Anonymous ID: 65f8c8 Dec. 9, 2023, 8:31 a.m. No.20048618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8630

>>20048547 (pb)

>Why the fuck are there changes made that make it incompatible?

Dunno. The changes that affected me were not documented. I got fucked when they changed the behaviour of some event handlers. The last change that nailed me was having "localhost" default to the ipv6 address (which broke my proxy server's connection to the Tor server). Minor changes really because, as I said, I stick with lowest common denominator stuff that's been supported for at least a few years.

>And why are you okay with it?

Not okay. They make me fume.

>I use standard functions, which are meant to be used and they don't break, ever.

Until they break. You are being really optimistic now.


In any case, I do break my own shit sometimes. When it's a bad idea that just needs to get thrown out.



>OCI is brilliant and simple. And these fuckers basically destroyed it.

Can't argue with you there since I don't really know what all is actually involved. So you need to pass the cookie secretly? No way to do that? Can you get a hold of the cookie?

Anonymous ID: 65f8c8 Dec. 9, 2023, 8:49 a.m. No.20048663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8676


>Properly written software does not do that.

The HTTP portion of Node.js is a self-admitted hack. All I can do is grin and bear it since I don't have the flipping time to write my own version. It works fine for my purposes.

>It's for critical infrastructure like oil platforms

If you want to write code for oil platforms. I'm firmly stuck in the messy world of consumer software.

>The cookie wasn't deleted, it's not sent over in this specific case.

From where does the cookie originate? The internet service? In that case, isn't it the intranet's responsibility to get it out to the web browser? What is the browser supposed to do with it? Send it back to the intranet? Whose intranet? Is this your browser or some jerk's browser somewhere in Kekistan?

Anonymous ID: 65f8c8 Dec. 9, 2023, 9:01 a.m. No.20048698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8704 >>8710


It seems to me that this intranet of which you speak is a proxy server. It's not actively involved in the transaction, right? In which case, the intranet server should be transparent. The cookie originates from the internet server and your intranet should be passing the cookie back to the browser. And vice versa. Sounds like it's your intranet that's dropping the cookie.

Anonymous ID: 65f8c8 Dec. 9, 2023, 9:14 a.m. No.20048736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8760


Let me get this straight. You are connected to the intranet server. You want to obtain a service from an external server so you are redirected to that URL. Okay. Why not complete the transaction there instead of falling back to the intranet server? I don't see what the intranet server is supposed to do with this incomplete transaction. I'm obviously missing something.


If you got the cookie from the intranet server then it should still be valid in the web browser when you reconnect to the intranet server. Unless you actually got redirected to a different server.


The third-party cookie issue would only apply when trying to use the cookie from a domain that is not the domain that issued the cookie.

Anonymous ID: 65f8c8 Dec. 9, 2023, 9:33 a.m. No.20048782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8795


>modern web browsers do not send you cookies anymore

The browser has the cookie in question. The cookie will be sent to the intranet when you connect back to it. The URL in the browser's url bar will show the URL for the intranet server, right? There's no reason to not send your session cookie to the server unless the url bar is showing the wrong domain. There is no other reason for holding back the cookie. Tell me what I got wrong.

Anonymous ID: 65f8c8 Dec. 9, 2023, 9:49 a.m. No.20048802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8809 >>8869


>"why would an external web site call an intranet site?????"

Is the external web page invoking the intranet address from Javascript?


What web browser? Firefox is pretty liberal with third-party cookies. This goes back to the "same-site=none" thing that I mentioned earlier. Firefox defaults to "none" if "same-site" is not set. Chrome-based browsers are more strict. Your intranet may need to set this permission.


Do you even need to redirect from the external site? What about using an iframe instead of redirecting the page?

Anonymous ID: 65f8c8 Dec. 9, 2023, 9:54 a.m. No.20048809   🗄️.is 🔗kun


How does the web browser know that you are even on an intranet server? Are you using an IP address instead of a domain name? Can it be upgraded to HTTPS?

Anonymous ID: 65f8c8 Dec. 9, 2023, 10:22 a.m. No.20048883   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>No, via a HTTP redirection.

Okay. I didn't think that would be an issue. Hmm. So the problem appears to be that the browser doesn't like redirecting to the intranet because the intranet is called "localhost" or is an IP address. Simple solution is to call it something else. Anything but "localhost" or "Sue" (kek). If the browser thinks it's an external domain then there shouldn't be an issue.


This may fail to work consistently if the intranet server is hardwired to the localhost domain. That shouldn't be the case. Dunno if there would be an issue with downgrading from HTTPS to HTTP. The only fix for that would be to upgrade the intranet to HTTPS or use a proxy server in between.

Anonymous ID: 65f8c8 Dec. 9, 2023, 1:27 p.m. No.20049330   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He's getting lambasted in the replies:


Piers Morgan @piersmorgan

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:09:52 p.m. 1732084889367847045 IMAGE

UPDATE: I’ve tested positive for Covid, and feel as rough as a badger’s a*se, but in the spirit of ‘The Show Must Go On’, I’m going to have a go at anchoring tonight’s @PiersUncensored⁩ live from my home. Tune in at 8pm, because anything could happen….


