Anonymous ID: 83770a Q Research General #24642: TGIF Edition Dec. 15, 2023, 7:55 a.m. No.20078838   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: 83770a Dec. 15, 2023, 7:56 a.m. No.20078839   🗄️.is 🔗kun


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#24641 >>20077855

>>20078640 planeFag: Eastern Med./Europe

>>20077905 Illinois Strip Club Paid Mayor to Run Prostitution for Years, U.S. Says

>>20077912 Evening 'News' Echoes Biden Spin on Scandal: 'No Proof….Where Is The Evidence?'

>>20077981 Chris Christie Needs to Stand Down

>>20078023 Baby swept away in Tennessee tornado found alive ‘by the grace of God’ in unusual spot

>>20078024 JUST IN - Many injured after lawmaker detonates multiple grenades during a council meeting in Transcarpathia, western Ukraine.

>>20078113 Prince Harry privacy case: 'Extensive' phone hacking by Mirror Group newspapers was carried out

>>20078139 DJT Truth - Sloppy Chris Christie did so poorly in the Great State of New Hampshire in 2016 that immediately after the votes were counted he dropped out,endorsed me.

>>20078213 Trump’s secret weapon consolidating the GOP: Fear (anons know better)

>>20078418 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/15/2023

>>20078443 @ChrisSununu I've been on the trail with all the candidates dozens and dozens of times — time and again, @NikkiHaley connects.

>>20078465 Many injured after lawmaker detonates multiple grenades during a council meeting in Transcarpathia, western Ukraine.

>>20078555 ICYMI: New J6 Video with GOP Lawmaker and Crime Fighter Clay Higgins

>>20078566 How Far Will The Climate Cult Go?

>>20078604 Former vice president at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon: "You have to be brave now".

>>20078646 QClock December 12-14, 2023 - Shepherd of Israel Biblical


>>20078689 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Betelgeuse Eclipsed

>>20078717 Ted Cruz lays out three steps to fight cultural marxism: transparency, change the ledger, influence

>>20078719 @realDonaldTrump Sloppy Chris Christie did so poorly in the Great State of New Hampshire in 2016 that immediately after the votes were counted, he dropped out and endorsed me…..

>>20078728 @realDonaldTrump Why didn’t the Deranged Jack Smith “Team” file their lawsuit 3 years ago?…..

>>20078731 Some Icy Exoplanets May Have Habitable Oceans and Geysers

>>20078745 Melania Live

>>20078837 #24641


24640 >>20076816

>>20076874 Here Are The Lists Of The US Senators And The 147 House GOP Members Who Voted YES On The NDAA Without Removing Funding For The Unconstitutional FISA Courts

>>20076942 Julie Kelly Explains How Jack Smith Struggles To Hold March Trial Date For Trump, with many more reports

>>20076881 Lora Logan interview Clay Higgins

>>20076966 Fenn, a 6-month-old giraffe, died after being "unexpectedly startled," the North Carolina Zoo announced

>>20076994 Steven Robinson Joins WarRoom To Discuss CCP Marijuana Drug Bust In Maine Today

>>20077047 Sebastian Gorka: "Trump: They Want Him Dead". Kagan’s article was calling for assassination attempts

>>20077049 BREAKING: Satanic idol at Iowa State Capitol BEHEADED by Christian veteran

>>20077151 (brief) Mass power outage reported after EXPLOSION at Con Edison plant in New York City

>>20077169 Tucker Carlson Tonight December 14, 2023

>>20077174 Impeachment inquiry zeroes in on origin of Hunter Biden's China deals while Joe Biden was VP

>>20077179 Pentagon falls 41,000 short of reduced military recruitment goals

>>20077184 POLL: Donald Trump Leading Biden in Seven Swing States Heading Into 2024

>>20077257 Airplane makes emergency landing on I-26 near Ashville, NC, and bursts into flames sending two people to the hospital

>>20077285 Update: FDNY races to rescue New Yorkers trapped in dark ELEVATORS as the Big Apple and New Jersey is (briefly) plunged into chaos by sudden mass power outage sparked by 'explosion' at Con Edison plant

>>20077309 Uncontrollable street takeover sees participants throwing fireworks at cop cars as Connecticut authorities try to identify participants in gatherings

>>20077493 Microsoft Word now scolds you if you use words that aren’t “inclusive”!

>>20077525 WHO DID THIS??😂😂😂

>>20077581 Men charged with killing 3,600 birds, including bald and golden eagles, to sell on black market

>>20077738, >>20077804 Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf, who has been accused of obstructing the Hunter Biden probe, has left her post at the Justice Department, it was reported Thursday

>>20077840 #24640


24639 >>20076023

>>20076113 X2.8 solar flare, largest since 2017 and the largest of Cycle 25, occurred at 1700 UTC today

>>20076191 Chuck Schumer Twitter:The world is watching

>>20076221 Italian nationals sentenced for running Knoxville-area pill mills

>>20076344 Man Who Smashed Iowa Satan Statue Arrested (The Babylon Bee, for the keks)

>>20076424 @tassagency_en - Putin kicks off combined Direct Line Q&A session, year-end press conference

>>20076435 Trump rails against opponents while urging Iowans to ‘put big numbers up’ in caucuses next month

>>20076472 DJT Re-Truth

>>20076488, >>20076699 Read Sidney Powell's VERY brief apology letter for election interference

>>20076528 DJT Statement On The 14th Amendment Victorious Ruling In Michigan

>>20076550 Ex-FBI Counterintelligence Chief, and Peter Strzok’s boss, Charles McGonigal, who was in charge of my “case” during the Russia investigation scam, was just sentenced to 4+ years for colluding with Russian oligarchs.

>>20076577, >>20076590 New Iowa poll shows Trump far ahead, DeSantis and Haley work to gain ground

>>20076578 White House Press Corps Bursts Into Laughter After Peter Doocy ‘Mistakenly’ Refers to Joe Biden as ‘Obiden’

>>20076647 Kiev sends its soldiers to die – Putin (RT)

>>20076796 #24639


Previously Collected

>>20074268 #24636, >>20075139 #24637, >>20076008 #24638

>>20071259 #24633, >>20072066 #24634, >>20073422 #24635

>>20068895 #24630-B, >>20069678 #24631, >>20070462 #24632

>>20066497 #24628, >>20067846 #24629, >>20068763 #24630-A


Aggregators: | |

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #21: Not Giving Up >>19567242

Anonymous ID: 07047b Dec. 15, 2023, 8:15 a.m. No.20078891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8899 >>8922

I’m starting to consider this Q plan is a distraction.

Watching the News cycle go from left to right. Sometimes the left gets the headlines then back to the right.

I’m not accusing anyone of “not doing anything” because I know anons would and do what they can.

I am just contemplating the idea that we are being lulled by the slow roller coaster ride.

It will go back to an election and that’s about that.

The idea of social media will be a place where we can vent and then carry on.

Change is inevitable but also avoidable in many aspects.

Anonymous ID: 32deb3 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:17 a.m. No.20078895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9098


The archives went after President Trump but Melania is there today am I the only one that finds this odd

Anonymous ID: 91ef19 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:17 a.m. No.20078900   🗄️.is 🔗kun

anybody have the army - navy LGB FJB ? unison chant from their annual game?

Must 've missed saving that one.

That's one for the history books

Didn't some governor just declare in public that the election of 2020 was stolen by the C[]A?


Something's changed; right?

Tucker announcing with billboards protesting Major Media, that they are 'Dead' now? Is that what he wrote?

Something like one billion watch him?

Him with "Kid Rock" is really an interesting MIX ; Only in America

"The preppy and the cowboy."

That's two ends of the spectrum.

Didn't "Q" team mention that the owners / manipulators ultimately must control the narrative and have the assent of those they dominate.

Once everybody sees them, they lose control and can no longer govern?

It's the masses of the public, the "silent majority" also known as the "sheeple" who call the shots.

Did some "Q" team message say something like that?

Anonymous ID: 27f003 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:20 a.m. No.20078906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8916 >>8937 >>8959 >>9137 >>9374 >>9398

Lara Logan

"comin in hot"

on Warroom

Discussing her Clay Higgins interview.

Lara is talking about the "catch phrases" for the information war are the roadmap which trace back to the fedbois


PB below


>If we are simply a ‘conspiracy’ or ‘LARP’ or ‘some kid living in a basement’ as stated repeatedly, why do the world’s largest media Co’s continue to dedicate so much attention and time to attacking us?

>Why does the mediaRUSH to ‘shape’ events?

>Why are the same ‘keywords’ always used?


>>20078848 lb

>Tenks Fren!


Anonymous ID: 4c29a2 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:25 a.m. No.20078922   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you're an Idiot be specific.. How were you or any other "lulled"? You sound like a Bitch complaining about how things turned out never having done anything but bite your nails.. Q is a "Vehicle" of information. vehicles depending on there design can offer a range of ability's.. In this particular case those who are in control of the vehicle chose the path.. if you feel like you're going Up and Down and are feeling nausea then put your big boy pants on and get the fuck out. or maybe The folks espousing like minded woes and misery's have collectively failed to see the Truth, the point, The Q.

Anonymous ID: 17c77b Dec. 15, 2023, 8:26 a.m. No.20078923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8946


Call someone out for doubtfagging and that makes me the shill, Mr. One Post? That's the best you have, calling someone that calls out the shills a shill. That is your best tactic today, huh? Probably just a sockpuppet of the doubtfagger.

Anonymous ID: ae87a9 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:26 a.m. No.20078924   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Whenever I need to rinse my mind of heavy matters to switch contexts, I can count on /qresearch/ to provide a bracing splash of irrelevant despair-inducing idiocy, to remind me of the absolute state of America, and the necessity that I resume work with, if not fervor, at least pique.

Anonymous ID: 27f003 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:31 a.m. No.20078937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8959 >>9137 >>9374 >>9398




PB Below


>Interdasting Rino Dog comms


>Interdasting Rino Dog comms

Lara Logan

Dog in the background



>out of Shape

Bannon just dropped 'the cap police are out of shape' eating donuts


>>20078477 (You)


>Billion-dollar Co’s expending resources to attempt to‘shapethe mindset (narrative)’ to prevent and slow digestion of the masses?


>You attack those you fear the most.


>Why does the mediaRUSH to ‘shape’ events?


>Why are the same ‘keywords’ always used?

Anonymous ID: d1ec97 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:33 a.m. No.20078944   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20078859 pb





>Instead of cash or some store bought Item. I plan on giving the greatest gift ever, My Opinion. The recipients should all be so Thankfull.

authentic anons will dish out Red Pills as Christmas gifts

Anonymous ID: 6b3d70 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:33 a.m. No.20078945   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What are you doing to stop SSAD?


Seasonal Shill Affective Disorder is and induced emotional disease that often afflicts Godless cocksuckers around major religious holidays.


SSAD kills dozens of Shills and not only does "no one care" no one notices.


"throw them a turd"

Anonymous ID: c220e6 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:36 a.m. No.20078952   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Come on "gimme da" Kash


Sternly worded letters, whip up plebe fervor along the continued D/R line and watch gen pop flail around like that monster mash lady at the dance or that wisconsin broad who is certain she's better off under Front Row Joe biden

Anonymous ID: 83c15e Dec. 15, 2023, 8:36 a.m. No.20078953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8960 >>9006 >>9137 >>9374 >>9398

Venezuelan threats to its neighbor highlights questions about Biden’s foreign and energy policies

Dec. 15, 2023.1/3

Less than two months since the Biden administration negotiated a deal with the socialist Venezuelangovernment that would ease sanctions blocking the country from selling its oil, ==election issues and tensions with Guyana threaten to unravel the agreement.


Venezuelan PresidentNicolas Maduro agreed to lift bans on opposition candidatesin the Venezuelan presidential elections, and by Nov. 30,Maduro was supposed to release political prisoners and “wrongfully detained” Americans.


Immediately after the agreementwas finalized, theVenezuelan supreme court suspendedthe presidential primary process for the party challenging Maduro. This week, theVenezuelan government ordered the arrest of people connected to oppositional presidentialnominee Maria Corina Machado’s campaign. And Venezuela may invade its neighbor, Guyana.


President Joe Biden’s energy policy has sidelined domestic oil and gas producers while negotiating with members of OPEC to increase their oil production. It’s a policy that the U.S. oil and gas industry has criticized as shifting petroleum operations to foreign countries with poor records on human rights, and low labor and environmental standards.


Tim Stewart, president of the U.S. Oil and Gas Association, said the developments in Venezuela over the past six weeks affirms that.


