Anonymous ID: 10c540 Dec. 7, 2023, 4:25 p.m. No.20041856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1883 >>1945 >>1953 >>1997

Pay up or else


Federal Tax Filers Beware: Underpayment Penalty Has More Than Doubled


One of the Internal Revenue Service's fangs has quietly grown much sharper, as the interest rate charged on the underpayment of federal income taxes has soared from 3% to 8% in less than two years. If you're not sure if you're hitting the right pace, it's time to double-check your situation to make sure you don't throw any more money into Uncle Sam's rathole than you must.


While many taxpayers focus on the annual April deadline, the federal income tax actually works on a "pay as you go" basis, in which the government demands recurring bites out of your income, with those bites rising and and falling in proportion to what you're earning over the course of the tax year. If the math comes out wrong enough when you file, the IRS will penalize you by demanding you pay interest on money you were supposed to have forked out earlier.

In August, the IRS announced that the interest penalty charged against underpayments was rising to 8% for the calendar quarter that started Oct. 1. The rate isn't set on a bureaucrat's whim per the Internal Revenue Code, it's calculated each quarter by adding 3% to the "federal short-term rate." Thus, the higher rate is a reflection of the surge in interest rates. As recently as the first quarter of 2022 when the Fed's zero interest rate policy was still in place – the rate was just 3%. For the first three quarters of 2023, it was 7%.


Most people whose income is almost entirely derived from regular employment satisfy the pay-as-you-go system through the income tax that employers withhold from each paycheck. Assuming they've filled out their IRS W-4 forms correctly, those workers typically don't run afoul of underpayment penalties. However, regular employees who receive big bonuses or equity compensation might find the regular withholding formula doesn't cough up enough money to please the IRS. If you want to play with the numbers on your own, you might check out the IRS's online Tax Withholding Estimator – though ZeroHedge sure isn't guaranteeing its accuracy.


For many people, avoiding underpayment penalties requires making quarterly estimated tax payments directly to the IRS, or significantly adjusting their employee withholding. That's true of anyone with significant income from anything other than regular employment, including the self-employed, gig economy workers, and people with substantial investment income from things like interest, dividends and capital gains. Note: The 2023 surge in yields on money market funds and some bank accounts may cause a surprise underpayment penalty for those who'd grown accustomed to earning near-zero on their cash.

Anonymous ID: 10c540 Dec. 7, 2023, 4:37 p.m. No.20041916   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2 peas in a pod


"If People Think Things Are Bad Now…" Tucker And Alex Jones Talk Deplatforming, Depopulation, & The NWO


In a deep-dive on everything from 'deplatforming' to 'depopulation', Tucker Carlson sat down with Alex Jones.


Elon Musk said it best…

Dubbed "the most censored man in the world", Jones began by discussing his (correct) prediction about 9/11.


As Tucker points out, "the 9/11 thing, you called it in public."


But Jones says his most accurate prediction was around a decade ago when he read the "Rockefeller Foundation Operation Lockstep report," which he says:


"described using a virus to bring in world government, a world medical ID, which they would then build a social credit score off of…


…that they would make people wear masks for fear, shut down sporting events and things like that… and basically phase in this new tyranny."


These warnings, among other things, were the reason, Carlson argues, why Jones was so widely deplatformed.


"Fundamentally, Alex Jones is right about a lot of things. And in fact, that's why they don't like him."

🚩 Alex Jones Explains How He Has Been Able to Make So Many Accurate Predictions


“I’m able to make predictions because they’ve given us a roadmap…They describe we really need big terror attacks, we really need Pearl Harbor events, to get Americans to give up their rights.”…

— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) December 7, 2023

Anonymous ID: 10c540 Dec. 7, 2023, 4:54 p.m. No.20042007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2127

Creepy crawlies


Giant 8in spiders from China are set to invade the US: Black and yellow critters seen parachuting through the air on the east coast - and will soon hit New York and New Jersey


Giant 8in spiders from China are set to invade the US: Black and yellow critters seen parachuting through the air on the east coast - and will soon hit New York and New Jersey


Giant 8in spiders from China are set to invade the US: Black and yellow critters seen parachuting through the air on the east coast - and will soon hit New York and New Jersey


