Morning anons…
this anons has the sense of it, at least from my perspective…
We approach a HARVEST…wheat from the tares if you will…
what will be harvested? Two type of Souls. One we would think of as evil or service to self, the other good or service to others. These are people who have made a CHOICE (and why you see some anons starting to say #choose). They have decided on their POLARITY and are moving to their respective poles. If someone is 95% evil (service to self) they are harvestable. If someone is 51% good (service to others) then they are harvestable.
what will not be harvested = all those folks in the middle who did not CHOOSE.
No one knows the numbers. The last to harvest on earth were MINIMAL. This one looks to be epic. It was trending negative but we have flipped it BIGLY.
What physically happens when this occurs I am working on but it almost 100% has to do with the SON (sun).