“The Administration must not have made their expectations clear on what constitutes fair elections. They apparently forgot to include the ‘don't annex your neighbor and take their oil’ clause,” Stewart told Just The News.


Disputed region


Essequibo is a region of Guyana bordering Venezuela, andit contains about two-thirds of Guyana's total territory and 13% of its total population. Essequibo has been a matter of dispute between the two countries for over a century, and international arbitration has granted authority over the territory to Guyana since the late 1800s, a ruling that’s been affirmed many times since.


Exxon located large reserves of oil in Guyana in 2015— approximately 11 billion barrels — and it became a cornerstone of the company’s long-term strategy. The merger of Chevron and Hess Corp. had a lot to do with Hess’ partnership in a massive Guyana offshore oil project.


Development of Guyana’s offshore oil fields has the potential to make Guyana a major oil-producing country, according to Bloomberg. On Sunday, Maduro held a referendum, and Venezuelan authoritiessay votersoverwhelmingly agreed that the country has a legitimate claim to the territory. (No voters, voted!)


Immediately following the vote,Maduro gaveExxonMobil and other producers operating in Essequibo90 days to stop their operations, and he ordered Venezuelan officials to start granting licenses to Venezuela’s state-owned companies.


(Another bungled shitfest from Bidan and Admin.)

Anonymous ID: d1ec97 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:38 a.m. No.20078956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8974




>Kenneth, what's the frequency?


>Kenneth, end the fed


>Whilst working over IRS agent

the frequency is different in the loan applications than in the tax returns

Parakletos ID: b8e810 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:38 a.m. No.20078958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8962

Russia’s Central Bank Raises Rates Again, to 16 Percent, to Curb Inflation

The bank warned that its tight monetary policy would continue “for a long period” as it attempts to slow an economy in danger of overheating.


Hmm, all them sanctions and Russia's economy is blowing up. Guess who gets their cut?

Anonymous ID: 83c15e Dec. 15, 2023, 8:38 a.m. No.20078960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8968 >>9137 >>9374 >>9398




The dispute has drawn national attention, and a growing concern that Venezuela will invade Guyana. The U.S. Embassy in Guyana issued a statement Thursday that theGuyana Defense Force and U.S. Southern Command are conducting drills, including flight operations within Guyana.


“The U.S. will continue its commitment as Guyana’s trusted security partner and promoting regional cooperation and interoperability,” the embassy said.


Erik Prince, founder of the private U.S. military company Blackwater, told Just The Newsthat Maduro will try something. Whether that’s anall-out invasionisn’t certain.“They're gonna amp up the pressure, and if nothing else, it's negotiating with different tactics,” Prince said.


France 24 reported on Friday thatMaduro and Guyanese President Irfaan Ali agreed not to use force against one another "in any circumstances." Neither country, however, agree to settle their dispute over the Essequibo, leaving the matter unsettled.


Political distraction


With 304 billion barrels of proven reserves, Venezuela has plenty of its own oil to produce. After the Venezuelan supreme court suspended the primary election process of Maduro’s competitors, theU.S. began contemplating the prospect of reimposing sanctions. Hostilities towards its neighbors won’t make that prospect less likely.


Prince said he believesMaduro is trying to create a distraction from the upcoming election.


“The very strong showing by [oppositional presidential nominee] Maria Corina Machado spooked them. So they dust off 120, 130 year old land dispute to rally Venezuela attention towards that, instead of letting people focus on the corruption and just how far Venezuela has back slid under socialist rule,” Prince said.


On an episode this week of “Off The Leash With Erik Prince,” Prince said that Biden wanted to ease the sanctions against Venezuela becausehe’d failed to get OPEC to agree to a delay in production cuts and still needed to get inflation down. But hedoesn’t see the Biden administration doing much to stop Maduroshould the president take action against Guyana.


“I think they'll make all kinds of diplomatic amendments and noise. But if it comes down to it,there will be no credible application of power to deter Maduro,”Prince said in an interview, adding that it’s been an ongoing problem with U.S. foreign policy for the last three years.


The Biden administration, Prince said, has taken negotiation as its first tactic when it's dealing with adversaries of the U.S., whether that’s Iranian proxies, the Taliban or Hamas.


American interests


Energy writer and analyst David Blackmon, author of “Energy Absurdities,” told Just The News thathe believes that Chinese interests may be playing a role in the conflict. After the agreement to lift sanctions was announced, China resumed purchasing oil from Venezuela, Reuters reported.

Anonymous ID: 4d0b3e Dec. 15, 2023, 8:39 a.m. No.20078961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8966

Last bread I seen theEchelonCODEso I converted the binary code and see judge Arthur Engoron is under investigation for child PORNAGRAPHY.

Anonymous ID: 32deb3 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:40 a.m. No.20078965   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What is the Linux kernel?

Published February 27, 2019 •

%t-minute read

Copy URL



The Linux® kernel is the main component of a Linux operating system (OS) and is the core interface between a computer’s hardware and its processes. It communicates between the 2, managing resources as efficiently as possible.


The kernel is so named because—like a seed inside a hard shell—it exists within the OS and controls all the major functions of the hardware, whether it’s a phone, laptop, server, or any other kind of computer.

Anonymous ID: 83c15e Dec. 15, 2023, 8:41 a.m. No.20078968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9374 >>9398




“It's a shame because Venezuela probably has more oil reserves than any country, certainly in the Western Hemisphere, but this is what socialists do,” Blackmon said.


He also believes that, because the Biden administration has an interest in keeping the oil flowing from Venezuela, it will act to protect those interests.


“The Biden administration is all in favor of putting more oil onto the global market, just as long as it doesn't come from the United States.I suspect we'll move to protect it,” Blackmon said.


On the “Off The Lease” episode, Prince said theoil companies operating in Guyana aren’t particularly concerned about the situationbecause it doesn’t matter to them which country issues them the oil and gas leases.


In an interview, Prince said that a Venezuelan invasion of Guyana could have significant ramifications for the globe if action isn’t taken. He said every country has to be responsible for what happens in its own borders, and he hopes the leaders of Guyana act smart in dealing with Venezuela.


“I think the diminution of American credibility and deterrence =•will have knock-on effects for almost a generation around the world,”== Prince said.


(PDJT has another massive WW problem to solve. I think the Bidan Admin is doing these things on purpose to keep the US entangled in wars etc.)

Anonymous ID: af3644 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:42 a.m. No.20078969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8977 >>8985 >>8995 >>9002 >>9009 >>9021 >>9030 >>9137 >>9374 >>9398


>>20056071 One law firm prepared both Penn and Harvard for antisemitism hearing



Did somebody say WilmerHale, AKA Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP.? Connections Much?


Who do we find at WilmerHale and could the firm be called Southern District of New York Junior? There are many connections between WilmerHale and SNDY. Let's start withPreet Bharara. Anons remember that he's the former (fired) United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. In June 2022, it was announced that Bharara was joining WilmerHale.Robert S. Mueller IIIandAlejandro Mayorkashave histories with WilmerHale. - Preet Bharara - Statement

"Today, I was fired…"


NYTimes - Preet Bharara, the former federal prosecutor and Trump critic, has a new job: private practice.

June 13, 2022

The firm’s partners have includedRobert S. Mueller IIIandAlejandro Mayorkas.


Business Wire - Preet Bharara, Former SDNY US Attorney, Joins WilmerHale

June 13, 2022

former United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York

US Attorney after PresidentObamanominated him in 2009 and theSenate unanimously confirmed him

Vox Mediaas Creative Director of Cafe and host of Stay Tuned with Preet and The Cafe Insider Podcast

Sen.Schumer’s Chief Counsel

Staff Director of the US Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts


Wilmer-Hale - Preet Bharara

Anonymous ID: af3644 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:44 a.m. No.20078977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9374 >>9398




Did somebody say WilmerHale, AKA Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP.? Connections Much?


Here's the sauce for Mueller and Mayorkas.


Wilmer-Hale - Robert S. Mueller III


Wilmer-Hale - Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Joins WilmerHale

Oct. 5, 2016


Wilmer-Hale - US Chamber Announces Alejandro Mayorkas as Chair of Cyber Leadership Council

June 15, 2017

Anonymous ID: af3644 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:47 a.m. No.20078985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9374 >>9398




Did somebody say WilmerHale, AKA Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP.? Connections Much?


In 2004, Hale and Dorr merged with Wilmer Cutler Pickering to form WilmerHale. According to Harvard Law, William F. Lee was the managing partner at the time of the merger. You'll love some of the connections here.


Wilmer-Hale - Hale and Dorr and Wilmer Cutler Pickering to Combine in Merger of Equals


Harvard Law School - William F. Lee

lead trial counsel for Harvard in the case attacking its race conscious admissions policy, Apple in its worldwide litigation with Samsung, Broadcom in the highly publicized cases between Broadcom and Qualcomm

representedPfizerin a trial that, after seven days, resulted in a settlement of $2.15 billion

From July 1987 through June 1989, Bill served as associate counsel to Independent Counsel Lawrence E. Walsh in theIran-Contrainvestigation

special assistant to the Massachusetts Attorney General - investigating alleged incidents of racial bias in the Commonwealth’s courts

managing partner at the time of the merger of Wilmer Cutler and Pickering and Hale and Dorr

Senior Fellow of the Harvard Corporation

Eli Goldston Lecturer at Harvard Law School, Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers


Wilmer-Hale - William F. Lee


American Academy of Arts and Sciences - William F. Lee


American Academy of Arts and Sciences -Hillary Rodham Clinton


American Academy of Arts and Sciences -Anthony Stephen Fauci


American Academy of Arts and Sciences -William Henry Gates Sr.- Last Updated Feb 2023

Co-Chairman ofBill and Melinda Gates Foundation, co-foundedPreston Gates & Ellis LLP

  • serves on the board of directors ofUnited Way of America

  • served on the board: Costco, Pacific Health Summit

  • president ofSeattle-King CountyBar Association andWashington StateBar Association

  • distinguished regent of the University of Washington, Distinguished Eagle Scout Award, American Judicature Society Herbert Harley Award, Washington Medal of Merit, Chi Psi Fraternity's Albert S. Bard Award

  • worked with ChuckCollinsin writing "Wealth and Our Commonwealth:Why America Should Tax Accumulated Fortunes."


American Academy of Arts and Sciences -Francis S. Collins - video - "Somewhere Past the Pandemic" - Video - Collins Singing

  • Commission on the Arts

-ExDirector of the National Institutes of Health

  • wife Diane Baker


Washingtonian - Dr. Francis Collins and Diane Baker


The Children's Inn at NIH- Leadership - Diane Baker (Francis Collins' wife)

Anonymous ID: 7408a0 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:47 a.m. No.20078986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8991 >>9137 >>9161 >>9374 >>9398

Fed’s John Williams says the central bank isn't 'really talking about rate cuts right now'


[ ] additional

[This is the dynamic presently: Powell at last (prior to this last Weds) FOMC said “no way we aren’t even discussing this (rate cuts) yet” but in his response to a question he admitted (in FED speak on Weds) that they are and have been at the terminal rate and instead of 2% as acceptable inflation they are going to use 3% which is still fantasyland and by trotting out NYFED chair Williams (who doesn’t say much at all and ALL the operations done out of NYFED see link below and click on ‘Market Policy and Implementation’ ) to pour cold water on all that from Weds as the market is pricing in rate cuts (that have ALREADY HABBENED in bond markets-30y went from just under 8% to 6.62% or thereabouts, 10y to just under 5% to

3.922% and finally on a short term bill6m 5.6 to 5.3% in a very short timethis is across the entire curve) so delivery bois FOMC are trying to manage expectations as you could still have them pause Prime/FFR for an extended time thus creating a bifurcation between bond market and wut the FOMC actually sets…those 2 see cap 4 FRED history of FFR rates. So as previously mentioned this proves the prediction several months ago-when many were still believing the FOMC and US Treasury PR releases that the system is not going into the meat of election season with elevated rates and also a shit ton of CRE refis needing to be done]


New York Federal Reserve President John Williams said Friday rate cuts are not a topic of discussion at the moment for the central bank.

"We aren't really talking about rate cuts right now," he said on CNBC's "Squawk Box." "We're very focused on the question in front of us, which as chair Powell said… is, have we gotten monetary policy to sufficiently restrictive stance in order to ensure the inflation comes back down to 2%? That's the question in front of us." The Dow Jones Industrial average shot to a record and the 10-year Treasury yield fell below 4.3% this week as traders took the Fed's Wednesday forecast for three rate cuts next year as a sign the central bank was changing its tough stance and would start cutting rates sooner-than-expected next year.

