Anonymous ID: 3ad48f Dec. 9, 2023, 1:04 p.m. No.20049251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9256 >>9265 >>9302 >>9311 >>9340

US Joins Over 60 Other Nations To Pledge Emissions Reduction From Air Conditioners And Refrigerators


U.S. climate envoy John Kerry made a pledge with over 60 other nations to slash emissions from refrigerators and air conditioners in a bid to tackle climate change.


On Tuesday, 63 nations, including the United States, joined a pledge to cut down cooling-related emissions at the COP28 United Nations climate summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The Global Cooling Pledge requires countries to reduce such emissions by at least 68 percent by 2050 compared to 2022 levels. The focus of cooling-related emissions would be on appliances like air conditioners and refrigerators. The pledge also proposes setting up minimum energy performance standards for appliances by 2030.


“We want to lay out a pathway to reduce cooling-related emissions across all sectors but increase access to sustainable cooling,” said Mr. Kerry, who joined representatives from other countries in the pledge, Reuters reported.


Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-N.J.) criticized the pledge in a Dec. 6 X post: “John Kerry lost his run for president & has been trying to assert his revenge on everyday Americans ever since. If he gets his way, our cars, our appliances, and food will be gone. All from a man who flies around on his wife's private jet.”


Mr. Kerry’s pledge comes as the Biden administration has proposed rules that could harm to the home appliance market. In July, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a rule to slash the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) by 40 percent by 2028, calling the chemical a “climate super-pollutant.”


HFCs are used as refrigerants in appliances like air conditioners, heat pumps, and refrigerators. Since January last year, the import and production of HFCs require special allowances. During this time, the costs of replacing refrigerants have spiked.


In an August 2022 analysis, Ben Lieberman, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, noted, “Service technicians say that replacing refrigerant lost from a leak now costs upwards of $800, about double what it did a year ago.”


“Moreover, EPA’s HFC quotas tighten in the years ahead, so the ratchet will keep turning, surely causing homeowners’ bills to increase further still.”


Earlier in March, the Department of Energy proposed rules under which refrigerators would be subject to a stricter set of energy efficiency standards. The rule comes into effect in 2027.

Anonymous ID: 3ad48f Dec. 9, 2023, 1:21 p.m. No.20049305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9312 >>9330

Fully Vaccinated and Boosted Piers Morgan Tests Positive for COVID-19 — Blames “Anti-Vaxx” for Catching the Virus


Far-left British television personality Piers Morgan has contracted COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated and receiving a booster shot two years ago.


The hypocritical host of “Uncensored” announced the news via Twitter, expressed his frustration, and blamed the ‘anti-vaccination’ community for his infection.


The 58-year-old host shared a photo of his positive lateral flow test on Twitter, along with a candid description of his condition: “as rough as a badger’s a***.”


In response to a user questioning his disclosure of the news, Morgan implied the uniqueness of the situation, as hosting from home is a deviation from the norm. But the interaction escalated as Twitter became a battleground for vaccine efficacy discussions.


In response to a comment about previous reports suggesting that receiving multiple boosters might increase the likelihood of contracting the virus, Morgan clarified that he had “one booster 2yrs ago,” and sarcastically suggested a vaccine for ‘imbecility’ to another critical user.


When faced with commentary about the higher infection rate amongst those repeatedly boosted, the far-left host insulted the unvaccinated user.


“I heard – from someone on the internet – it’s because Covid doesn’t infect incredibly stupid people due to the lack of available brain cells to infiltrate,” he wrote.


But his insulting comebacks did not end there. To a user questioning his decision against a more recent booster, Morgan jestingly said he succumbed to “anti-vaxxers'” warnings “because I believed all the anti-vaxx experts who told me it would melt my brain & turn me into an ostrich. Not making that mistake again!”


Morgan has just shown his own foolishness and hypocrisy in his response to a comment pointing out that vaccines do not entirely prevent COVID-19 infection, transmission, or death. Morgan acknowledged this yet continued to blame the unvaccinated and emphasized that vaccines indeed prevent many deaths.


