Antita Moncrief, ACORN & Obama Whistlebower
good for digging
many things in the video have already been proven true
Antita Moncrief, ACORN & Obama Whistlebower
good for digging
many things in the video have already been proven true
The cabal wants us to be 'vegan' and refrain from eating meat. Now there is a tick-borne willness that causes a meat allerty.
Long Islanders Take Shelter From Tick Threat This Summer
Experts blame the lone star tick for such tick-borne illnesses as meat allergy alpha-gal
By Lara Korte
Fear of tick-borne illnesses in eastern Long Island has some residents choosing to spend their summer inside their homes rather than the great outdoors.
John Rasweiler, 65, who lives in Southold on the island’s North Fork, said that even just a simple walk across his lawn from his car to the front door of his home could lead to a parasite bite.
“And in the 10, 15 seconds that I’m crossing that, I have actually picked up ticks,” he said.
Mr. Rasweiler is a member of the town’s tick working group, which was formed to deal with the irritating insects. He said the problem has gotten so bad that residents are hesitant to do yard work or allow children outside to play.
“The tick crisis is probably one of the largest public health and safety and welfare issues facing the town and facing the east end,” Southold town supervisor, Scott Russell, said.
Experts say the lone star tick, a species named for the single white spot on its back, could be to blame for the rising numbers of tick-borne illnesses, including a meat allergy known as alpha-gal.
“There has always been a tick problem,” said Dr. Erin McGintee, an allergist at ENT and Allergy in Southampton who grew up on the east end of Long Island. “But it’s definitely getting worse.”
Since 2010, Dr. McGintee said she has seen 450 cases of alpha-gal, which can cause severe allergic reactions to the ingestion of non-primate mammal meat, such as beef and pork. The allergy is the result of the body’s reaction to the tick’s saliva, which creates antibodies that then attack a carbohydrate found in all non-primate mammal meat.
Dr. McGintee said her patients with the diagnosis have ranged in age from 3 to over 90 years old.
“They’ll eat a burger for dinner, and three to six hours later, they’ll wake up in the middle of the night having an allergic reaction,” Dr. McGintee said. “And it can range from hives and itching to severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.”
Lyme disease, which is spread by black-legged or deer ticks, is the most common type of tick-borne illness. But Bryon Backenson, deputy director of the state’s Bureau of Communicable Disease Control, said New York has actually been seeing fewer cases of Lyme disease reported out of Long Island.
Other, lesser-known illnesses, such as alpha-gal, ehrlichiosis, babesiosis and anaplasmosis are on the rise, giving an early indication that the disease dynamics may be changing in the region.
“Which makes sense because the ticks are starting to show up in different places as well,” Mr. Backenson said.
There is no tried and true method for exterminating ticks as there is for mosquitoes, according to Mr. Backenson. Pesticides can help, but because their application is up to individual homeowners, neighborhoods can end up with a “checkerboard” pattern that is often ineffective.
“Trying to control ticks over a really wide geographic area, like a citywide or countywide thing is really, really difficult,” Mr. Backenson said.
Residents say part of the tick problem could be the deer population, which according to locals has skyrocketed in recent years, taking out much of the forest understory and providing an abundant food supply to ticks.
“It’s gotten really bad,” said Jim Edwards, founder of Hamilton Archers, a hunting group in Southold dedicated to reducing the deer population. “You can’t walk through the woods, kids can’t play in the grass.”
During hunting season, October to late January, Mr. Edwards and a group of about six local men dedicate their time to harvesting female deer in the North Fork area. Last season, the group collected 108 does, donating much of the venison to food pantries.
Some studies have shown this method to be effective in reducing the number of ticks, Mr. Backenson said, but deer hunting will never drive the tick population to zero.
Residents are encouraged to take precaution when venturing outdoors: tuck pants into socks, use a repellent with DEET, and do frequent tick-checks to avoid the possibility of contracting an illness.
Ticks should be removed as soon as possible using fine-tip tweezers, according to the New York Department of Health.
Dr. McGintee said for most patients who develop alpha-gal, the allergy will go away completely if they can avoid tick bites. But in Long Island’s east end, even taking the most extreme precautions doesn’t come with a guarantee.
“It’s a challenge living in an area where lone star ticks are so prevalent,” she said.
thanks anon
nice vampire widows peak
sometimes the LEFT eyebrow fuckery is very obvious… sometimes it is more subtle…. check out Phillipine Rothschild…. the upward brushing of the left eyebrow the downward brushing of the right eyebrow… here are 2 photos…. there are many more
Murphy looks like he has a lot of extra left eyebrow….
not everyone can grow long eyebrows that can be tweaked….
This video of ACORN & Obama whistleblower Anita Moncrief is fantastic.
She covers all of their fundraising and voter registration scams.
She goes over the ACORN "Socialism Wish List"
In the graphics - notice all of the blue to green symbolism.
She talks about the retreats in Arkansas and names names
It is a fantastic video.
Will put some screen shots in comment on post.
Anita Moncrief video
IMO…it is helpful to be able to read without having to click on the image on 8ch…. some anons will scroll by and not click…. better if they can read without clicking… make the text in the center stand out more