Anonymous ID: 4ae6f9 Dec. 8, 2023, 3:52 p.m. No.20046145   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anons this hysterical, its hilarious, Joy Reid.Bannon is trolling and say he wants Joy Ann Reid as comms director at the WH under Trump, he loves doing this


The media is going crazy because, now the wonder if Joy would get an offer from Trump and take it. First thing tomorrow is an outraged Joy going to the highest decibel! Funny as hell!

Anonymous ID: 4ae6f9 Dec. 8, 2023, 4:14 p.m. No.20046214   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20045483 CTIL Files #1: US And UK Military Contractors Created Sweeping Plan For Global Censorship In 2018, New Documents ShowPN


Theresa May started this in 2013-2015, you want to know how I know?


Hundreds of articles came out in the US how she had captured data on all UK cell phones, and I had arguments on FB with UK citizens, and no one from the UK knew it. Theresa May accelerated the DS being public a long time before 2018.


I don’t know if I was saving my research at that time but I’ll look. Hell MI5 (and later MI6) were tracking politicians and their loyalties in WW2. This stuff doesn’t happen overnight,they just choose to reveal their power for the fear factor effect

Anonymous ID: 4ae6f9 Dec. 8, 2023, 4:36 p.m. No.20046291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6511 >>6809 >>6832 >>6869

Nikki Haley just disqualified herself during a live CBS interview—she’s done…. KEK WTF???

December 7, 2023 (2 days ago)


Once again, the media and the Uniparty regime are trying to deceive the American people. They want you to believe that a Republican who isn’t President Trump actually has a shot at securing the nomination. It’s total nonsense, and most people see through it, though sadly, some are still fooled by the regime media. They buy into the idea of a “competitive” GOP primary race when, in reality, there isn’t one. But, for the sake of argument, let’s entertain the notion of a “real race” for a moment.


If there were a chance for someone likeNikki Haley to win the nomination, she just disqualified herself due to a recent CBS interview. In it, this out-of-touch establishmentsuggests that 12-year-old children should be allowed to change their gender. Keep in mind that 12-year-olds can’t even get tattoos, yet Nikki Haley seems to think it’s acceptable to lop off their private parts.


There’s no recovering from a comment like that. It’s painfully obvious that this woman is no different from a radical Democrat. And if you need any more reasons why Nikki Haley would be a horrific president, please check out Revolver’s mega-viral list:


Here’s the Never-Ending List of Why Nikki Haley Would Suck as President


And if that wasn’t troubling enough, in last night’s GOP debate, Vivek had one of the standout moments when he challenged Nikki Haley to simply name three specific regions in eastern Ukraine that she’s willing to send American sons and daughters to potentially sacrifice their lives for. She couldn’t do it.


In short, Nikki Haley is nothing more than Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan in a dress. And just like another out-of-touch radical elitist woman named Hillary Clinton, Nikki Haley will never become President of the United States, and thank God for that.

Anonymous ID: 4ae6f9 Dec. 8, 2023, 4:50 p.m. No.20046346   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Swimmer Riley Gaines made a Dem congresswoman look like a blithering idiot…

December 7, 2023 (2 days ago)

If there’s one thing you can always expect,it’s dumb female Democrat politicians. They seem to be everywhere, and it’s astonishing how some of these women appear to have no clue about what they’re doing. Just look at Kathy Hochul – this so-called “governor” seems to lack a fundamental understanding of the laws governing special elections in her own state. She’s utterly clueless, and thought she got to appoint the next congressman in George Santo’s seat. She missed the mark by a long shot.


Fox News:

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is sparking confusion online as some users on X believe a comment she made on social media indicated that she intends to fill the seat of expelled Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y., herself, and not hold a special election to fill the vacancy.

“I am prepared to undertake the solemn responsibility of filling the vacancy in New York’s 3rd District. The people of Long Island deserve nothing less,” Hochul wrote on X, with no mention of a special election.


That’s just one example, and sadly, there are many, many more. Just the other day, Sheila Jackson Lee mistakenly urged her supporters to vote on the wrong day.


And now,another female Democrat found herself on the receiving end of a tough life lesson and public humiliation, courtesy of a conservative woman – a former swimmer, to be exact. Riley Gaines, the courageous former college swimmer who has taken a stand on transgender/sports issues, recently appeared before Congress and engaged in a fiery exchange with a Democratic lawmaker who wasn’t prepared for the sharp-witted Riley.


Patriot Project:

During her testimony later in the hearing, Gaines said, “Unsafe, unfair, and discriminatory practices towards women must stop. Inclusion cannot be prioritized over safety and fairness.”


Then addressing Lee directly, Gaines added, “If my testimony makes me transphobic, then I believe your opening monologue makes you a misogynist.”


