I wonder if "leftist" means something different in Mexico. If this guy is "good news", then it must be that white hats helped clean up things down there (the 500+ murders before the election). If not, then those murders are black hat ops, and this guy's cabal.
>but in Mexico's case, im not sure if they have a good guy yet, time will tell…
Yeah, that's what I'm wondering.
Wait, what? It wasn't supposed to happen until 3:45 pm EDT?
Q, I know you're here. We've been pushing all weekend to get the Press Corps involved. This is what you wanted, yes?
Tell Sarah I'm sorry about the misspelling.
45 Thousand arrests will. Just sayin…
Methinks Henry isn't playing that cabal stuff.
New NSA Crypto Challenge. I wonder if there's a crumb in there…