Anonymous ID: 307a49 Dec. 6, 2023, 2:55 p.m. No.20036352   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6369 >>6432 >>6594

Benny Johnson



🚨 BREAKING: Joe Biden raises the possibility of “American troops fighting Russian troops”…


12:11 PM · Dec 6, 2023


Anonymous ID: 307a49 Dec. 6, 2023, 2:56 p.m. No.20036358   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6367 >>6372 >>6377 >>6651

NZ and the MRNA




The NZ injunction is being ENFORCED around the world.


If you hold this data on a live server, you are at risk of losing EVERYTHING stored on your server as your account will be DELETED


US Genomics expert Kevin McKernan says he woke up to find that his entire MEGA account, including medical genome sequencing and vaccine sequencing data, with an estimated value of US$200,000, had been suddenly deleted.


McKernan is one of the leading scientists involved in researching DNA contamination in the mRNA Covid vaccines - all his sequencing data of the Pfizer and Moderna DNA contamination has been LOST


#nz #mrna #whistleblower #covidvaccines #informedconsent

12:09 PM · Dec 5, 2023


Anonymous ID: 307a49 Dec. 6, 2023, 2:59 p.m. No.20036372   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6374



Steve Kirsch


Absolutely right. This is my data and the NZ Health authorities are requiring all hosting providers to take the accounts down who host MY data. Nearly 1 TB of Kevin's own data was deleted by MEGA because Kevin hosted MY data. Wasabi and MEGA are not trustable.


NZ and the MRNA



Dec 5



The NZ injunction is being ENFORCED around the world.


If you hold this data on a live server, you are at risk of losing EVERYTHING stored on your server as your account will be DELETED


US Genomics expert Kevin…

Show more

1:43 PM · Dec 5, 2023

Anonymous ID: 307a49 Dec. 6, 2023, 3:03 p.m. No.20036393   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Sulaiman Ahmed





“The fascist occupation government granted an official license for a demonstration by Zionist extremists in occupied Jerusalem on December 7th under the name (Al-Qawasim March), demanding full control of Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem, and the removal of Islamic endowments from the Al-Aqsa Mosque campus; It is a dangerous attempt to impose Zionist control over the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. Our people will not allow it, no matter the cost.


As we call on our Palestinian people in the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the occupied interior, to mobilize in general and to unite in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, and to stand in the face of these criminal plans, we call on the Arab and Islamic nations, and the brothers in the Kingdom of Jordan, and from the standpoint of the Hashemite custodianship of the Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem, to take action. Immediate and urgent, and assume their historical responsibilities towards what is happening in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, the place of pilgrimage of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the first qibla of Muslims”

9:05 AM · Dec 5, 2023


Anonymous ID: 307a49 Dec. 6, 2023, 3:08 p.m. No.20036408   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6476 >>6590 >>6697


NYC Orders Voter Registration Forms For All Migrants


Why are Democrats keeping the border open and flooding major cities with masses of invading illegal aliens? It’s all about the elections.


Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) on Sunday accused New York City of trying to stack voter rolls by trying to illegally register migrants housed at a Staten Island shelter to cast ballots in the upcoming elections.


Malliotakis, joined by four other Staten Island Republicans, claimed a city contract with a nonprofit hired to run the shelter includes a stipulation that voter registration forms are to be distributed to asylum seekers staying there — which they called both unlawful and underhanded.


The contract, which Malliotakis said was obtained via a state Freedom of Information Law request, includes a stipulation that the nonprofit, in accordance with the New York City charter, “shall provide and distribute voter registration forms to all persons,” with the forms to be made available in Spanish and Chinese.


Mayor Eric Adams claims that it’s absurd and untrue, and forced on the city by DHS regulations, but New York City had previously passed a law allowing non-citizens to vote.


More than 800,000 noncitizens and “Dreamers” in New York City will have access to the ballot box — and could vote in municipal elections as early as next year — after Mayor Eric Adams allowed legislation to automatically become law Sunday.


A judge struck down that law, but never assume that the Undead Civic Voters Association and the Guy We Paid 5 Bucks to Cast a Ballot Committee are going to stop.