Shortly thereafter, Lee, who just took office in January, called on Subcommittee Chairwoman GOP Rep. Lisa McClain of Michigan to have Gaines’ remarks about her struck from the record, saying the witness was “engaging in personalities.”


TheHouse “personalities” decorum rule has to do with how members of Congressaddress each other, requiring them to debate the issues at hand and not engage in personal attacks. However, itdoes not have to do with how witnessesbefore the committee address lawmakers.


Ironically, it was Lee who initiated the name-calling, and then she attempted to employ a “rule'”intended for House members to try to shield herself. This woman was all sorts of confused.


In the end, the congresswoman had so much egg on her face that she could have made an omelet. Realizing she had been bested, and to spare herself further public humiliation, she retracted her point of order.




Thank goodness for Riley, a sharp and savvy woman who isn’t afraid to stand up to this hateful and uninformed mob. The left seems quite eager to trash the rights of young women athletes in order to provide a (hairy) leg up for cross-dressing men. Shameful.


(The X video is funny as hell)

Anonymous ID: 4ae6f9 Dec. 8, 2023, 5:21 p.m. No.20046468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6477 >>6484 >>6494 >>6518 >>6588 >>6727

Tucker just got the most powerful endorsement yet for veep, and Trump is reportedly “thrilled”…Dec. 7, 2023

By now, it should be evident to everyone that President Trump will be the GOP nominee. His lead is huge, and there’s virtually no chance for any of the remaining contenders to catch up. Interestingly, even if he were to face imprisonment today, his support would likely double. The discussion has naturally shifted towards Trump’s potential choice for Vice President, with increasing chatter about Tucker Carlson as the top contender, and for good reason. Revolver wrote a viral and rather compelling piece explaining why Tucker is the only logical choice for VP.

Revolver: Contrary to conventional wisdom,President Trump doesn’t need a conventional vice president. He doesn’t need someone who will shore up his electoral coalition. Donald Trump is the Republican Party; everyone who doesn’t like it has left. President Trump doesn’t need another Mike Pence. He needs a vice president he can trust, both in this campaign and beyond. He needs someone who will make sure the historic movement he started doesn’t end with him.

All the conventional candidates will betray the president—just like they already have by entering the race against him. They’re freeloaders who don’t offer Trump any value. They want to return Washington to the status quo that President Trump upended. They want to terraform a new swamp.

And the only loyal choice is Tucker. Tucker Carlson is loyal to President Trump’s person and vision. This, of course, doesn’t mean that Tucker isn’t willing to be critical of Trump’s decisions. It is precisely because of Tucker’s loyalty to Trump’s America First legacy that, at certain times, Tucker would take to his television audience to voice his displeasure. True loyalty is not only compatible with constructive criticism; it requires it. Contrast this with the seemingly endless line of sycophants salivating at the first opportunity to stick the knife in Trump when it counts.

Nobody has denounced the corrupt judicial campaign against President Trump more vocally than Tucker Carlson. Nobody is surer to have his back against the bogus charges filed by rogue prosecutors. Every career politician will turn on him, just like they turned on him when the Access Hollywood tapes dropped. In fact, by the very act of running for president, the current crop of candidates have all tried on Trump’s shoes for size.

With Tucker as his number two, President Trump will have a deputy who can match his ferocious campaign pace—overwhelming the opposition with energy and enthusiasm. The Biden camp, or whoever the Democrats put forward, will not know what hit them. Tucker Carlson has the starpower and charisma to hit the campaign trail hard. President Trump will almost certainly be confined to a courtroom for large swaths of the campaign season. He needs someone who can get out and rally voters on his behalf. None of the others can attract a crowd. They’re politicians, not entertainers.

We encourage you to read the entire Revolver piece, it delves even deeper into why Tucker is the best choice…

However, the Tucker VP debate just took a very interesting turn. According to reports, former First Lady Melania Trump wants the fiery populist on Trump’s 2024 ticket as well, and we’re hearing that President Trump is thrilled.The news is spreading like wildfire, and MAGA couldn’t be happier.

Radar Online: Melania Trump reportedly wants her embattled ex-president husband, Donald Trump, to name Tucker Carlson as his 2024 vice president running mate, has learned. In a surprising development to come as the race for the 2024 White House continues to heat up, sources familiar with the matter revealed that the former first lady has pushed ex-President Trump to name Carlson as his running mate for next year.

According to Axios, Melania is an “advocate” for the fired Fox News star. Sources close to Trump’s 2024 campaign also claimed that Melania believes Carlson “would make a powerful onstage extension” of her ex-president husband with less than one year to go before the election in November. Axios also suggested that a Trump-Carlson ticket “might encourage” Melania to hit the campaign trail…

If Tucker has the Melania seal of approval, the possibility of a “Vice President Tucker” could be more realistic than many of us initially thought. Thechallenging part will be President Trump’s ability to dismiss all the political “experts”who will undoubtedly pressure him to choose an “establishment type” to appease the #NeverTrump vote. We’ve seen how that disaster played out last time with Pence, so let’s hope he bucks the system and goes rogue with a VP selection that will truly disrupt the status quo.