The Traveling Scientist @TheTravelingPhD

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:11:08 p.m. 1732085206629449926

I thought you were pregnant for a moment


The White Rabbit 🐇 @WR_Samurai

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:11:43 p.m. 1732085352993886549

did you just took the vaccine?


🇮🇶Osama @Osamyana

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:11:47 p.m. 1732085372073508871

1st time?

Do you condemn COVID-19?

Get well soon 😊


FOOTTOON @foottoon1

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:11:50 p.m. 1732085381263233350

Do you condemn COVID?


Saad Ijaz @Hmivida21

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:11:56 p.m. 1732085405896585249

Ask people to condemn Hamas repeatedly and you'll recover quickly.


Shaf @Shaftzx

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:12:34 p.m. 1732085567909920815

But do you… Nvm


T @Tekenoshi

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:14:47 p.m. 1732086124363808847

At least its nothing serious


Kirby Marshall @TheLongshipAge

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:15:45 p.m. 1732086366563951070

Huh, vaccinated always seem to get far sicker with covid, an interesting observation


David @DCstedt4

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:16:18 p.m. 1732086507890934076

I thought you were vaccinated?🧐😂


James Goddard @JamesPGoddard90

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:18:43 p.m. 1732087116795085124

You’ve got seasonal man flu then?


This was pretty common a few years ago. Certainly doesn’t warrant taking a day off work!


Hardly like you’ve a physical job is it. You sit on your backside preaching to the public!


Man up Piers


Nauman Sabir @Nau_Maan

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:20:26 p.m. 1732087547235533302 IMAGE

Congratulations Piers, are you having a boy or a girl?


Paul @CenturionPaulus

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:28:16 p.m. 1732089517551636771

😄 🤣 😂 How many Jabs?


smokeweedbuy.NFT @GratefulBruh

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:28:35 p.m. 1732089599483314237

Wild how everyone with that took the shot keeps getting covid. Vaccine free, covid free. Feel fucking great.


DgodNft.eth @DG0DNFT

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:30:07 p.m. 1732089984914506158

So you have cought the common cold 🥶 nice


GhostyZOV @GhostyZov

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:31:12 p.m. 1732090255690334319

The bravery & willpower you display to defy a simple flue is admirable big P. You are an inspiration to humanity.


Salahuddin @Chafier19

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:31:12 p.m. 1732090256013308181

Imagine still believing this covid nonsense in 2023🤦‍♂️


Omar🇷🇺🇯🇴 @Uncle_Faruk

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:32:10 p.m. 1732090500528632116 IMAGE

Do you condemn Israel's massacre of babies?


The Real Jay 📸 @ItsDaRealJay

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:33:36 p.m. 1732090861830193561 IMAGE

COVID scam payment received successfully ✅


Empty Steel @EmptySteel

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:35:04 p.m. 1732091231050793192

Why didn’t you get the latest booster?! Omg


Amber Krabach @AK4WA

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:35:14 p.m. 1732091272977056068

Tell the truth, Piers…you’re on house arrest, aren’t you?


barney @Bearcember

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:35:18 p.m. 1732091288357396883 IMAGE

That’s not covid


Kohl McLean @kohlmclean

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:38:56 p.m. 1732092203722244242

No one cares


kotosia @Kotosiafaze

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:39:08 p.m. 1732092253525430657 IMAGE

What happened to the Vaccine?


Prime 🏴‍☠️ @Prime_is_Back

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:40:30 p.m. 1732092597777109292

You should have taken the vaccine.


Oh wait! You did!


Alec Lace @AlecLace

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:40:50 p.m. 1732092679767437789

Can’t be, I thought you were vaccinated!!


Alec Lace @AlecLace

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:38:38 p.m. 1732092129193742441 IMAGE 270p 360p 720p

“You’re ok! You’re NOT gonna get Covid if you have these Vaccinations” - Lying President Joe Biden


NotDerekCarr4 @TraderNDC

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:41:02 p.m. 1732092731063742673

Piers how come all the vaxxxers get covid again and again yet someone like me who is the spooky unvaxed just never gets it??


Cody Renner @savethe2strokes

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:43:05 p.m. 1732093245033939089

Why even take a test at this point?


Sandy 〽️ @RightGlockMom

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:43:07 p.m. 1732093253455929645 IMAGE

Are you unfamiliar with the study showing those who were repeatedly boosted contract the virus at a higher rate?


Piers Morgan @piersmorgan

2023-12-06 (Wed) 3:56:21 a.m. 1732323079836037629

I had one booster 2yrs ago.


Hadi Nasrallah @HadiNasrallah

2023-12-05 (Tues) 12:43:12 p.m. 1732093274591019336

But does the virus condemn Hamas?