021 people.


Most of these people did not even commit a crime. They weren't even at the Capitol.


Sonya Labosco of the Air Marshals National Council.


Nov 22, 2023, 6:56 PM



Air Marshals are Monitoring Americans Called “Quiet Skies”, who Flew into DC on J6 Instead of Monitoring Potential Terrorist Threats


Anonymous ID: 46666b Nov. 23, 2023, 1:30 a.m. No.19963947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3994 >>4162

Devin Nunes ReTruthed


Amanda Milius



🚨 Announcement: 🚨


We would like to announce that The Plot Against the President movie has been released @OnLocals & @rumblevideo as of tonight for Thanksgiving day & beyond!


Links to both:


The Plot Against the President


The Plot Against the President - Official Documentary (2020)


Exclusive: Amazon Prime Video Removes ‘The Plot Against the President’ Documentary Without Explanation

Anonymous ID: 46666b Nov. 23, 2023, 1:49 a.m. No.19963994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4000 >>4004 >>4013



#24509 >>19963465

>>19963806, >>19963847, >>19963814, >>19963877 Donald J. Trump: Happy Thanksgiving to ALL, including… TOP KEK

>>19963552, >>19963563 Donald Trump: Hostage deal substantially delayed. Too much talk, no action!!! Some hostages held by criminal syndicates of which Hamas has no control. ZERO

>>19963580, >>19963613 POTUS updated his banner to the military.

>>19963557 Pulmonary nodule? SOUNDS LIKE MOAR FEAR PORN sounds like they just want to jab them kids with something. do not take any jabs

>>19963506, >>19963912 @elonmusk made Q trend in 🇦🇺❗️Thank Q

>>19963779, >>19963760 Gov. Andy Beshear has declared a state of emergency following a multiple-car train derailment that occurred in Rockcastle County this afternoon.

>>19963818 Wisconsin Victories bringing Remedy through Using Notices: A Timeline of Events 1:24:37

>>19963879 Dood who started the rumor? Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS

>>19963932 Air Marshals are Monitoring Americans Called “Quiet Skies”

>>19963947 The Plot Against the President movie has been released @OnLocals & @rumblevideo as of tonight for Thanksgiving day &

>>19958547 pb, >>19958571 pb, >>19958577 pb, >>19958617 pb, >>19958686 pb, >>19957344 pb, >>19957359 pb, >>19957420 pb, >>19957436 pb, >>19958709 pb, >>19958813 pb, >>19958822 pb Donald J. Trump: D5 D5 @dualheadedeagle Ron DeDe Sanctimonious, Double Zero Deltas on 2/17/2019 double confirmed by 2Q+drops



time for sleep, happy thanksgiving

Anonymous ID: 46666b Nov. 23, 2023, 2:05 a.m. No.19964055   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Donald J. Trump



The Brief: Trump trial judge should read my book on the Constitution and bone up on civil liberties | Gregg Jarrett


Gregg is joined by Alina Habba, one of former President Donald Trump’s lawyers in the current civil fraud trial in New York


Gregg Jarrett

Nov 22, 2023, 5:19 PM