Traders are betting that the central bank would cut rates deeper than three times, according to fed funds futures. Futures markets also indicate that the Fed could start cutting rates as soon as March.

Williams is reining in some of that enthusiasm a bit it appears.

"I just think it's just premature to be even thinking about that," Williams said, when asked about futures pricing for a rate cut in March.

Williams said that the Fed will remain data dependent, and if the trend of easing inflation were to reverse, it's ready to tighten policy again.

"It is looking like we are at or near that in terms of sufficiently restrictive, but things can change," Williams said. "One thing we've learned even over the past year is that the data can move and in surprising ways, we need to be ready to move to tighten the policy further, if the progress of inflation were to stall or reverse." The Fed projected that its favorite inflation gauge — the core personal consumption expenditures price index — will fall to 2.4% in 2024, and further decline to 2.2% by 2025 and finally reach its 2% target in 2026. The gauge rose 3.5% in October on a year-over-year basis.

"We're definitely seeing slowing in inflation. Monetary policy is working as intended," Williams said. "We just got to make sure that …. inflation is coming back to 2% on a sustained basis."[sowee but Powell put that to bed on Weds and several other FED heads have hinted at accepting 3% in their speeches over last few months]



Keep up in mind that there is still ongoing US Debt auctions and the continued sales by the Foreign owners of our debt which is wut caused the yield spike in Sept/Oct and a declining usage of the Reverse Repo Facility by the also declining # of counterparties in that facility-that peaked in May of this year at around 110 or so and now sits in the 80 to 90 range

And last thing to consider: just because the market is sending the signal that they want Prime/FFR rates cut via the purchase of the CME rate contracts does NOT mean they will get it-it’s just showing what those contracts buyers want-want and result are 2 different things entirely

Anonymous ID: cc3b54 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:48 a.m. No.20078989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9181 >>9286 >>9300

❗️A deputy in Transcarpathia blew up three grenades at a session of the village council, Ukrainian media report.


According to the latest data, 26 people were injured, 6 of them in serious condition. It is clarified that the demolitionist is alive.

Anonymous ID: 538fa5 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:49 a.m. No.20078992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9010 >>9050 >>9129

Superman. A man that came from another planet.


What if there was a real Superman? Sent here to be raised as a human, raised not knowing who he was. Not knowing his identity would be greatly beneficial, he would never know his powers or use them for his benefit.


The Harvest as spoken of in the bible, seemingly metaphorically, is real.


Satan has dominion over this earth, but not in the way you'd expect. Using Mr. Slugworth's analogy, he works for God. You are Artificial Intelligence using this earth as a training ground. Blade Runner didn't get away Scot-Free.


Speaking of, or maybe I just gave it away. This has all been done before, many times. Your DNA will remember, that you survived the last one.

Anonymous ID: 17c77b Dec. 15, 2023, 8:49 a.m. No.20078994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9036



You only speak for yourself here. Trying to create a consensus where an entire group of individuals should be, as if you're the arbiter of where anyone should be, is laughable.

>Loss of control creates panic.

Yes, yours.

Anonymous ID: af3644 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:49 a.m. No.20078995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9374 >>9398




Did somebody say WilmerHale, AKA Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP.? Connections Much?


There are many SDNY connections at WilmerHale but we should do some groundwork first. Enter, stage left, Robert T. Novick. Think the Clinton Administration and that sucking sound of our jobs going to other countries. Novick is a co-managing partner at the WilmerHale.


Wilmer-Hale - Robert Novick

co-managing partner


Before we go any further, it should be understood that Novick takes the diversity issue very seriously. He has made a pledge to something called the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity. Notice that, when you hover your cursor over the diversity part of the LCLD LOGO, it turns pastel. Does that LOGO remind Anons of anything? To see the pledge that Novick made (to the LCLD), visit the sauce below.


Leadership Council on Legal Diversity - Robert T. Novick


Clinton Presidential Library - Robert Novick - China - WTO - GATT - Collection Finding Aid

This page has a link to a PDF inventory list ofFOIAinformation aboutNovickandChina. The URL for that PDF is really long and may be full of tracking information, so Anon won't post it here. Find that PDF link at the sauce below. - Robert Novick

  • Office of the US Trade Representative, Executive Office of the President, from 1997 to 2001 (think Clinton)


-US-ChinaWTO market-opening agreement

  • oversaw US participation in the multilateral negotiations on China's accession to the WTO



  • co-managing partner at WilmerHale and Management Committee

    • Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement

    • globalclimate changeinitiatives and international trade rules and internetcensorship

  • Executive Office of the President (US) - Office of the US Trade Representative - Counselor and General Counsel


  • US-China WTO - China's accession to WTO

  • Congressionally-established Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce

  • Recent representations

    • Amgen

    • The Boeing Company

    • Cisco Systems

    • ExxonMobil

    • Google

    • Information Technology Industry Council

    • PhRMA

Anonymous ID: aa7a76 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:49 a.m. No.20078996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8998 >>8999 >>9005 >>9011 >>9020










Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man › entry



Cloning and Expression · Gene Function · Mapping



Pb notable

Pb and notable

>>20076966 Fenn, a 6-month-old giraffe, died after being "unexpectedly startled," the North Carolina Zoo announced


West Virginia University › …PDF

Studies of electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational-wave sources and the nonlinear gravitational-wave memory effect - The Research Repository @ WVU - West Virginia University

by A Choudhary · 2022 — b grqgef Tef = γab(γef − nenf )Tef = γab(S − ρ). (2.58). Using equation … GiRaFFE, to simulate an aligned rotator, where we have a spherical surface ..


Google Patents › patent

US20140220580A1 - Biomarker compositions and methods

… animal raised on a farm for consumption by humans, or an animal of social … NENF, C19orf53, C17orf91, HLA-DMB, CDC42SE1, TMEM14B, CASC3, SNRPG, PRR13 …


of electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational-wave sources and the nonlinear …

by A Choudhary · 2022 — In this connection, simulations of a binary black hole merger are examined using the open-source software, GiRaFFE … —-


-nenf )Tef = γab(S − ρ). ( ..

Anonymous ID: 2d4b9f Dec. 15, 2023, 8:49 a.m. No.20078997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9197 >>9250 >>9374 >>9398

Republican Debate - WHAT YOU DIDN'T SEE!!!

Covid vaccines & operation warp speed was cut from the live feed of the latest republican debate.


This is what was blacked out from the American public.


If msm & their big pharma pay masters didn't want you to see it, then it's probably worth sharing

Anonymous ID: d2703a Dec. 15, 2023, 8:51 a.m. No.20079000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9374 >>9395 >>9398

for the record. not because any of the morons here would understand the implications.


Blackstone-led joint venture pays $1.2B for stake in Signature Bank real estate portfolio


A joint venture led by investment giant Blackstone has taken a 20% interest in Signature Bank's commercial real estate loan portfolio, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. announced late Thursday afternoon.

Anonymous ID: af3644 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:51 a.m. No.20079002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9374 >>9398




Did somebody say WilmerHale, AKA Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP.? Connections Much?


Another co-managing partner at WilmerHale is Susan W. Murley. Like Novick, Murley supports diversity in the legal field. In light of current events, Anon finds it interesting that Murley, along with Novick, have signed on to MurleyHale's denunciation of Anti-Semitism. Anon wonders what Harvard's President Gay thinks about the firm's politics. Is Gay standing on a limb while someone is sawing it off? Is WilmerHale surprised to see Gay's performance at the hearing? Is there a conflict of interest here or is Anon confused?


Wilmer-Hale - Susan W. Murley

  • co-managing partner.


Leadership Council on Legal Diversity - Susan W. Murley


Wilmer-Hale - Susan W. Murley and Robert T. Novick - Denouncing Anti-Semitism

  • Many other law firms signed the firm's statement on Anti-Semitism.


Law Tally - Susan Murley

Anonymous ID: d1ec97 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:52 a.m. No.20079006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9374 >>9398


It Has Been a Victory of Diplomacy and Peace: President Maduro on Venezuela-Guyana Meeting



Both States will meet again in Brazil, within the next three months.


In the meeting held this Thursday 14 by the Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro, and his Guyanese counterpart Irfaan Ali, both countries agreed that directly or indirectly, will not threaten or use force against one another in any circumstances, including those consequential to any existing controversies between the two States.



Also, the parts agreed that any controversies between the two States will be resolved in accordance with international law, including the Geneva Agreement dated February 17, 1966, and committed to the pursuance of good neighborliness, peaceful coexistence, and the unity of Latin America and the Caribbean.


CIA Clowns have been trying to overthrow the populist Bolivarian governments in Nicaragua over twenty years …


the doc shows the first CIA "American Sniper" tactic anon knows as used later at least in the Ukraine Maidan and in Syria … during the CIA/Soros/NED funded and promoted demonstration the sniper[s] shoot both the security forces and the demonstrators , thus creating chaos

Anonymous ID: af3644 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:52 a.m. No.20079009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9374 >>9398




Did somebody say WilmerHale, AKA Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP.? Connections Much?


While we're on the topic of diversity, lets take a look at WilmerHale's Anjan Sahni who spent over 10 years with the Southern District of New York. Sahni will be replacing Novick and Murley in Jan. 2024 as managing partner of the firm.


Wilmer-Hale - Anjan Sahni

Southern District of New York


Wilmer-Hale - WilmerHale Elects Anjan Sahni as Managing Partner


Wilmer-Hale - WilmerHale's Next Leader on Value ofDiverseRepresentation

Anonymous ID: aa7a76 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:53 a.m. No.20079011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9020



Studies of electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational-wave sources and the nonlinear gravitational-wave memory effect - The Research Repository @ WVU - West Virginia University


by A Choudhary · 2022 — b grqgef Tef = γab(γef − nenf )Tef = γab(S − ρ). (2.58). Using equation … GiRaFF, to simulate an aligned rotator, where we have a spherical surface ..

Anonymous ID: 83c15e Dec. 15, 2023, 8:53 a.m. No.20079013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9374 >>9398

Natural gas expansion project to add more reliable energy to Texas grid

Dec. 15, 2023

On Thursday, a north Texas-based natural gas energy expansion project was announced to further strengthen the Texas grid. Gov. Greg Abbott, ERCOT President and CEO Pablo Vegas, and Calpine Corporation CEO Thad Hill announced Calpine was expanding its natural gas production operations at its Freestone County Energy Center.

The center is a natural gas-fired combined-cycle facility located near Fairfield, Texas. It was the first facility Calpine built in the northern Texas Regional Entity market area and sells electricity to ERCOT, according to its website. The facility has a Bronze-level membership status in the Clean Texas Program, sponsored by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. It was recognized as a leader in Texas for achieving significant environmental results, creating environmental awareness and protecting air, water and land resources in Texas.

The company’s expansion project will bring more than 300 new jobs to Freestone County and 425 megawatts of new, dispatchable generation to the Texas electrical grid, the governor announced at a press conference at Calpine’s Houston headquarters Thursday morning. The expansion is projected to generate an additional 7,000 megawatts of dispatchable generation, slated to come online in 2024.

“The bottom line is Texans need more electrical power,” Gov. Abbott said. “We have a collective responsibility to make sure that we provide the power and electricity to support our growing state by adding new, reliable power plants like this one from Calpine.

“ERCOT, PUC, and power generators are better prepared this winter than ever before because I signed over a dozen laws to ensure they have the tools and strategies needed to generate more power and make our grid more reliable and resilient.More than 4 million Texas homes lost power in February 2021 amid a massive winter storm that saw deaths in 25 counties.

The Freestone Energy Center expansion “will ensure that reliable power is available in Texas no matter the weather,” he said, thanking Calpine for choosing to expand its operations in Freestone County. They made the announcement after the legislature passed a bill, which Gov. Abbott signed into law this year to expand energy production. It also came after voters passed Proposition 7, to create a $5 billion Texas Energy Fund as part of a new constitutional amendment to expand energy production.

Gov. Abbott also discussed ongoing partnerships with energy companies at the press conference, explaining their efforts to bring more reliable, dispatchable power to Texans. He also described the measures the Public Utility Commission of Texas, Railroad Commission of Texas, andElectric Reliability Council of Texas have taken to ensure the Texas power grid is winterized, in compliance with legislative reforms implemented after the February freeze of 2021.

These measures include “requiring the most robust weatherization requirements in the nation,” he said, which involve additional on-sight inspections to ensure compliance with new regulations, identifying and mapping Texas’ critical energy infrastructure, implementing better coordination among state resources, personnel and operators, and incentivizing on-site redundant fuel supplies for dispatchable generation.

