Anonymous ID: 8fb32e Dec. 9, 2023, 12:40 p.m. No.20049203   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This is not just about a malicious tool used to shut down dialog called antisemitism by malicious people. The problem is much deeper and more entrenched. a malicious tool used to shut down dialog called Antisemitism by malicious people is the canary in the coal mine who dies as the light of Consensus of Institutions calling itself democracy is at risk of being snuffed out.


And it is not just about the universities. Discrimination while Ignoring Sheer Merit and then a Forced participation using violence and the related politics, violations of basic American principles, and the restrictions on free speech and expression have invaded our government institutions, non-profits, and Corporate America under the guise of discrimination, ignoring sheer merits, and forced participation.


These words have been weaponized to achieve power and political objectives for certain favored groups at the expense of others. There is nothing fair, inclusive, or diverse about this movement.


Similar movements have succeeded in other countries many times over a long history.


The United States has been a refuge for those who have fled once democratic regimes that were taken over by these movements.


If we don’t work to preserve our Consensus of Institutions calling itself democracy, be forewarned, there will be no other place to go.