Anonymous ID: 7a518f Dec. 9, 2023, 12:38 p.m. No.20049197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9218 >>9221

We are familiar with your planet's troubles and turbulences. We know that Darkness controls your life in every aspect. It demoralizes and confuses your youth, keeps the population in poverty, trying to depopulate the human race by using different types of poison in foods and shots. Your news is deceiving you daily by giving you only lies, and they are hiding the truth about the demonic rituals of drinking children’s blood, and all other negative things that the Dark Ones are doing to you.


Based on our own experiences we can tell that you don’t have much of a choice anymore, it’s necessary for you to take power into your own hands and overthrow the Dark Controllers from their positions of power. You have over 8 billion humans, it should not be to complicated for you to do it. Unify with each other and connect to your power within your soul through a meditative state.


This is your final phase, and only ground work is going to secure the Ascension. You are very fortunate that the Galactic Light Forces are protecting your planet from the skies. We have seen ourselves, how your satellites and debris from your rockets are falling from the Cosmos, and Ashtar Command dissolves them with their Light technology, so that they would not cause any damage on the planet or kill someone.