Anonymous ID: 957f5f Dec. 7, 2023, 4:32 p.m. No.20041884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2342

>>20041811 lb

Re: Dollhouse assets

What can metadata reveal?

Find the anomalies.

Identify patterns.

Whose behaviour does not make sense?

Who is not in control of their own decision-making?

Who has been strategically placed in positions of influence?

How many are quietly signalling for help?

How many have been punished by the cult for attempting to break free?

Anonymous ID: 957f5f Dec. 7, 2023, 5:38 p.m. No.20042297   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For anyone brave enough to be investigating evil scientists:

Labs can be boobytrapped.

Think odourless gases.

Think gels or fine powder on door handles, drawer handles, filing cabinets.

Careful what you touch, careful where you step.

They like delayed reactions: harder to prove.

They like complexity and multi-step processes: these psychos love to feel clever.

Proceed with caution.

Use trained animals to identify hazards that humans can't perceive.

Study your target before making a move.

For them, it's a long game. They would prefer us to rush into their traps.

Refuse to take the bait and watch Doctor Evil implode with frustration.

Anonymous ID: 957f5f Dec. 7, 2023, 6:40 p.m. No.20042628   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They love venom. Especially rare venoms, like from certain species of toads. It's easy to keep toads, in a garden shed or basement.

They love venom, they are sickly fascinated with it. Experimenting with it, creating new poisons based on its molecular structure, extracting it from live specimens, thinking up new ways to secretly administer the poison.

These people are sick.

Venoms act on the nervous system. Is it possible they could be used as the base for poisons that do not kill but control?

Hallucinogens as the basis for mind control programming.

Think long term date rape drugs.

Think sedatives: prey is stunned, docile, unaware.

Think selective memory erasure and reinforcement.

Think low level doses over time for an almost-imperceivable effect.

Think: Antidotes.