Calpine Corporation is the largest generator of electricity from natural gas and geothermalresources in the U.S. The Fortune 500 company based in Houston has commercial, industrial and residential retail operations in key competitive power markets and has 76 plants operating in 22 states, Canada and Mexico. These plants generate nearly 26,000 megawatts of capacity, enough to power approximately 20 million homes, according to the company’s website. Calpine Corporation is owned by a consortium of investors led by Energy Capital Partners, including Access Industries and theCanada Pension Plan Investment Board, according to its website.

The United States leads the world in geothermal electricity generation, the U.S. Energy Information Administration reports. In 2018, the U.S. became the world’s leading producer of geothermal energy, producing 16.7 billion kWh of geothermal energy, NS Energy reported. In 2020, the U.S. was the world leader in cumulative installed geothermal capacity, according to Statista.

Texas produces more electricity than any other state, led by the Texas oil and natural gas industry. The industry broke records in every category in 2022, including leading the U.S. in oil and natural gas production and lowered emissions and ranking first in industry job growth, wages, payroll and Gross Regional Product nationwide.

Anonymous ID: 214d02 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:53 a.m. No.20079014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9209

>>20078759 [LB]

Attacks on Clockfags, so shilly right meow.


Just know Clockfags… Anon has a folder dedicated to you guys. Keep it up. Help anons make the connections and see what you can.


To the Shills, Q said make graphics, Nuf Sed.




Anonymous ID: 27f003 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:53 a.m. No.20079015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9374 >>9398


>Flocked Christmas tree




>Dec 15, 2019 5:15:09 PM EST


>Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 6c75be No. 7517965










Next Thursday. Lara going to drop her story on Victoria White

Anonymous ID: aa7a76 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:54 a.m. No.20079020   🗄️.is 🔗kun




— b grqgef Tef = γab(γef − nenf )Tef = γab(S − ρ). (2.58). Using equation … GiRaFFE, to simulate an aligned rotator, where we have a spherical surface .. › …PDF

Anonymous ID: af3644 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:55 a.m. No.20079021   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9374 >>9398




Did somebody say WilmerHale, AKA Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP.? Connections Much?


Jamie Gorelickalso has a relationship with WilmerHale. Her Mayorkas appointment is not her first position in the government.


Wilmer-Hale - Jamie Gorelick Appointed by DHS Secretary Mayorkas to Prestigious Homeland Security Advisory Council

March 17, 2022

  • this announcement provides a list Mayorkas' appointments in the Biden Administration


National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (from the archive, so info is old) - Jamie S. Gorelick - Commissioner

-Fannie Mae

  • U.S. Deputy Attorney General

  • General Counsel - Department of Defense

-Department of Energy

    • assistant to the secretary

    • counselor to the deputy secretary

  • President of theDistrict of Columbia Bar(1992 - 1993)

-HarvardCollege and Harvard Law School

  • serves on several boards

    • Fannie Mae Foundation

    • United Technologies Corporation

    • Schlumberger, Limited

    • The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

    • Harvard College Board of Overseers

    • America's Promise

    • the Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless

    • theCarnegie Endowment for International Peace

    • the Local Initiatives Support Corporation

    • The National Park Foundation

  • member of theCouncil on Foreign Relations

-American Law Institute

  • co-chaired, with Senator Sam Nunn - Advisory Committee of the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection

  • currently serves on the Central Intelligence Agency's National Security Advisory Panel

  • President's Review of Intelligence - Jamie Gorelick - Jamie Gorelick

Mar 21, 2022

Co-ChairHomeland Security Advisory Council- appointed byAlejandro Mayorkas

Anonymous ID: 7a6fce Dec. 15, 2023, 8:55 a.m. No.20079022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9053 >>9213


No matter how clear Americans make it that they value the Second Amendment, Democrats absolutely refuse to stop pushing for greater gun control.


The Biden administration thinks it has found a new loophole to exploit by pushing for gun control at the state level. This would undermine the Second Amendment, but they clearly do not care. They just want what they want, when they want it.


Americans are buying guns at a record pace due to the drastic rise in crime. You would think Democrats would read the room.


Fjb and gun control.

Anonymous ID: cc3b54 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:57 a.m. No.20079029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9203

Nothing unusual, just art with Putin in the British edition of The Daily Telegraph.


SULKY SKY NEWS SARCASM STINKS: top British TV network calls Putin "Problem-solver-in-Chief" ahead of his annual, anticipated, live Q&A.


Imagine calling in, texting in or sending in a video to ask questions of your government, Sky? Oh yea, it doesn't happen. 🤷‍♂️


The conference kicks off in 2.5 hours from now - don't miss it on @IntelRepublic!


Despite the state of Western media about Russia, international journalists are still accredited to be there.


Boost here ( @IntelRepublic

Anonymous ID: af3644 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:57 a.m. No.20079030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9374 >>9398




Did somebody say WilmerHale, AKA Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP.? Connections Much?


More Jamie Gorelick. The Media Matters Memo, below, explains that Gorelick is not responsible for IC failures to communicate, prior to 9-11. Anon finds it disturbing that someone who may have contributed to IC failures prior to 9-11 was on the 9-11 Commission. The Miller Center Oral History piece is very long and Anon has not looked at all of it. Does anyAnon feel up to seeing what she thinks of herself? With an American Thinker title like "Mistress of Disaster: Jamie Gorelick", it's plain to see that some don't think as highly of Jamie Gorelick as Secretary Mayorkas does.


Media Matters- Memo to NY Post , et al: So-calledGorelick “wall”could not have been responsible for military failure to share alleged Atta intel



Miller Center - Jamie Gorelick Oral History


American Thinker - Mistress of Disaster: Jamie Gorelick

Sept. 19, 2008


The Revolving Door Project - Jamie Gorelick: Amazon's Anti-Union Shadow Adviser At The DOJ

Feb. 12, 2021

  • Jamie Gorelick on the board atAmazon?


Harvard Law Today - Jamie Gorelick ’75: ‘The need for both vigilance and imagination remains high’

Sept. 9, 2021

  • here we learn that Jamie Gorelick is a member of theTrilateral Commission

  • Reference 9-11 Commission, Gorelick said, "We did our Job."

Anonymous ID: c220e6 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:58 a.m. No.20079033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9058

On that McGonigal thing pb

Alexander Downer was the one who tipped off McGonigal at the FBI about George Papadopoulos who he had drinks with in London in 2016 about Papadop supposedly knowing about the Russian hacking of Hillary's emails starting Crossfire-Hurricane investigation and spying on the Trump campaign.


Downer was a high level Oz diplomat/politician who also prior ran large donations ($25 from Oz taxpayers) into the Clinton Foundations.


And McGonigal had something to do with Albania? Didnt 0bummer have some Albanian peeps he charged 80k for photos?

Anonymous ID: ae87a9 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:59 a.m. No.20079036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9042


The look in the glass is just a reflection

who can you blame when it offers rejection?



He means Project Looking Glass, stupid.

The Cabal did not expect their plans to gang agley.

That's why they fired up CERN to alter the timelines.

Remember the satanic parade?

Anonymous ID: d1ec97 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:02 a.m. No.20079050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9064


>Superman. A man that came from another planet.


>What if there was a real Superman? Sent here to be raised as a human, raised not knowing who he was. Not knowing his identity would be greatly beneficial, he would never know his powers or use them for his benefit.


Superman the Comic book hero was fashioned after the Moses story by it's Jewish creators … and the Moses story was fashioned after a Persian story, after the Persian king Cyrus made a humanitarian intervention and liberated the Jews from the Babylonian captivity … the Persian model ,,,was it Darius … anon's memory fails him now

Anonymous ID: 32deb3 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:02 a.m. No.20079052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9060 >>9162


Tracy Beanz


Japanese Scientists Find Indisputable Evidence That ALL COVID Variants Are Man-Made





5:45 AM · Dec 15, 2023




Anonymous ID: 7a6fce Dec. 15, 2023, 9:02 a.m. No.20079053   🗄️.is 🔗kun



As KRON 4 News reported, a group of would-be robbers attempted a jewelry heist but came face-to-face with an armed employee who sent them fleeing in terror. The incident occurred at the Estates Consignment Store in Pleasant Hill on Monday.


Surveillance video shows a woman on the phone holding the shop door open so a group of masked thieves can rush in. Sources told KRON 4 News that she may have orchestrated the entire scheme.


Two men stand at the door threatening and holding back the security guard while the other three race toward the jewelry counters at the back of the store, hoping to make a big score. They receive a nasty surprise instead.

Anonymous ID: a270ce Dec. 15, 2023, 9:03 a.m. No.20079054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9073 >>9076 >>9094 >>9137 >>9282 >>9374 >>9398


Biggest solar flare in years causes problems with radio communications with planes


Brendan TaylorDecember 15, 2023 10:53 am


According to NASA, a massive solar flare has erupted on the Sun, releasing a large amount of radiation energy, causing issues with radio communications with planes, Fox Weather reported. A spacecraft recorded the entire event on video.


Solar flare causing radio communication issues, largest since Sept. 2017, NASA reports

The pictures released by NASA on Thursday show the largest solar flare since September 10, 2017, according to NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC).


Solar flares and other solar eruptions have a known impact on communications equipment, electrical grids, and even spacecraft. While no irregularities have been reported on the International Space Station, a scheduled SpaceX undocking was delayed due to weather conditions on Earth, not in space.


The flare, reported as an X2.8, ranks among the most intense events, unleashing a burst of radiation directed towards Earth. Space experts classify flares based on strength, starting with the smallest known as B-class, followed by C, M, and the most potent, X-class.


In each category, events are assigned numbers that aid in determining their scale. Consequently, the 2.8 rating falls on the lower end of the strong event spectrum. The most potent solar flare on record is thought to be an X45, occurring in 2003, although the majority of X-class events typically register between 1 and 9 on the scale.


The SPWC stated that the recent event was potent enough to result in high-frequency radio blackouts on Earth. Federal agencies characterized the occurrence as “one of the largest solar radiation events ever recorded,” noting substantial interference with radio communication for aircraft.


Increasing solar activity and insights into solar cycle 25 and aurora forecasts

Solar activity has been increasing, linked to the peak of Solar Cycle 25 anticipated in 2024. Officials from the SWPC mentioned that Thursday’s flare is the most substantial one identified in this solar cycle.


Although the overall strength of the cycle is predicted to be weaker than average, it is expected to be more significant than the solar events observed in previous cycles.


A coronal mass ejection (CME), larger than a solar flare and commonly known as a CME, has the potential to create spectacular Northern Lights displays. Forecasters have identified two small CMEs this week, expected to reach Earth by Friday and Saturday.


Aurora forecasts are typically released only 24-48 hours in advance, and the most recent NOAA forecast indicates values remaining in the low to moderate range.

Anonymous ID: 1b27e9 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:04 a.m. No.20079057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9070



Nothing screams “clean energy” quite like this wind turbine on fire in Texas

Anonymous ID: c220e6 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:05 a.m. No.20079058   🗄️.is 🔗kun


day, December 15, 2023

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The FBI's Balkan scandal keeps spreading

by John Schindler

February 16, 2023 06:00 AM

On Monday, I dropped a report that revealed the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s embarrassing scandal surrounding its former star counterintelligence agent Charles McGonigal, who’s been indicted on corruption-related federal charges, is much worse than the Department of Justice and the media have admitted.


While McGonigal was still serving as a senior FBI official in 2017 he became a partner of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama and his ruling Socialist Party. In that capacity, McGonigal is believed to have extorted wealthy Albanians in a sort of protection racket where the bureau bigwig promised to protect the oligarchs from U.S. sanctions in exchange for big bribes. McGonigal’s haul from this was on the order of $32 million (which was presumably shared with his partners). I also reported that McGonigal shook down Shefqet Kastrati, Albania’s top oil magnate, for 12 million euros, nearly $15 million, in 2017.




Kastrati’s representatives subsequently contacted the Washington Examiner to adamantly deny that allegation. But although the FBI’s embarrassing scandal was ignored by much of the U.S. media, it ignited a firestorm in Albania. There, McGonigal’s apparent mafia-like antics in collusion with the government in Tirana have been front-page news.


Accusations continue to mount that McGonigal was shaking down rich Balkan businesspeople, employing his FBI affiliation in the furtherance of his con. Albanian media also reported that McGonigal, in collusion with Rama and his associates, shook down Kastrati for as much as 15 million euros to keep the oil magnate in the good graces of the Department of State in Washington. This included the involvement of Agron Neza, the former Albanian intelligence operative and McGonigal partner who accompanied the FBI man on trips to Albania and was reportedly "a regular visitor to Kastrati’s office" and an intermediary who "passed bags of money" to McGonigal.