Researchers estimate 8-inch Jorō spiders likely to spread as far north as Canada

Jorō venom is as toxic as a bee sting, only posing a threat if the victim is allergic

READ MORE: 'Ecological train wreck' of 'super hogs' could hit US from Canada


By Matthew Phelan Senior Science Reporter For Dailymail.Com


Published: 12:49 EST, 6 December 2023 | Updated: 15:53 EST, 6 December 2023









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A venomous eight-inch-long spider native to Asia, whose palm-sized females cannibalize their male mates, is flying up America's east coast and spreading out west.


Experts say the Jorō spider can fly 50 to 100 miles at a stretch, using their webbing as a parasail to glide in the wind, and it's now also hitching rides up east coast highways — but the creatures aren't known to pose a threat to humans or pets.


However, the jury is still out on the impact that this giant spider, which is believed to have first arrived in the US a decade ago via shipping containers arriving in Georgia, might have on local wildlife.


One thing that is certain, according to an ecologist at Rutgers University's Lockwood Lab in New Jersey, who spoke with 'Soon enough, possibly even next year, they should be in New Jersey and New York.'

'Because their main methods of dispersal are to either 'balloon' with the wind, or hitch rides on cars,' PhD student and ecologist José R. Ramírez-Garofalo told, 'they are generally going to spread to where the wind blows, or where humans are.'


Ramírez-Garofalo, who currently conducts research for Rutgers' Lockwood Lab, added that while the Jorō spider will likely be able to take advantage of warming temperatures along the northeastern seaboard, their hitchhiking and parachuting methods are sure to take them farther than some other invasives.


'Their range expansion is more complicated than the typical northward expansion that you see with a lot of species under current climate conditions,' Ramírez-Garofalo told

Anonymous ID: 10c540 Dec. 7, 2023, 5:34 p.m. No.20042267   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Beware of false prophets


Lying Wonders Of The End Times: Why Society Is Running Headlong Toward Spiritism And Sorcery


False prophets, psychics, mediums, and soothsayers: The rise of these things in our world today is a sign of the times.


In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus said, “And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” (Matthew 24:11-12).


The Bible says there will be an increase in false prophets—frauds and fakes who claim to have knowledge of the future. We see this today in the surge in sorcery, magic arts, psychics, and witchcraft.


In the New Testament, we find the word “pharmakeia,” which is where we get our English word for pharmacy. The word “pharmakeia” refers to sorcery, magic, or spells, and it’s often translated that way. That word was also used in ancient Greek for poisoning people with the use of potions, charms, drugs, or mood-altering substances.


Pharmakeia is used twice in the Book of Revelation. It’s used in Revelation 9:21 during the trumpet judgments: “Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries [pharmakeia], nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.”


Now, to me, that’s interesting. What is our world today dominated by? The murder rate and thefts are rising dramatically in major cities across America. We see all kinds of increases in sexual immorality. It’s interesting that listed among these sins is pharmakeia.


Revelation 18:23, speaking of Babylon, that great end-time city in the system dominated by the Antichrist, says: “And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries [pharmakeia] were all nations deceived.”


The tribulation religious and economic system ruled by the Antichrist will be dominated by spiritism, sorcery, and magic arts.


The Antichrist will be the greatest sorcerer of all time. He will receive his guidance directly from satan and perform all kinds of signs, wonders, and miracles. It will be a mass campaign of demonic deception.

Anonymous ID: 10c540 Dec. 7, 2023, 5:35 p.m. No.20042277   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hunter Biden faces new indictment in California (

Anonymous ID: 10c540 Dec. 7, 2023, 5:37 p.m. No.20042292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2355 >>2484

⚡️🇺🇸US MILITARY BACKS GUYANA in tensions with Venezuela ( (see map) as US Army's Southern Command to conduct "flight operations" within Guyana under cover of "routine engagement", while Caracas mobilizes forces to claim historically disputed region (red stripes on map).


This comes as Guyanese military helicopter carrying senior officials VANISHES near border with Venezuela while authorities cite "bad weather" in area as reason (top pic).


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