Anonymous ID: 4ae6f9 Dec. 8, 2023, 5:45 p.m. No.20046588   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Announced December 5, 2016

Took office March 2, 2017

Former neurosurgeon: Ben Carson of Virginia


IMO the reasons for Carson would be:

• he was extremely loyal to Trump, he never turned against him.

• He learned dramatically how the government DS run the whole government and blocked many of his policies, so he’s familiar with how the government works.

• Carson will never outshine Trump. Hecis a humble and brilliant man with a deep Christian faith.


I’m not sure this whole Tucker push is helpful and not just idolization.

• Tucker is dyslexie, he admits many things that may not make him the idle candidate.

• I’m not sure the learning curve in out maneuvering the DS is that easy to outfox.


Is Donald Trump Picking Ben Carson for VP? What We Know as Rumors Fly

Nov 30, 2023 at 11:05 AM EST

Newsweek reached out to the Trump campaign and Carson via email for comment.

The claim sparked a flurry of tweets with speculations about whether the former president would choose Carson, with some Trump supporters calling the former secretary an "excellent pick."

Trump has yet to announce who he wants to run alongside him, although it is thought that he will pick a woman or person of color.

Asked about whether or not he'd pick a woman as his vice president, Trump told NBCNews in September, "I like the concept, but we're going to pick the best person.”

He added that while Noem was "one of the people I'd consider," there was a long list of potential picks. Trump appeared to rule out Scott, and Haley when he told a crowd in Michigan he didn't see any VPs in the Republican primary field.

While Carson's name may be overshadowed by other high-profile Republicans, he has previously signaled his White House ambitions, launching his own presidential bid in 2016. Carson dropped out after Super Tuesday and endorsed Trump, describing him as representing "the voice of the people to be heard." The retired surgeon has already thrown his support behind Trump for the 2024 election, endorsing the former president at an Iowa rally last month.

"Trump isn't a politician — we certainly know exactly what he's thinking, which makes him highly effective for the American people, and a threat to the Washington swamp," Carson wrote in an op-ed earlier this month for USA Today. "Americans deserve freedom — meaning reduced government regulation, a less biased media, and more opportunity for prosperity. A vote for Trump is a vote for freedom."

As the then-youngest chief of pediatric neurosurgery in the United States, Carson rose to international fame in 1987 when he led the team of surgeons in the first successful separation of conjoined twins. After retiring from medicine in 2013, he became famous in conservative circles after delivering a speech viewed as critical of Barack Obama's presidency.

Under the Trump administration, Carson led the Department of Housing and Urban Development, which saw an exodus of career officials under his tenure. Trump's decision to nominate Carson faced initial skepticism because the retired surgeon had no government experience. As HUD secretary, Carson focused on deregulation and self-reliance in housing policies, a direction praised by conservatives but criticized as undermining Obama-era fair housing regulations.

Carson has been unequivocally loyal to Trump. During the 2020 Republican National Convention, he defended his boss against accusations of racism, saying those who claimed Trump was a racist "could not be more wrong."

“President Trump does not dabble in identity politics. He wants everyone to succeed and believes in the adage, 'a rising tide lifts all boats,'" Carson said at the time, touting prison reform and a decrease in unemployment among African Americans during Trump's presidency.

Carson made headlines in September when he tried to defend Trump again, comparing the former president to Al Capone as proof that the Justice Department was going after Trump.

Asked what evidence he had of the DOJ being weaponized against Trump, Carons told CNN's Abby Phillips, "Well, let's put it this way. Al Capone, who was a notorious killer, had one indictment, and Donald Trump has four indictments. That would tell you something right there."

"It's evidence that you have a group of people, a system that is out to get this president, and they feel that he is an existential threat to their existence," Carson said.

Trump has commended Carson's work at HUD and called it a "great honor" to have his endorsement for president in 2024. He has not suggested that Carson could be his running mate next year.

"A great honor to have just received the Endorsement for President from Dr. Ben Carson," the former president said on Truth Social. "Thank you Ben!!!"

(Interesting Carson or Carlson?)

Anonymous ID: 4ae6f9 Dec. 8, 2023, 5:51 p.m. No.20046618   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Agreed, it would be a nightmare. Comms Director of WH or Official Press Secretary for Tucker. He doesn’t have enough experience and as Trump said: VPs are really useless, not necessary and only used to win the election

Anonymous ID: 4ae6f9 Dec. 8, 2023, 5:54 p.m. No.20046637   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Maybe that, but the groupies are pushing it, maybe a psyop but Darren has to stay in his lane. The personality profiles of both men together would never work imo. And there’s no way Melanie's opinion came out, Axios made that up