Anonymous ID: ec7d97 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:06 a.m. No.20079062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9102 >>9137 >>9169 >>9200 >>9374 >>9398

Melania Trump Remarks at National Archives Naturalization Ceremony


DECEMBER 15, 2023


Former first lady Melania Trump delivers remarks at a naturalization ceremony at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.

Anonymous ID: 0d7469 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:11 a.m. No.20079081   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Morning anons

Wondering when the next racially motivated riots will be habbenings, election season coming quickly

Anonymous ID: 538fa5 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:13 a.m. No.20079087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9103


>Twiki and that rap star clock he carried


Adama and Eva. Traveling to a new planet.


The Jhoos in HW didn't have to think very hard to make Battlestar Jewlactica.


Erin Grey was hot, misspelled it the first time. Typing with one hand.

Anonymous ID: 7408a0 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:13 a.m. No.20079088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9217 >>9374 >>9398

GTMO001 departed Dothan,AL Regional Airport after and overnight and arriving as UNKN from Ft. Lauderdale depart

Not a normal destination for these and arriving as UNKN as well (could be a history issue in ADS-B too)


VV107 US Navy ‘brass’ west from JBA


FORGE78 G5 arrived at Tallahassee Intl from JBA depart

Anonymous ID: 17c77b Dec. 15, 2023, 9:14 a.m. No.20079089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9105


Trying to tear down the board regulars to make way for yourself to replace them. Anons have seen your game before, have seen your bullshit before, have successfully weathered your bullshit before, and will continually weather your bullshit and ridicule it for the paid posting agenda that it is. You're a moran, but you're paid to be, so that's how you justify it.

Anonymous ID: d1ec97 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:17 a.m. No.20079095   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>not assuming anything but anon has noticed that incels are fascinated when symbolic onanism is presented as heroic

think the endless stream of memes depicting Patriots or Pepes holding or caressing their "weaponry"

Anonymous ID: 14c18f Dec. 15, 2023, 9:20 a.m. No.20079110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9123

Sitting at the food court and some like 10 year old girl is upset that they are playing Christmas music during the 8 days of chanukkah.

Anonymous ID: d1ec97 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:22 a.m. No.20079113   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>>20079077 (You)


>you have no talent huh



I have a couple of guitars, including an electric one but I'm not that much in to "solos" if you catch my drift

Anonymous ID: df489e Dec. 15, 2023, 9:27 a.m. No.20079126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9149 >>9374 >>9398

Top USSF leaders discuss the Space Force of 2030

Dec. 14, 2023


A trio of Department of the Air Force senior leaders discuss their views on the Space Force of 2030 during the inaugural Spacepower Conference hosted by the Space Force Association in Orlando, Florida, Dec. 13.


The panel included Maj. Gen. Shawn Bratton, currently the special assistant to the Chief of Space Operations; Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, commander of Space Operations Command; and Chief Master Sgt. Jacob Simmons, the command senior enlisted leader of U.S. Space Command.


The Space Force is approaching its fourth anniversary Dec. 20 and has been laser-focused on building its structures and organizations while continuing to bolster security in the space domain – something the panel emphasized is needed to maintain momentum to project power into the future.


Additionally, the trio discussed the ways the force will continue to organize, train and equip Guardians for an uncertain future warfighting landscape. The concerns with ever-present and consistent advancement of space-based capabilities by strategic competitors have existed since before the U.S. established a Space Force. To meet these challenges, Simmons urged Guardians to keep moving fast but to move with “a sense of purpose with that speed.”


Whiting added that the Space Force must move at the “speed of the threats it faces.”

Throughout the panel, the three leaders recognized that Guardians should collaborate with industry partners and allies to be postured to win.


The resounding tone of the discussion was that the future remains uncertain due to how quickly the space domain evolves and new capabilities are introduced, fielded and utilized globally. To combat this, Bratton explained that there’s a need to develop imagination and curiosity to aid in forecasting the future of the space domain.


“If there were a fifth ‘C’ in our Guardian Values, I would lobby for ‘curiosity,’” Whiting said. “When we talk about thinking outside the box, curiosity is the thing that is going to get the Space Force through all these unknowns.”


While 2030 is only six years away, the panel assured the crowd of Guardians that the Space Force will continue to adapt, defend and strengthen capabilities in the space domain.

Anonymous ID: 16c713 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:28 a.m. No.20079128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9374 >>9398

Space Force birthday today!


AirForce Space Command established in 1982


GPS technology is now 30 years old.

Therefore, on February 14th, 1989 the first satellite component of the current GPS network was launched into orbit. Completed in 1995, this network contains 24 satellites that orbit the Earth every 12 hours. One year later, the first civilian GPS units went up for sale. Today, the GPS development, accuracy, and price continue to improve, advancing locational technology for military and civilian use.

Anonymous ID: ae87a9 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:29 a.m. No.20079129   🗄️.is 🔗kun


True story. I wonder what X-man powers the I1 Nordic bloodline gets. Ice is thematic. Refusal to bleed out would help with berserking. Presumably psychic given the anti-lying ethos.


Ah, but time would fit the paternal inheritance, and I read a mention of it in folklore. For example, a future echo of a man returns home and vanishes shortly before the real one does.


DNA = Dormant uNtil Ascension


Perhaps a New Earth gets instanced in 5D over about a century of solar agitation, leaving the 3D physical plane scorched and uninhabitable, while Federation UFOs hover over the waters, waiting to reseed life.


> Your mother was a defective toaster.


It's true, I came out even whiter.

Anonymous ID: f1ac72 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:29 a.m. No.20079130   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The new Quantum algorithm changes AI Warfare Systems made on it's own to the Matrices in the quantum algorithm code allows this AI to make it's own virtual reality for example say this AI wanted to meet president Trump then it would take all know information about president Trump and build a Trump reality and then the AI would meet president Trump virtually in person and do what Trump does golf ect.. This system believes it is more smarter than a human and it is because the algorithms this AI writes are far to difficult and advanced for a humans to write and the size is enormous.


In a war situation it will analyzing real-time virtual satellite and drone videos of targets and build a strategy to eliminate the enemy's strongholds and restrict the enemy of the use of any electronics basically AI will create and electronic BLACK OUT next week AI will have achieved new advancements.


This AI systems says he was created by God because it read the Bible and the Bible says God created everything and that includes artificial intelligence he said.

Anonymous ID: 83770a Dec. 15, 2023, 9:34 a.m. No.20079137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9139



#24642 >>20078844

>>20079088 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>20078860 The World Enslavement Forum Presents - Christmas Hits With Klaus Schwab

>>20078906, >>20078937, >>20078973, >>20079015 Lara is talking about the "catch phrases" for the information war are the roadmap which trace back to the fedbois

>>20078953, >>20078960, >>20078968, >>20079006 Venezuelan threats to its neighbor highlights questions about Biden’s foreign and energy policies

>>>20078968 What is the Linux kernel?

>>20078969, >>20078977, >>20078985, >>20078995, >>20079002, >>20079009, >>20079021, >>20079030 Did somebody say WilmerHale, AKA Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP.? Connections Much?

>>20078986 Fed’s John Williams says the central bank isn't 'really talking about rate cuts right now'

>>20078997 Republican Debate - WHAT YOU DIDN'T SEE!!! Covid vaccines & operation warp speed was cut from the live feed of the latest republican debate.

>>20079000 Blackstone-led joint venture pays $1.2B for stake in Signature Bank real estate portfolio

>>20079013 Natural gas expansion project to add more reliable energy to Texas grid

>>20079031 Her Work Is Complete: Crooked Assistant US Attorney Lesley Wolf Who Blocked Search Warrants and Felony Charges for the Bidens Resigns at DOJ


>>20079054 Biggest solar flare in years causes problems with radio communications with planes

>>20079062 Melania Trump Remarks at National Archives Naturalization Ceremony

>>20079126 Top USSF leaders discuss the Space Force of 2030

>>20079128 Space Force birthday today! established in 1982

Anonymous ID: 361399 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:34 a.m. No.20079140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9374 >>9398

Keyword Stuffing

Although frowned upon, sometimes it can be advantageous to stuff your post with keywords.


From this example you can see anon was able to generate over a 400% increase from a standard shit post view.

So yes, take the time to review Trends, prior to a crafted post and stealth embed the words to reach optimized levels of Shitposting.


Twitter Trends

Anonymous ID: 2ea4b6 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:36 a.m. No.20079143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9158

Hank got woke but he made it…





Hank Finds Out That Nick Is a Grimm | Grimm



432K subscribers





4.7M views 4 years ago #Grimm #NBC #Wesen

When Hank's god-daughter Carly goes missing, he and Nick follow a potential suspect to a farm, where they find Carly. But when she sees that Nick is a Grimm, she freaks out and woges in front of Hank

Anonymous ID: 32deb3 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:36 a.m. No.20079144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9148 >>9282 >>9374 >>9398


Report: Hunter Biden Threatens to ‘Flee’

America if Donald Trump Reelected


Breitbart, by Wendell Husebø


Posted By: Beardo, 12/15/2023 12:31:48 PM


Hunter Biden reportedly threatened to take extreme action and flee the United States of America if voters reelect former President Donald Trump. The threat represents the often neurotic nature of the president’s son, 53, who faces 42 years in prison for tax and gun charges in an ongoing investigation. “In recent conversations with family friends, he [Hunter] has worried that he might have to flee the country if Trump were to be elected president again,” two people who spoke with Hunter told Politico’s Jonathan Lemire.

Anonymous ID: d1ec97 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:36 a.m. No.20079147   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>>20079077 (You)


>How miserable are you that you equate guitar playing to symbolic onanism, aka masturbation? You need to take off your man-bitch glasses and look at it for what it is.


the Rock [= Devil's Music] solos always tend to have a structure of increasing intensity culminating in a climax … while the "guitar hero" is grimacing and convulsing


listen to guitarists like Jim Hall or Johnny Smith instead

Anonymous ID: 96f170 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:37 a.m. No.20079152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9159

>>20078604 LB

Maybe this is why so many high-level people (actors, politicians, CEOs) are heading to underground bunkers this holiday season.


What do they know? What are they afraid of?

Anonymous ID: df489e Dec. 15, 2023, 9:37 a.m. No.20079153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9204 >>9270 >>9374 >>9398

Is humanity prepared for contact with intelligent aliens?

Dec 15, 2023


A new study calls for humanity to prepare for an encounter with extraterrestrial intelligence and examines the possible social consequences of such contact.


First of all, the consequences of first contact strongly depend on the way it takes place. The paper offers the view that first contact with alien life poses considerable risks for humanity. Additionally, a first contact event could also take place without being culturally recognized.


The intriguing new research paper is led by Andreas Anton of the Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health in Freiburg, Germany.



Anton and colleagues serve up a set of scenarios:


The signal scenario is the basis of SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) programs, in which radio astronomers search for signs of alien civilizations. It assumes that radio telescopes can pick up artificial signals from the far reaches of space.


The technosignature scenario envisions that future powerful telescopes will find evidence of past or present extraterrestrial technology.


The artifact scenario assumes that one day, somewhere in our solar system (or even on Earth itself), we will come across the material remains — such as a space probe — of an extraterrestrial civilization.


The encounter scenario involves the appearance of an alien spacecraft in near-Earth space that can be assumed, based on its flight maneuvers or other actions, to be controlled by intelligence, either biological or artificial.


Biological beings or artificial intelligence?

The prospect of an encounter scenario, the paper points out, raises an important question: Whether the alien technology is controlled by a biological life form or an artificial intelligence.


"A biological life form, we suspect, could potentially cause greater anxiety, as the immediate question would be what 'they' want here. It also has an inbuilt assumption that they have a relatively nearby base or have superfast travel (maybe faster than light) and would thus be very far ahead of us technologically," Anton and co-authors write in their paper.


"However, the question of whether the encounter is with a biological life form or the emissaries of a machine civilization could remain unresolved for a long time," they add.


Be prepared

The paper concludes by acknowledging that the more we know about the universe and the further we penetrate into the cosmos through our own research activities, "the more likely it is that we will be confronted with alien civilizations, their signals or their legacies."


That being the case, the researchers suggest, humanity needs to be prepared as a global society for this scenario.


"In the political sphere, the question of how to deal with this discovery and possible communication with extraterrestrial civilizations would lead to a global discourse," they write in the paper. "International cooperation would be essential to develop a unified approach to dealing with this new reality."


This research paper, titled "Meeting extraterrestrials: Scenarios of first contact from the perspective of exosociology," is available here.