Keeping the borders open is about elections and political power.

Anonymous ID: 307a49 Dec. 6, 2023, 3:09 p.m. No.20036411   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6415 >>6436 >>6476 >>6590 >>6697



Look at this bill that's being proposed in Illinois about blood donations.


"Requires a blood bank to test or have tested donated blood for evidence of any COVID-19 vaccine and any other messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccine components, and requires a blood donor to disclose during each blood donor screening process whether the blood donor has received a COVID-19 vaccine or any other mRNA vaccine during the donor's lifetime.


link below

10:36 AM · Dec 4, 2023


Anonymous ID: 307a49 Dec. 6, 2023, 3:19 p.m. No.20036453   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6477 >>6487


NATO members Estonia and Latvia think and are acting as if otherwise.

Anonymous ID: 307a49 Dec. 6, 2023, 3:33 p.m. No.20036524   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6614 >>6630 >>6697

Did Tucker Carlson just out AJ as Mossad?


Tucker Carlson


Alex Jones predicted 9-11, in detail and on camera, months before it happened. How did he do that? And why did the government decide to destroy him after he did? The full interview Thursday.

4:00 PM · Dec 6, 2023

Anonymous ID: 307a49 Dec. 6, 2023, 3:36 p.m. No.20036538   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6546 >>6590 >>6697

Apple Confirms Governments Using Push Notifications to Surveil Users



Unidentified governments are surveilling smartphone users by tracking push notifications that move through Google's and Apple's servers, a US senator warned on Wednesday (via Reuters).


iOS 16 4 Web Push

In a letter to the Department of Justice, Senator Ron Wyden said foreign officials were demanding the data from the tech giants to track smartphones. The traffic flowing from apps that send push notifications put the companies "in a unique position to facilitate government surveillance of how users are using particular apps," Wyden said. He asked the Department of Justice to "repeal or modify any policies" that hindered public discussions of push notification spying.


In a statement given to Reuters, Apple said that Wyden's letter gave them the opening they needed to share more details with the public about how governments monitored push notifications.

"In this case, the federal government prohibited us from sharing any information," the company said in a statement. "Now that this method has become public we are updating our transparency reporting to detail these kinds of requests."


According to the report, Wyden's letter said a "tip" was the source of the information about the surveillance. A source familiar with the matter confirmed that both foreign and U.S. government agencies have been asking Apple and Google for metadata related to push notifications. The data is said to have been used to attempt to tie anonymous users of messaging apps to specific Apple or Google accounts.


Reuters' source would not identify which governments were making the data requests but described them as "democracies allied to the United States." They did not know how long the requests had been going on for.


Apple advises developers not to include sensitive data in notifications and to encrypt any data before adding it to a notification payload. However, this requires action on the developers' part. Likewise, metadata (like which apps are sending notifications and how often) is not encrypted, potentially giving anyone with access to the information insight into users' app usage.

Anonymous ID: 307a49 Dec. 6, 2023, 3:43 p.m. No.20036567   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6572 >>6574 >>6582 >>6589 >>6592 >>6601 >>6636

Joe Rambo


I'm gonna keep doing this bc it completely blows my mind… 🤯


How did Heavy Metal Magazine predict all of this in 1990?!


This is a MUST follow thread… Can someone explain all of these "coincidences"?


Joe Rambo




Time travel? Simulation?


Or has what we have been watching play out with Trump been planned for decades and decades?


Watch both of these clips.. 🤯…

Show more


8:40 AM · Dec 6, 2023


Anonymous ID: 307a49 Dec. 6, 2023, 3:51 p.m. No.20036589   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6603





Recall Ivana Trump was buried on a Trump golf course that featured a Back to the Future DeLorean display


That the writers and star of Back to the Future said Biff Tannen was based on Donald Trump…


That the main character of Gremlins two was based on Donald Trump…


That Trump-pardon Kodak Black refers to Trump as the Super Gremlin


The 1959 Trump movie


The Trump Episode of Quantum Leap…


That Q posted "Time Travel is fun"


>>19890338 (pb)


Credit to Casey Brown of enterthestars on youtube for turning anon on to all this a while back

Anonymous ID: 307a49 Dec. 6, 2023, 3:56 p.m. No.20036597   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6602



This 1990 Issue of “Heavy Metal” Magazine Eerily Predicted Trump’s Presidency

Several elements of Donald Trump’s presidency appear foretold in a dark comic from this 1990 issue of “Heavy Metal” Magazine. (What is happening?)


