Anonymous ID: 570c01 Dec. 7, 2023, 8:40 p.m. No.20043098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3117 >>3126 >>3142 >>3206

>>20042093 pb

>@realDonaldTrump Ted Yoho: “America faces a crisis on almost every front."


Q team:


What most do not realize is that covid wasn't a virus but targeted chemical sabotage by local DS cronies. Here is a tactic that is used that we currently experienced: Neighbor to east would blow their leaves and chemically treated them and leave them in areas that the wind would blow onto our property to make us sick. We even saw budding leaves which means they were saving them since spring, knowingly. We decide last month to put our leaf bags as a wall blocking them. After weeks, they decided that they would have to pick them up so they hosed them down but everything froze, so they called landscapers and soon as it thawed. It took 3 backpack blowers about 4-5 hours to clean. Logical thinking, why would anyone make leaves wet before picking them up as it makes the job 10 times harder, unless they planned on cleaning it themselves. These people are cowardly murderers as these chemicals are highly toxic.