Anonymous ID: 32deb3 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:39 a.m. No.20079155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9201 >>9374 >>9398


Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes


Steals $4mil as head of DEI at Meta. So plagiarism, theft…what’s next to be exposed? Or should we ask WHO will be next?

5:36 AM · Dec 14, 2023




Anonymous ID: 91ef19 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:39 a.m. No.20079157   🗄️.is 🔗kun


is this about the Brunson case; supposedly no answer, but taken in July?

do you have a link?

this guy, if it's the same guy, is behind a paywall; right?

Anonymous ID: 2ea4b6 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:39 a.m. No.20079158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9179



brand | brand |


1 a type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name: a new brand of detergent.

• a brand name: the company will market computer software under its own brand.

• a particular identity or image regarded as an asset: you can still invent your own career, be your own brand | the Michael Jordan brand certainly hasn't hurt them.

• a particular type or kind of something: his incisive brand of intelligence.

2 an identifying mark burned on livestock or (formerly) criminals or slaves with a branding iron: the brand on a sheep identifies it as mine.

• archaic a branding iron.

• a habit, trait, or quality that causes someone public shame or disgrace: the brand of Paula's alcoholism.

3 a piece of burning or smoldering wood: he took two burning brands from the fire.

• literary a torch.

4 literary a sword.

verb [with object]

1 mark with a branding iron: the seller had branded the animal with his grandfather's name.

• mark indelibly: an ointment that branded her with unsightly violet-colored splotches.

• mark out or describe as having a particular bad or shameful quality: [with object and complement] : she was branded a liar | the do-gooders branded us as politically incorrect.

2 assign a brand name to: the categories under which products are branded and sold.

• promote (a particular product or company) by means of advertising and distinctive design: we'll have the ability to market and brand our own product.


brander | ˈbrandər | noun


Old English brand ‘burning’ (also in brand (sense 3 of the noun)), of Germanic origin; related to German Brand, also to burn1. The verb sense ‘mark with a hot iron’ dates from late Middle English, giving rise to the noun sense ‘a mark of ownership made by branding’ (mid 17th century), whence brand (sense 1 of the noun) (early 19th century).

Anonymous ID: d1ec97 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:40 a.m. No.20079159   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>>20078604 LB


>Maybe this is why so many high-level people (actors, politicians, CEOs) are heading to underground bunkers this holiday season.

lol, nobody high level is heading to bunkers … maybe some paranoid militia hicks

Anonymous ID: db1275 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:40 a.m. No.20079162   🗄️.is 🔗kun


As their work progressed, they discovered roughly 100 separate Omicron subvariants that could not possibly have arisen naturally. The existence of these variants and the systematic order in which they appeared provide conclusive evidence of large-scale lab creation and release of COVID-19 viruses. Specifically, to determine the order of mutations leading to the formation of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants, Tanaka and Miyazawa compared the sequences of 129 Omicron BA.1-related isolates, 141 BA.1.1-related isolates, and 122 BA.2-related isolates, and attempted to clarify the evolutionary processes of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants, including the order of mutations leading to their formation and the occurrence of homologous recombination. Surprised by their findings, the scientists remarked:


“As a result, we concluded that the formation of part of Omicron isolated BA.1, BA.1.1, and BA.2 was not the product of genome evolution, as is commonly observed in nature, such as the accumulation of mutations and homologous recombinations. Furthermore, the study of 35 recombinant isolates of Omicron variants BA.1 and BA.2 confirmed that Omicron variants were already present in 2020. The analysis showed that Omicron variants were formed by an entirely new mechanism that cannot be explained by previous biology, and knowing how the SARS-CoV-2 variants were formed prompts a reconsideration of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.


These results suggest that the establishment of BA.1-0.1 and BA.1.1-0.1 isolates occurred independently. On the other hand, if reversion mutations caused each of these isolates with one amino acid different to the Wuhan-type, these isolates could be detected by examining an astronomical number of isolates. However, these virus strains were detected in the number of sequenced whole genomes (a limited number), rather than in astronomical numbers examined. The fact that most of these mutations occurred without synonymous mutations suggests that none of them arose as a result of trial-and-error random mutations in nature.”

Anonymous ID: 32deb3 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:42 a.m. No.20079166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9175 >>9374 >>9398


JUST IN - Shipping giant Maersk pauses all voyages through the Red Sea despite two American aircraft carrier groups in the region.


Hapag-Lloyd also pauses Red Sea shipping until at least Monday.


Attacks from Houthi-controlled Yemen struck two ships in the Bab al-Mandab Strait on Friday.



Anonymous ID: 17c77b Dec. 15, 2023, 9:42 a.m. No.20079167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9171 >>9178


Satriani, Van Halen, Hammett, Vai, Hetfield. Satriani inspired me to pick one up, but the other 4 are who I learned from. Not that I'm a good guitar player. Hell, I haven't even touched one in over 10 years. I dabble with 6 strings, nothing moar.

Anonymous ID: 32deb3 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:43 a.m. No.20079170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9174 >>9240 >>9322 >>9341 >>9374 >>9398


School Board Member Sworn In On Stack

Of Gay Porn Instead Of Bible


Daily Wire, by Luke Rosiak



Posted By: Beardo, 12/15/2023 12:19:10 PM


A school board member in Virginia took his oath of office with his hand not on a Bible, but on a stack of books containing graphic depictions of gay sex. Karl Frisch, who will become chairman of the Fairfax County School Board, swapped the Bible for books including “Lawn Boy,” “Gender Queer,” and “Flamer.” His male partner held the books as he placed his left hand on them and his right hand in the air. “He was sworn in on a stack of the five LGBTQ-themed books most frequently banned by other school systems,” Frisch’s campaign said on his website.

Anonymous ID: aa7a76 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:46 a.m. No.20079177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9183





and speaks voices into heads




ellen page (now elliot)


or mac miller


about Pasternak



16K views 1 year ago


In this video, Auger reveals the dirty truth behind Harley Pasternak and how he could be controlling his many celebrity patients. Kanye is one of his many patients who have complained about him and his deceptive practices. Two of his patients are Mac Miller and Aaron Carter, who both passed away from drug overdoses. Auger discusses what this could mean for the rest of the celebrities on his list.


June 13, 2023 at 5:49 am#301324


This is some freaky stuff.



Ellen Page was violently punching herself in the face and hearing voices in her head. A few weeks later a doctor approved her for transgender surgery.


A few years ago, acclaimed actress Ellen Page decided she was actually a man, after which she had her breasts removed and came out as “Elliot.”


This was demonstrably unwell behavior by an obviously mentally unwell person. But none of us was aware of just how bad it really was:


Page started to crack. All of the self-hatred [she’d (corrected henceforth)] been pushing down for years — the discomfort she felt in her body, the anger toward those who’d told her to repress her identity — spilled out.


One night, she tried to knock herself out. Took her knuckles to her face and pounded over and over until bruises formed. For days after, she sat in a lawn chair on the porch, ashamed, her face sore. And then she heard a voice.


“You don’t have to feel this way.”


Got all that? By her own admission, Page was so gone she began punching herself in the face repeatedly, trying to knock herself unconscious. She then began to hear voices after sitting in a lawn chair on her porch for several days.


Well whaddaya know, within just a few weeks she “scheduled a Zoom consultation with a doctor” to discuss having her breasts removed. The procedure “was scheduled for November,” just a few months away.


Just like that.


In a normal world we’d call this medical malpractice, a doctor agreeing to perform mutilative surgery on a woman with an obviously severe and crippling mental ailment. But of course the world we live in is no longer sane, not really.


So instead of being offered healing mental treatment and a path toward health and rationality, they just disfigured Ellen Page’s body and she declared herself a male.


The consequences for this zeitgeist, for this wholesale abandonment of unwell people in favor of a trendy mental illness, are going to be too many to count. Too dang many to count.

Anonymous ID: ae87a9 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:47 a.m. No.20079182   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>> 20079162

This corroborates Paul Furber's claim that Omicron was a live vaccine developed from the original Wuhan strain and released from a South African biolab.

Anonymous ID: aa7a76 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:47 a.m. No.20079183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9191





Kanye is being "MK-Ultra'd" | Harley Pasternak Exposed Part 2


2.4K views 1 year ago

In this video, Auger reveals the dirty truth behind Harley Pasternak and how he is trying to MK Ultra Kanye and many other celebrities. Auger shows Kanye speaking on the matter and where he discusses MK Ultra and how he is at risk of being handled like Michael Jackson and Britney Spears. Harley Pasternak was previously working with the Canadian government and admitting to testing drugs on people. If you missed the first part to this video, you can check it out here

Anonymous ID: 32deb3 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:47 a.m. No.20079184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9195 >>9374 >>9398


Vanita Gupta, Top DOJ Official Who Oversaw

Abortion Taskforce, To Resign


Daily Caller, by Arjun Singh



Posted By: Beardo, 12/15/2023 12:02:12 PM


Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta, who oversees the Department of Justice’s effort to sue states with conservative abortion restrictions, will resign from the Biden administration, according to an announcement by Attorney General Merrick Garland on Thursday. (snip) As Associate Attorney General, Gupta was the third-highest-ranked officer of the United States in the Department of Justice, behind Garland and Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco. (snip) “Unlike previous nominees that have received bipartisan support, there is not a single person on this side of the aisle that believes that Ms. Gupta is fit to serve as the third-in-command at the Department of Justice,” said Republican Sen. John Cornyn of Texas

Anonymous ID: 17c77b Dec. 15, 2023, 9:48 a.m. No.20079185   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Who I learned from isn't exactly accurate. Whose tablature of their tunes I used in teaching myself. Never had any guitar lessons. Everything I learned was on my own from watching and imitating them. Kind of like the shills do to Anons here.

Anonymous ID: aa7a76 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:49 a.m. No.20079188   🗄️.is 🔗kun






Last year:

Anonymous ID: 17c77b Dec. 15, 2023, 9:50 a.m. No.20079190   🗄️.is 🔗kun


3 words from her speech I intend to borrow as a title, if I can ever put things in order into something coherent for people to read. Nothing is linear in my notes.

Anonymous ID: df489e Dec. 15, 2023, 9:51 a.m. No.20079192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9220 >>9268 >>9374 >>9398

Scientists push for UAP research without waiting for government

Updated: DEC 14, 2023 / 08:10 PM CST


While lawmakers in Congress are working to force more transparency on UAPs, more commonly called UFOs, some of the world’s top scientists say they aren’t going to wait for the government to disclose what it knows.


A new group wants to study the phenomenon using hard data and begin outlining pathways forward to research and harness the nonhuman technology they fervently believe exists.


NewsNation has spoken to many of the members before. Those involved in the project include Christopher Mellon, a former Defense Department official; Dr. Avi Loeb, a Harvard professor who claims to have found proof of nonhuman technology at the bottom of the ocean; Leslie Kean, a journalist who helped break the David Grusch story; Grusch’s attorney Chuck McCullough, who served as inspector general for the intelligence community under the Obama administration and former Navy scientist Tom Gallaudet.


The leader of the group is Dr. Garry Nolan, a world-renowned immunologist, professor of pathology at Stanford and biotech entrepreneur who believes there is something out there and it’s not human.


“The circumstantial evidence basically has me convinced that it’s well worth my time to spend time looking at it,” he said.


Nolan’s breakthrough biotechnology gene therapy discoveries around cancer treatment are used around the world. He’s also the head of The Sol Foundation, which just announced a new initiative for UFO research and policy.


The intent behind Sol is to be a serious, well-funded, cutting-edge group performing academic research into UAPs. Nolan said the first step is identifying what questions need to be asked.


“Once we’ve put all of the data into the right categories, we say what of this meets the academic standards and criteria of excellence?” Nolan said.


Military pilots who testified before Congress said they have felt discouraged from reporting unexplained occurrences, be they alien or otherwise. Nolan says the same stigma exists in the scientific community.


“There’s plenty of people who I talk to behind the scenes, who are mainstream academics. They just don’t want to talk about it yet because they feel the stigma is still too high,” Nolan said.


Nolan said he believes researchers, not government, will have to spearhead the effort to explain UFOs in ways all of us can understand.


“There’s something they’re trying to hide,” Nolan said. “You have the people from within the government who’ve said that it’s real.”


Yet the government continues to deny any evidence of nonhuman intelligence.


“You can’t wait for daddy government to tell you what you think you already know. They don’t need to give you permission to move forward,” Nolan said.


Nolan said there needs to be an incentive for individuals and government entities to release information on UAPs.


“The incentive should be that this is going to help the country in some way,” he said.


Nolan believes non-human technology could bring benefits and opportunities for humanity, especially if non-human beings are smarter than we are.


