Anonymous ID: bdfebb Dec. 5, 2023, 8:51 p.m. No.20032829   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2852





No sauce like most of the very few non shill posts



Easy this one



Broke dick can’t come up w/ nuffin new


Just like this one


Stale- where’s “biblical” & “ hold the line”



moar staleness


Yer saving everyone right?

You’ve got the most and the biggest yes man on this board







Anonymous ID: bdfebb Dec. 5, 2023, 9:09 p.m. No.20032886   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2978 >>3003 >>3137 >>3139 >>3141 >>3267 >>3331

Japan adds Chinese nuclear weapons lab and 35 others to WMD concern list


Japan revised its End User List, which provides exporters with information on foreign entities possibly involved in activities such as the development of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), on Wednesday. Thirty-six organizations and institutions including the China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP), the research and manufacturing center for Chinese nuclear weapons have been newly added to the list. The revision will take effect on Monday. Japan aims to prevent the outflow of civilian technology that could be diverted to military use.

Exporters are required to get approval from the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry to export products to the listed organizations unless it is clear that the materials will not be used to develop weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear weapons or missiles. With the latest revision, the list totals 706 organizations in 15 countries and regions. Machine tools produced by Japanese companies and others are suspected of being used by CAEP, according to a Nikkei investigation. The economy ministry makes the list to enhance the effectiveness of its "catch-all" control system, which obliges exporters to apply for an export license for goods that may be used for the development of weapons of mass destruction even if the goods are not subject to export restrictions under international agreements. The list has been issued since catch-all controls were introduced in April 2002, and it is revised about once a year. It is not an embargo list.

In addition to catch-all controls, Japan enforces "list controls" by listing sensitive items including goods, technology or software that are subject to regulation. List controls require exporters to apply for a license when exporting or transferring listed items to a foreign country.

Even items that do not fall under this list cannot be exported without permission if there are security concerns at the export destination. In applying for a permit, the company exporting the item is obliged to check the intended use at the destination to see if there is any possibility that it could be converted into a weapon of mass destruction.


Moar on Japan and he still won’t deal with the unification church issue and so out of control they just cancel the political events cuz they don’t want to be seen continuing to take the money….totally captured but this is about muh taxes though…Kek


Kishida intends to ask LDP factions to refrain from holding fundraising events


NHK has learned that Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio is preparing to ask the main ruling Liberal Democratic Party's factions to refrain from holding fundraising events, until the party takes steps to restore the public's confidence in it.

Five factions of the LDP allegedly underreported the revenues that they received from sales of tickets for fundraising events.

The party's largest faction is also suspected of giving kickbacks to dozens of members who exceeded their quotas for the sales of such tickets. The faction was once led by late Prime Minister Abe Shinzo.

Sources say Kishida plans to make the request when he meets with senior LDP officials on Wednesday.

Kishida previously said that it would be regrettable if the scandals raised suspicions among members of the public. He said that he intends to think about how the LDP should deal with the scandals.

Anonymous ID: bdfebb Dec. 5, 2023, 9:23 p.m. No.20032923   🗄️.is đź”—kun


> But didn’t realise they had the power to control your bank accounts

certainly not defending the bank here AT ALL However this is the mentality of many and don’t even know the bank has very little hard cash available at any given time.

Completely unaware about finance and the legalities of banking operations…until it’s gone or funds are missing and accounts moved or closed.

Bill paying money in ANY bank ONLY

That may not be practical for many but you can lower your reliance on them quite a bit if you try

Not easy if you have a big family but doable

Anonymous ID: bdfebb Dec. 5, 2023, 10:41 p.m. No.20033059   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3137 >>3139 >>3141 >>3267 >>3331

PF: 57-1483 KC-135 tanker over western Iraq at refueling altitude-26k Ft and certainly not alone and refueling a variety of fighter platforms


Have not seen the E-11A BACN GLEX up lately and that means it’s bizzy (think aerial wi-fi) and cap 3 is an older version and has the appendages on the airframe for the electronics packages- the newer ones look almost identical to a standard Global Explorer to untrained eye with no large additions just small bulges


Battlefield Airborne Communications Node (BACN)


BACN Bridges the Gap

In theater operations, mountainous terrain inhibited line-of-sight communications; diverse weapon systems were unable to communicate with each other; warfighters could only see a limited picture of the battlespace. BACN bridges the gap between disparate systems, platforms and sensors, enabling essential situational awareness ranging from small ground units in contact with enemy forces to the highest command levels to deliver the right information to the right user at the right time.


In response to a Joint Urgent Operational Need (JUON), Northrop Grumman accelerated integration of BACN onto manned aircraft and provided this indispensable capability to the warfighter in 9 months. The BD700 aircraft integrated with BACN were delivered in theater ahead of already aggressive schedules.



The ubiquitous IAF C130 Hercules up in usual places