“They do stop many people dying, that’s literally the point of any vaccine. But given we now know you can still get and transmit covid despite being jabbed, if you don’t want to take it, that’s entirely your choice.”

Anonymous ID: 3ad48f Dec. 9, 2023, 1:23 p.m. No.20049319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9340

North Dakota Battling Cattle Anthrax Crisis: 25 Confirmed Cases Spark Concerns


North Dakota’s Department of Agriculture has confirmed 25 cases of cattle anthrax this year, making it the most cases the state has seen since 2005.


In total, the disease has already been linked to the deaths of over 300 cattle, horses, bison, and sheep in the state, causing a financial strain for both ranchers and farmers.


Anthrax is caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis, which is a spore-forming bacterium that can live in the ground for decades.


In North Dakota, infected cattle have been grazing where anthrax spores have been detected in the soil.


Natural outbreaks of anthrax among livestock don’t pose a severe risk to humans unless they are handling carcass-affected livestock.


The weaponized version of anthrax, however, is highly deadly.


In 2001, shortly after the 9/11 terror attacks, a weaponized version of anthrax killed five people and caused 17 others to fall ill after they came in contact with letters containing anthrax spores.


Per The Associated Press:


A new case of cattle anthrax has been confirmed in southwest North Dakota’s Grant County, bringing the number of cases in the state to 25 this year, according to state agriculture officials.


It’s the first case reported in the state since August, all in Grant County and neighboring Hettinger and Adams counties, the North Dakota Department of Agriculture said in a news release Thursday. Those cases have led to about 170 cattle deaths, North Dakota State Veterinarian Dr. Ethan Andress told The Bismarck Tribune.


While it’s unusual to see a case so late in the year, Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring said, the area has seen unusually mild weather recently that has allowed cattle to remain on pastureland where anthrax thrives.

Anonymous ID: 3ad48f Dec. 9, 2023, 1:28 p.m. No.20049335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9347

NATO Aspirant Sweden Signs Deal To Let US Military Use All Its Bases


Sweden is not even in NATO yet—amid the continuing holdup and objections from Turkey and Hungary—but that didn't stop the US and Sweden this week from brokering a deal to let American troops have wide use of Swedish military bases for the first time.


The newly inked Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA) this week signals Stockholm finally and fully abandoning its its centuries-old policy of neutrality, given the Pentagon has confirmed that US forces can now "operate in Sweden, including the legal status of US military personnel, access to deployment areas (and) prepositioning of military materiel."

Anonymous ID: 3ad48f Dec. 9, 2023, 1:33 p.m. No.20049356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9365

Yossi Gurwitz - Jewish Talmud Preaches Pedophilia & Genocide


In 2012, Ex-Yeshiva student Yossi Gurwitz explained what non-Jews can expect when Talmudic Jews gain total ascendency: ["According to Judaism], they are idolaters, and you have to kill them."


There must be a cleansing. Religious law prohibits contact with non-Jews. Of course, the Kosher laws prohibit you from eating with them. Other laws forbid you from treating them fairly. You are forbidden to return a lost item to a non-Jew - except in order to "keep the peace". There is no prohibition on stealing from a non-Jew - except in order to "keep the peace". You can't say "hello" to them - unless there is no alternative. And so on and so forth.


Transcript of interview with Yossi Gurwitz, (courtesy of Ken Adachi)


"Judaism as a religion has been frozen in time for the last 1800 years. Generally speaking, Rabbinical Judaism, as it appears in the Talmud … is the source of Judaism, not the Bible. The source of Judaism is the Talmud…


Okay, let's get this exactly right: it defines only Jews who believe in the religion are men - as full humans. And everyone else is some level of 'other', that must be pushed aside or, in extreme cases, destroyed.


But if you kill a non-Jew then you're guilty, but there is no penalty. God will punish you. And that is - how shall I put it? - a bit problematic. When you say something is a crime, but there's no punishment for committing it, then it's not really a crime. That's the Talmud.