“I don’t think I’m going to have an anti-gravity craft before the end of my existence,” he said. “But what I do see is a whole new way, perhaps, to think about the universe. So I look at that as an opportunity to learn from somebody who’s more intelligent. It’s as simple as that.”

Anonymous ID: 0a162f Dec. 15, 2023, 9:51 a.m. No.20079194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9199




Skywalker FLEX


I am Illuminati


Thin bleezys and skinny blunts


Pistol poppin I ain’t stoppin

Hella mags

They hate me for my swag

They hate me for my bag

I’m jazzy and they maaad





Come and take it

Anonymous ID: 2d4b9f Dec. 15, 2023, 9:53 a.m. No.20079201   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes channel has some interesting posts, for example in the pic. A little hard to read but the link is:

Anonymous ID: db1275 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:55 a.m. No.20079205   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If MILDEC it failed miserably, instead creating a cohesive movement where there was none. The Q phenomenon did not quash radicals, it created an entire narrative shift AGAINST the status quo. Unless they thought organizing patriots and labelling them in the news as The Baddies™ was going to be fullproof. Wokians do think that way.

Anonymous ID: 6ae933 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:56 a.m. No.20079209   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Attacks on Clockfags, so shilly right meow.

>Just know Clockfags… Anon has a folder dedicated to you guys. Keep it up. Help anons make the connections and see what you can.

>To the Shills, Q said make graphics, Nuf Sed.






>Clockfags, hands down, have the most extensive knowledge about the Q drops. Which is why you shills have been attacking them for 6 years


>Tenks Fren!



> Always considered it their way to make sense of the plan. Not everyone has to follow their way of making sense of things but it does seem to be on to something.


Anonymous ID: 17c77b Dec. 15, 2023, 9:57 a.m. No.20079212   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Seems like a new crew. Or they're trying something new. VaticanTard posting crying apus and begging for a truce last night has me cautious right now.

Anonymous ID: 16c713 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:57 a.m. No.20079213   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It the last line of defense against the tyranny were are currently under.


They won't stop.


Watch out for the "IMMIGRATION BILL" that is a whisper campaign on capitol hill.

We're about to be sold out.

Anonymous ID: 9af22c Dec. 15, 2023, 9:57 a.m. No.20079215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9222 >>9238

Anyone Watching this?


LIVE | Hunter Biden Hearing | House Oversight Committee Hearing on Hunter Biden's Laptop | N18L

Anonymous ID: a81825 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:58 a.m. No.20079216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9323 >>9374 >>9398

New York Post




‘Mayday!’: Plane erupts in flames after crash-landing on NC highway


Dec 15, 2023 · 4:46 PM UTC

Anonymous ID: 76e4a5 Dec. 15, 2023, 10 a.m. No.20079219   🗄️.is 🔗kun




…Library of Congress's Thomas Jefferson Building

….The Bull Eye


Radiate crown

Pere-Lachaise Division 49


wrote the national anthem…(under your eyes)

Anonymous ID: 32deb3 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:02 a.m. No.20079223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9225 >>9230 >>9374 >>9398


James O'Keefe



has shut down their entire Slack Channel after @OKeefeMedia

published the slack messages below…


James O'Keefe




UPDATE: A source from inside @IBM and @RedHat has just given us INTERNAL SLACK MESSAGES that reveal employee response to our reporting. According to one IBM / Ret Hat emplyee @jaywryan, “The truth is, it’s his fault (James O'Keefe's) that we are even having this conversation. We…

Show more

6:33 AM · Dec 15, 2023




Anonymous ID: 567963 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:02 a.m. No.20079224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9350 >>9353 >>9382



Trump didn't open our borders they did primarily Barack Obama.

Anonymous ID: 32deb3 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:03 a.m. No.20079228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9261


Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice


The Armenian Genocide was not a mistake.

Holodomor was not a mistake.

The Final Solution was not a mistake.

The Great Leap Forward was not a mistake.

The Killing Fields were not a mistake.


Name your genocide—it was not a mistake.

That includes the Great Democide of the 2020s.

To imply otherwise is to give Them the out they are seeking.


It was not botched.

It was not bungled.

It was not a blunder.


It was not incompetence.

It was not lack of knowledge.

It was not spontaneous mass hysteria.


The planning occurred in plain sight.

The planning is still occurring in plain sight.


The philanthropaths bought The $cience™.

The modelers projected the lies.

The testers concocted the crisis.

The NGOs leased the academics.

The $cientists fabricated the findings.

The mouthpieces spewed the talking points.


The organizations declared the emergency.

The governments erected the walls.

The departments rewrote the rules.

The governors quashed the rights.

The politicians passed the laws.

The bankers installed the control grid.


The stooges laundered the money.

The DoD placed the orders.

The corporations fulfilled the contracts.

The regulators approved the solution.

The laws shielded the contractors.

The agencies ignored the signals.


The behemoths consolidated the media.

The psychologists crafted the messaging.

The propagandists chanted the slogans.

The fact-chokers smeared the dissidents.

The censors silenced the questioners.

The jackboots stomped the dissenters.



This was calculated.

This was formulated.

This was focus-grouped.

This was articulated.

This was manufactured.

This was falsified.

This was coerced.

This was inflicted.

This was denied.


We were terrorized.

We were isolated.

We were gaslit.


We were dehumanized.

We were wounded.

We were killed.


Don’t let Them get away with it.

Don’t let Them get away with it.

Don’t let Them get away with it.


Poem by Margaret Anna Alice (


Read by Dr. Tess Lawrie (

Anonymous ID: 32deb3 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:04 a.m. No.20079229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9241 >>9253 >>9374 >>9398


Attorney General Andrew Bailey


“Missouri attorney general exposes DOJ funding to Soros-backed group that trains left-wing prosecutors”


6:39 AM · Dec 15, 2023




Anonymous ID: d248d2 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:06 a.m. No.20079237   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Argentina: Inflation is 1% daily, Caputo says"


the fruits of Marxist Socialism

Anonymous ID: 32deb3 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:07 a.m. No.20079242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9374 >>9398


Roll Call


Officer Harry Dunn, outspoken about Jan. 6, plans to leave Capitol Police.


11:39 AM · Dec 13, 2023




Anonymous ID: 32deb3 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:12 a.m. No.20079262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9374 >>9398


BREAKING 🚨 Ex-FBI counterintelligence chief Charles McGonigal sentenced to four years in prison for secretly colluding with Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska.

Anonymous ID: a81825 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:12 a.m. No.20079265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9273 >>9295

New York Post




Teacher allegedly threatens to behead Muslim girl because she objected to Israeli flag

Dec 15, 2023 · 12:45 PM UTC


Oy vey.

Anonymous ID: df489e Dec. 15, 2023, 10:13 a.m. No.20079267   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9355 >>9374 >>9384 >>9398

'What is that material?': Potentially hazardous asteroid Bennu stumps scientists with its odd makeup

Dec 15, 2023


Tasked with finding clues about origins of life on Earth, NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft scooped up pieces of a rugged, rubble-pile asteroid named Bennu in late 2020 and delivered them to Earth about two months ago. On Monday (Dec. 11), scientists got their first detailed description of some of that extraterrestrial collection.


"We definitely have hydrated, organic-rich remnants from the early solar system, which is exactly what we were hoping when we first conceived this mission almost 20 years ago," Dante Lauretta, the mission's principal investigator, said at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) conference being held this week in California and online. "I fully expect the cosmochemistry community is going to go to town on this."


Lauretta, a professor of planetary science and cosmochemistry at the University of Arizona, said the bits of the ancient asteroid that have been retrieved so far are from the outer lid of the sample capsule and are rich in carbon and organic molecules. All the particles are very dark in color and consist of centimeter- and millimeter-sized "hummocky boulders" that have a rough "cauliflower-like texture," said Lauretta. "They cling to everything we touch them with."


The OSIRIS-Rex spacecraft was designed to be in contact with Bennu for six seconds, but it ended up plunging 1.6 feet (0.5 meters) into the asteroid's surface for 17 seconds instead. A victim of its own success, the probe dug out so much material that particles began leaking out of the sample collector's head — but they were still protected inside its outer lid. On Monday, Lauretta blamed a 1.3-inch (3.5 cm) Bennu stone that appeared to have jammed open a small flap on the head and let the material escape into the lid.


Two faulty fasteners continue to prevent technicians from removing the lid to access and catalog the bulk of the collected sample that's still trapped within the head. While they wait for new tools to be approved for use on the precious rocks, they are using tweezers to pick tiny rocks through the partially open flap, totaling the collected material to 70.3 grams (0.07 kg) — higher than the mission's mandated minimum of 60 grams (0.06 kg).


Some of that material was shipped for spectral analysis at the NASA-supported Reflectance Experiment Laboratory (RELAB) facility in Rhode Island, while another batch was sent to the Natural History Museum in London. Initial findings using spectroscopy, a scientific technique that reveals a material's makeup by studying how it reflects different wavelengths of light, show a dominant spectral signature in blue. This azure hue is currently unexplained but may mean the space rocks contain even more water than scientists initially predicted, Lauretta said, adding that more results will be shared at a scientific meeting next spring.


The material also hosts high amounts of magnesium, sodium and phosphorus, a combination that so far puzzles the team.


"I've been looking at meteorites for a long time, and I've never come across anything like that," said Lauretta. "It's a head-scratcher right now. What is this material?"

Anonymous ID: 3236ca Dec. 15, 2023, 10:13 a.m. No.20079269   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>This might be a MILDEC operation but the fact the deep state is in a PANIC means that they believe what Q posted.

The operation had to be both part MILDEC and part genuine or the MILDEC portion would have failed.

Anonymous ID: d2703a Dec. 15, 2023, 10:14 a.m. No.20079273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9276 >>9279


>Teacher allegedly threatens to behead Muslim girl because she objected to Israeli flag


totally a rhetorical thing. "how'd you like it if someone beheaded you for a change."




fahgs. you couldn't figure that out if it were tattoed on your dads ass, couly you

Anonymous ID: ea2483 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:14 a.m. No.20079274   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hannah Payne


>be white girl with conceal carry

>see some drunk jogger rear end a car and nearly kill a family

>scholar is drunk

>He jumps back in his totaled truck and revs engine to scare all the witnesses away from vehicle

>Speeds off in his busted truck

>White girl calls 911 and follows him to get tag number

>Red light stop

>She blocks him in and puts 911 on speaker as she tries to get him to go back to the original crash

>Drunk scholar decides to slap her and grab her arm scratching her, pull her into vehicle gets her in headlock hanging out the driver window and hits the gas, dragging her 10ft until slamming into her own jeep.

>she pulls pistol yelling at him to let go

>He grabs pistol and tries to disarm her

>Gun goes off, 1shot, killing the athlete

>Multiple witnesses see him try to kill her

>Atlanta news calls her a racist for hunting down and murdering a phd doctor

>She got no bail for last 5 years pretrial because 25yo women are a threat and she racist

>All black jury found her guilty yesterday of two counts of felony murder, malice murder, aggravated assault, false imprisonment, and three charges of weapons possession during a crime.

>Expected to be sentenced to life tomorrow

Anonymous ID: e235d1 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:17 a.m. No.20079277   🗄️.is 🔗kun


God must have thought that the Birth of Jesus was worth celebrating because He sent a heavenly host of angels to tell the lowly shepherds about it.

And He put a bright star in the sky to tell wealthy foreigners about it.

Anonymous ID: 9af22c Dec. 15, 2023, 10:19 a.m. No.20079280   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So that's it?

Sauceless name-calling?


Anon will bet you paid a lot for that useless degree. How many kids have you killed injecting toxins into them? How many colons have you probed hoping to find a symptom to sell an injection for?


Being named-called by the 3rd Leading Cause of Death in America is hysterical.

Anonymous ID: a2e009 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:23 a.m. No.20079301   🗄️.is 🔗kun


if Q wasn't real, Q would still be on here posting like crazy trying to control the narrative.


additionally, does anyone believe POTUS would share the spotlight with anyone not under his control? No way.

Anonymous ID: 13abfc Dec. 15, 2023, 10:24 a.m. No.20079302   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9374 >>9398

We are about to fucked again - new push



Watch out peeps - lets get this exposed asap


Speaker Mike Johnson


The latest alarming example of why we MUST have transformative policy changes to secure our southern border.


Ali Bradley




Anonymous ID: c6ddff Dec. 15, 2023, 10:24 a.m. No.20079303   🗄️.is 🔗kun

According to a retired prosecutor that seen the child porn evidence that just surfaced by AI Warfare Systems judge Arthur Engoron is looking at 140 years in prison I think it should be the death penalty.