What: An eerily prescient comic that presaged the current administration.


Who: Heavy Metal, the magazine . . . 27 years ago.


Why we care: A lot has been made about how The Simpsons anticipated a Donald Trump presidency. In an episode from 2000, the show flashes forward to a future where President Lisa Simpson is still cleaning up the mess from a Trump regime. Here’s the thing, though. That prediction was just a random dig at both Donald Trump and America; the former for being terrible, the latter for being on the path to a terrible future. As it turns out now, another animated endeavor predicted some more highly specific elements about what a ride on the Trump Train would actually look like.


Trump hats for the "angry & dissatisfied," DUMP TRUMP grafitti on the Wall…from this 1990 issue of @HeavyMetalInk:


— Ken Layne (@KenLayne) September 21, 2017


A newly unearthed issue of Heavy Metal from 1990 contains a dark comic that has become almost impossibly relevant in 2017. Just the title alone, “The Wall,” should give anyone pause. Artist Peter Kuper wrote the comic, which details a conspiracy between Donald Trump and Harry Helmsley, the now-deceased real estate mogul who owned the Empire State Building. Although Trump is not named officially as president here, he does use fascist-like tactics to build a wall in New York City–to keep the poor away from the rich. Elsewhere in the comic are Trump hats–not red ones, but still!–graffiti that reads “Dump Trump,” and even the MAGA-ish overtones of “We can be #1 again.”


It’s perhaps time to look through Kuper’s archives and see what else he predicted.

Anonymous ID: 307a49 Dec. 6, 2023, 3:59 p.m. No.20036607   🗄️.is đź”—kun



This 1990 Issue of “Heavy Metal” Magazine Eerily Predicted Trump’s Presidency

Several elements of Donald Trump’s presidency appear foretold in a dark comic from this 1990 issue of “Heavy Metal” Magazine. (What is happening?)


What: An eerily prescient comic that presaged the current administration.


Who: Heavy Metal, the magazine . . . 27 years ago.


Why we care: A lot has been made about how The Simpsons anticipated a Donald Trump presidency. In an episode from 2000, the show flashes forward to a future where President Lisa Simpson is still cleaning up the mess from a Trump regime. Here’s the thing, though. That prediction was just a random dig at both Donald Trump and America; the former for being terrible, the latter for being on the path to a terrible future. As it turns out now, another animated endeavor predicted some more highly specific elements about what a ride on the Trump Train would actually look like.


Trump hats for the "angry & dissatisfied," DUMP TRUMP grafitti on the Wall…from this 1990 issue of @HeavyMetalInk:


— Ken Layne (@KenLayne) September 21, 2017


A newly unearthed issue of Heavy Metal from 1990 contains a dark comic that has become almost impossibly relevant in 2017. Just the title alone, “The Wall,” should give anyone pause. Artist Peter Kuper wrote the comic, which details a conspiracy between Donald Trump and Harry Helmsley, the now-deceased real estate mogul who owned the Empire State Building. Although Trump is not named officially as president here, he does use fascist-like tactics to build a wall in New York City–to keep the poor away from the rich. Elsewhere in the comic are Trump hats–not red ones, but still!–graffiti that reads “Dump Trump,” and even the MAGA-ish overtones of “We can be #1 again.”


It’s perhaps time to look through Kuper’s archives and see what else he predicted.

Anonymous ID: 307a49 Dec. 6, 2023, 4:26 p.m. No.20036711   🗄️.is đź”—kun


if anyone asks you to give up your guns, ask them why we fund a country ARMING ITS CITIZENS after a 'border incursion' then?