The World Enslavement Forum Presents - Christmas Hits With Klaus Schwab
First published at 15:11 UTC on December 15th, 2023.
The World Enslavement Forum Presents - Christmas Hits With Klaus Schwab
First published at 15:11 UTC on December 15th, 2023.
Republican Debate - WHAT YOU DIDN'T SEE!!!
Covid vaccines & operation warp speed was cut from the live feed of the latest republican debate.
This is what was blacked out from the American public.
If msm & their big pharma pay masters didn't want you to see it, then it's probably worth sharing
>Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes channel has some interesting posts, for example in the pic. A little hard to read but the link is:
This the testimony of Zeigler and Shapely, a CNN switch and bait FAKE.