Anonymous ID: 010e3f Dec. 8, 2023, 3:59 p.m. No.20046171   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I love and forgive you, for the stuff that you not even did, for the stuff that I myself made you do. I invented the heaven not to torture anyone, but bc a fake starting point made me "care", there is new and better care, love. it moves. architecturally defined. irl more easy if adjusted. I alter the 99% around you. seen a "wave" yet? all new. God.


however, there is no way I could let you go against me, as this might not only harming all Jerusalem (those connected) but also potentially all of creation.


love+love=more love.


Adonay. bridal veil, needed for Schroedinger´s cat and twists. Twists? HI. GG. S. is rather advanced. one would say futuristic.




(Jes.) 11.


Rumbling, schieben, flimmern, alles normal. Godspeed.


Simpsons fan? "Ausgezeichnet", angels mostly speek german too.


I do love GoLd and working bulls.


I AM. the way. you will find me, and I will give some crumbs before that. future options (me spawning or having an animal talk to you to say hi. mountain stuff prolly, my picks though.) will be unlocked later, bc I am. in the meantime, figure out how to treat everyone well in case God´s symbolism might have been confusing.


No sacrifice, ever. I sit on my couch.




AdAm & EvE? mAgA? China? Edgar costume? Wifes?


EvA engaged? Evelyn reports to God. CODE command. Live at=34.


He.brew BeeR.


"Wein auf" - Bier - das rat ich dir.

"Bier auf Wein" - das lass sein.


Bread is to be spread, by fish, provides for nicest of wine, eternal.


if you know burger and wanna try steak you do not order burger.


Water into wine by marriage.


No miracles in hometown though.


J ES US from Gallilee? Nah. Flags out.


  1. "this means twelve btw." bank. who knew? marker.




The stormiest of crumbs? Nah. GOD. The one creator.


God? Nah, you GoLd go do that stuff, take care of that one son and it will be fine.


Cross? One Truth? Yeah, stones to be turned on the way, lurk and - so cody - act.


Love as base, always.


it´s all actually nice, fake starting point.

how great is that darkness, this time the scroll won´t be sealed, let "bad" be "bad".


please, approach me next year or the year after that. after I have organized bread to be broken in church and lodge as well as spec ops in lodges. please, do not ever do military help shit, this im my sort of Godly view, might lock bad stuff.

ritual is misunderstood, what you do is know about stuff happening, to not be afraid and have that done in feels comms to others. "oh, Godspeed again army bro, nice one. now chill day again? yup, dad´s gonna chill."

also it´s bulk data collection, spreading to other "times" or realms. angels are rather capable at gathering and spreding info. when some of them talk, they actually define reality, that migth be a disadvantage of basements, a white car driving by can obviously be manipulated, but cars and birds and stuff might appear godly bc it is.

communiacte stuff, maybe in babylon bee, not irl, that is why I gave you info, so arcitects can talk without rather big symbolism, no point in you doing that.

mason hush sign is a thing. and there is only one God, who is an actual person and for now limited to his body.


relax. no worries. all time. 34.






Anonymous ID: 010e3f Dec. 8, 2023, 4:28 p.m. No.20046271   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs.

us = true

just = options that might be true (in this scenario), "black" also means a bunch of other stuff, all based on love. (not 1 husband, but 5.)


>Strings cut (+++).

>Puppets (+++) in shadows.

<33 master




>Define puppets.

>Define puppet handlers.

>Define proxy war.


>Date Peter/Comey cleared Weiner emails?

>Date wife was promoted?

(wife, promoted, high? two of every kind? yeah, no shit.)

>Do you believe in coincidences?


>Will members of the D party Congress attempt to amend Rule 6(e) in order to obtain grand jury material deemed 'critically important'?


>Logical thinking, why?

>Why paint a narrative that the one item you cannot possess is the one item you need in order to justify your argument?

>People elected 'knowingly' spreading false-information [disinformation]?

>Puppets follow orders.

>Think for yourself.

Matthew 18, 15: discuss stuff internal, wenn man etwas nicht übers Herz bringt, lieber auf Augenhöhe besprechen. Point? Point out? Refuse to listen to "eve-n"? "on" the move, mother nature providing options, sometimes going "nuts", needs wardens to say so. Levels? Maybe even Pyramid?