The worst case, in my opinion, is the case of Maimonides, who decrees…that it is permissible to have sexual intercourse with a 3-year old girl. That age of consent is - problematic. And second of all, he decrees that if a Jew rapes a three-year-old non-Jewish girl, then she must be executed. Her, not him - because she tempted him to sin. And for this reason, you have to treat her like an animal that puts obstacles in a person's way. And he quotes some verse about a bull or something like that. And the rabbis know that these parts of the religion that are misanthropic, that are discriminatory to non-Jews, pose a problem for them. Because if they try to implement them - there are some rules that are very unpleasant, like that three-year-old-girl we were just talking about - if they try to implement them, there will be a pogrom.


So to avoid that situation, the Talmud defines two different states of reality. There's one called "Darkei Shalom" [Peaceful Ways]. In other words, "This is the actual religious law, this is how you are supposed to act." "However, since it would cause a huge mess, and people will die. So due to 'peaceful ways', you don't act that way." Now, until what point does the "peaceful ways" rule still apply? Just as long as the other situation does not exist, which is "When Israel is Mighty". That's when there is a Jewish regime. It is independent, and it is merciless, it can do what it likes. Under those circumstances - it's all over, you go back to the letter of the law.

Anonymous ID: 3ad48f Dec. 9, 2023, 1:38 p.m. No.20049375   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CDC Issues Health Alert Over Deadly, Fast-Spreading Strain of Monkeypox

Anonymous ID: 3ad48f Dec. 9, 2023, 1:42 p.m. No.20049389   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Federal Judges Drop Massive 261-Page Ruling Tearing Apart Conceal Carry Laws


A three-judge panel has blocked major parts of New York state’s anti-gun law while allowing the state to create “sensitive sites” that limit where legal gun owners can carry.


However, the panel’s 261-page decision gave its thumbs-down to the state’s attempt to bar gun owners from carrying guns into churches, synagogues and other places of worship.


The ruling noted that its decision is not likely to be the last word as litigation continues that could include appeals to the U.S. Supreme Court. The ruling notes that it was focused on a request by Gun Owners of America and other plaintiffs for a preliminary injunction to block the law, not a review of the law itself.


The law required that anyone seeking a handgun permit appear for an interview with an official to ensure that they are of good moral character. The appeals court said the requirement “is not facially unconstitutional. A reasoned denial of a carry license to a person who, if armed, would pose a danger to themselves, others, or to the public is consistent with the well-recognized historical tradition of preventing dangerous individuals from possessing weapons.”

Anonymous ID: 3ad48f Dec. 9, 2023, 1:50 p.m. No.20049432   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Investigating Israeli War Crimes is ‘Pure Antisemitism’ says Netanyahu


The International Criminal Court is 'targeting the one state of the Jewish people,' the Israeli Prime Minister claims.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a video address that investigating alleged Israeli war crimes is “pure antisemitism.”

Benjamin ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu is claiming that the International Criminal Court (ICC) is engaging in “pure antisemitism” by looking into reports of Israeli war crimes amid the ongoing war in Gaza. The claim comes despite the fact that the ICC is looking into reports that both sides in the conflict have committed war crimes, including the slaughter of women of children.


“When the ICC investigates Israel for fake war crimes, this is pure antisemitism,” said Netanyahu, before claiming that Israel should be exempt from war crimes investigations because it’s a Jewish country.


“The court established to prevent atrocities like the Nazi holocaust against the Jewish people, is now targeting the one state of the Jewish people.”


As mentioned, the mass killing of civilians has been a focal point of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.


Thus far, Israeli strikes in Gaza have killed over 17,000 Palestinians, including more than 7,000 children, while the Hamas raid into southern Israel on October 7th reportedly killed around 1,200 people.


However, reports and eyewitness testimony published in the Israeli press have claimed that the IDF was responsible for the bulk of the October 7th casualties, having called in strikes on Israel’s own communities and even an Israeli military base.


As National File reported:


“Israel’s military received orders to shell Israeli homes and even their own bases as they were overwhelmed by Hamas militants on October 7.”


Eye-witness Tuval Escapa, an Israeli security team member at the Kibbutz Be’eri, told Haaretz that “the commanders in the field made difficult decisions – including shelling houses on their occupants in order to eliminate terrorists along with the hostages.”