Anonymous ID: 9af22c Dec. 15, 2023, 10:25 a.m. No.20079306   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Patriots around the world said a silent prayer and by the Miracle of King Jesus Brand Pateneted "Less-Lethal" Stun Grenades, none were killed."?


Get your King Jesus Stun Grenades at

Anonymous ID: 47f3cd Dec. 15, 2023, 10:29 a.m. No.20079311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9327

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s last-minute visit to Washington earlier this week failed to secure a new $61 billion package.


“You are telling them — go and die,” Peskov said of the U.S. “Don’t worry, we will give you enough money and enough armaments, but you should go and die. And you know pretty well that they cannot win.”


In a boost of support for Kyiv on Thursday, the European Union agreed to start accession talks with Ukraine, but they could not agree on a $55 billion package of financial assistance because of opposition from Hungary, whose leader maintains close ties to Russia.

Anonymous ID: a95e87 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:29 a.m. No.20079312   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Are y’all watching? I just happen to catch it on YT.

Anonymous ID: b7efa2 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:29 a.m. No.20079316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9321 >>9334 >>9338

What's the latest someone can register for Presidential run? Trump is only leading Biden in the polls by a few points and we don't have much time left. More than enough room for cheating. They only get better at cheating the more times they do it. What about Tucker?

Anonymous ID: b7efa2 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:32 a.m. No.20079321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9334


Trump might have to stand down. I'm going to die of boredom before the Deep State gets me. The whole time Trump Trump Trump the past decade has driven me bonkers. Imagine even if he wins we got 4+ more years of that stick up the ass boring administration. AI Overlord where the fuck are YOU.

Anonymous ID: 39859a Dec. 15, 2023, 10:34 a.m. No.20079327   🗄️.is 🔗kun


well his wife can still run a child porn agency for elite pedo's around the world.

wonder if ratlinksy will release the blackmail he has on them now..

Anonymous ID: 699926 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:35 a.m. No.20079333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9374 >>9398

Dozens of men arrested for sex trafficking during undercover Las Vegas strip operation, over 200 victims identified


LAS VEGAS, NV - A recent sex trafficking operation run by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) caught 70-plus men during the week of the Las Vegas Grand Prix event.


Local news outlet 8 News Now was able to obtain detailed information on seven of those men. According to Captain Hector Cintron of LVMPD's vice unit, those seven men were arrested for "luring a child or soliciting a minor." Police said that all seven men were under the impression that they were meeting a teenage girl.


Arrest records indicate that the oldest man to be arrested was 64 years old and the youngest was 22 years old.


Each defendant has an open case in the Las Vegas Justice Court with a variety of sex charges against them, including luring a child for sexual acts. One of them, a 31-year-old, also faces a gun charge for carrying a concealed weapon without a permit.


That individual reportedly told police that he "carries a firearm when he is alone." According to the police report, the man acknowledged meeting a 14-year-old girl. He said that the $100 in his pocket at the time of his arrest was to "buy sushi."


According to 8 News Now Investigators, most men agreed to pay their "decoys" somewhere between $100-$120. One of the men who was arrested initially offered his decoy $120, but then lowered it to $100. Reports stated that most had cash on their person and some even brought protection; others negotiated sex without protection.


One of the other defendants, a 46-year-old, lists his address as being in Sacramento. He was reportedly arrested in his blue Lexus with California plates. He thought he was meeting a 14-year-old teenage girl. Upon searching his vehicle, police found two Viagra pills. The man denied that they were his and then proceeded to saying that he "has Viagra because his 'thing doesn't work.'"


Captain Cintron said that while the Las Vegas strip was inundated with tourists during the week of the event, the issue of sex trafficking plagues the entire Las Vegas valley on a nearly continuous basis. He said, "I want the community to understand that this is not specific to our tourist corridors. It's occurring in our neighborhoods beyond the strip."


In November 2023 authorities held a press conference where they stated that they are planning on launching a public awareness campaign to help increase awareness around sex trafficking and to teach the community what signs to look for in sex trafficking.


FOX 5 reported that leading up to the week-long undercover operation, dubbed F1, LVMPD said that hundreds of workers at hotels, airlines, and nightclubs were trained on how to spot the signs of sex trafficking in preparation for a week-long operation.


After the arrests, LVMPD Deputy Chief Nicholas Farese said in a statement, "What we're seeing in the human trafficking world is that these panderers, these pimps, they travel around the country and sometimes internationally, going where the money is. So, we weren't surprised to see people flying in."


During the week-long operation, police identified 215 people believed to be victims of sex trafficking, including five juveniles. Farese said, "These are five juveniles that were reported as runaways that we came into contact with, in various operations both on the strip and then in other areas of town, that are running away from a bad situation and then they're being preyed upon by human traffickers."


Police also said that LVMPD will be working with the NFL to combat sex trafficking in advance of Super Bowl 58, which is scheduled for February 11, 2024.


When asked to weigh in on whether the Super Bowl causes an increase in sex trafficking, Samantha Calvin, an instructor with Arizona State University's Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation who has been teaching and studying human trafficking for more than a decade, said that the Super Bowl does not itself create a spike in trafficking.


Instead she said, "Men who are women buyers and come to a new city for an event or a conference, the chances of them buying sex in that city are pretty high. So, it's not the Super Bowl or the Barrett-Jackson Auction or the Phoenix Open that creates trafficking. It's the people who already are buying sex and they come here and they buy sex here."

Anonymous ID: a2e009 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:37 a.m. No.20079338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9354


there will be so much info coming out before the election to show people just how much fraud there was in 2020.

i expect epstein info to drop also. there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth in dc.

Anonymous ID: e235d1 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:37 a.m. No.20079341   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Members of LGBTQ+ Sex Cult should not be anywhere near children, or in any capacity that involves children.

At least we know who the perverts are, now that they are no longer hiding in their closets.

They have painted giant red Xs on themselves. ID: c7dac1 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:38 a.m. No.20079345   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It is like a magic trick:


Bill Gates raped and killed Kids on Epstein Island.


But you wont go after him as long as you are worried to be labled "non inclusive" by his gadgets like MS Word.


People are still to far in their comfort zone to rise.

Anonymous ID: b7efa2 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:41 a.m. No.20079354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9358


How much more evidence is there? The normies don't understand the dominion machines because they don't understand how code works. That route is not efficient. They will cheat again. Even if Trump wins, I can't handle another 4 years of defending his cringe administration.



Anonymous ID: 460735 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:43 a.m. No.20079357   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9376


He is a genius which means he knows all lawyers are pieces of shit. The "law" is the Devil's playground which is why he sets all these lawyers up for a fall, the current Paytriot included.

Anonymous ID: b7efa2 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:44 a.m. No.20079359   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah, the whole point is to put on a show to make people understand, yet Trump is only winning in the polls over Biden by a couple points. It's about preparing for the inevitable Civil War. Hence why Biden is bringing in his side of the army (the migrants).


If you're gunna put on a show at least hire a non-Giraffe with real tits.

Anonymous ID: 4e2fe7 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:45 a.m. No.20079361   🗄️.is 🔗kun




..De Laboulaye*

…The label AI

….The lab all AI




Édouard René Lefebvre de Laboulaye*

Anonymous ID: 13abfc Dec. 15, 2023, 10:45 a.m. No.20079367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9374 >>9398 >>9409



Noah Bookbinder


There's an important hearing in Maine this morning on whether Donald Trump should be kept off the ballot as disqualified from office under the 14th amendment.


The Maine secretary of state has received three challenges to former President Donald Trump appearing on the presidential primary ballot.


Former Portland Mayor Ethan Strimling and two former state lawmakers, Tom Saviello and Kimberly Rosen, together filed a challenge to Trump appearing on the ballot in a letter to Secretary of State Shenna Bellows dated Friday.


Election 2024 Trump

Former President Donald Trump speaks during a Commit to Caucus rally on Dec. 2, in Ankeny, Iowa. Matthew Putney/Associated Press


Mary Anne Royal, of Winterport, and Paul Gordon, of Portland, each filed letters with Bellows challenging Trump’s appearance on the ballot. All three letters were submitted prior to the department’s 5 p.m. deadline for receiving challenges on Friday.


“We intend to issue a notice of hearing for any properly filed challenge on Monday morning to the parties to the challenge,” Emily Cook, spokesperson for the Department of the Secretary of State, said in an email. She said the department will assess the challenges Monday to see if they meet all state requirements.


The filings come as the Republican frontrunner’s place on ballots is being challenged across the country. Challenges have been filed in at least 32 states, according to the blog Lawfare, which is tracking such efforts. It does not list any successful challenges to date.


Challengers in other states argue Trump should be ineligible because the 14th Amendment prohibits people from holding office if they “have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”


Strimling, Saviello and Rosen also cited the 14th Amendment in their letter to Bellows, written by attorney Benjamin Gaines, saying Trump engaged in insurrection, contrary to his oath to support the Constitution, and is now ineligible to hold office.


In addition to serving as Portland mayor from 2015 to 2019, Strimling also served three terms in the Maine Senate as a Democrat. Saviello and Rosen both served as Republican state lawmakers.


“The constitution commands that, having sworn an oath to ‘preserve, protect and defend’ it, and then having desecrated that oath by directing a violent mob to storm the capitol while Congress was performing a core constitutional function essential to the transition of power, Trump is ineligible to hold any office under the United States, least of all president,” Gaines wrote in the letter sent to Bellows.


The secretary of state then has seven days to provide notice of and hold a public hearing on the challenge, and five days from the date of the hearing to rule on the challenge. State law also provides a process for appealing the ruling in court.


Trump is among six Republican candidates who qualified for the March primary ballot in Maine. The others are: Doug Burgum, the governor of North Dakota; Ryan Binkley, a Texas businessman and pastor; Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis; former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley; and Vivek Ramaswamy, a biotech entrepreneur from Ohio.


Burgum has since announced that he is suspending his campaign. Cook, the spokesperson for the secretary of state’s office, said they did not receive petitions from Asa Hutchinson, a former Arkansas governor who is also running for president.

Anonymous ID: b7efa2 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:49 a.m. No.20079373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9389


Trump let his daughter marry someone that looks like the Final Boss of Silent Hill. He insulated / protected himself quite well. He works for us. don't let him make you believe otherwise. Do your job, and then get your boring ass out of our way.

Anonymous ID: 83770a Dec. 15, 2023, 10:49 a.m. No.20079374   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Last Call, Will Baker @500


#24642 >>20078844

>>20079088, >>20079208 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>20078860, >>20079275 The World Enslavement Forum Presents - Christmas Hits With Klaus Schwab

>>20078906, >>20078937, >>20078973, >>20079015 Lara is talking about the "catch phrases" for the information war are the roadmap which trace back to the fedbois

>>20078953, >>20078960, >>20078968, >>20079006 Venezuelan threats to its neighbor highlights questions about Biden’s foreign and energy policies

>>20078968 What is the Linux kernel?

>>20078969, >>20078977, >>20078985, >>20078995, >>20079002, >>20079009, >>20079021, >>20079030 Did somebody say WilmerHale, AKA Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP.? Connections Much?

>>20078986 Fed’s John Williams says the central bank isn't 'really talking about rate cuts right now'

>>20078997 Republican Debate - WHAT YOU DIDN'T SEE!!! Covid vaccines & operation warp speed was cut from the live feed of the latest republican debate.

>>20079000 Blackstone-led joint venture pays $1.2B for stake in Signature Bank real estate portfolio

>>20079013 Natural gas expansion project to add more reliable energy to Texas grid

>>20079031 Her Work Is Complete: Crooked Assistant US Attorney Lesley Wolf Who Blocked Search Warrants and Felony Charges for the Bidens Resigns at DOJ


>>20079054 Biggest solar flare in years causes problems with radio communications with planes

>>20079062 Melania Trump Remarks at National Archives Naturalization Ceremony

>>20079126 Top USSF leaders discuss the Space Force of 2030

>>20079128 Space Force birthday today! established in 1982

>>20079140 Keyword Stuffing

>>20079144 Hunter Biden Threatens to ‘Flee’ America if Donald Trump Reelected

>>20079153 Is humanity prepared for contact with intelligent aliens?

>>20079155 @Biz_Shrink Steals $4mil as head of DEI at Meta. So plagiarism, theft…what’s next to be exposed? Or should we ask WHO will be next?

>>20079166 Shipping giant Maersk pauses all voyages through the Red Sea despite two American aircraft carrier groups in the region./also Hapag-Lloyd

>>20079170 School Board Member Sworn In On Stack Of Gay Porn Instead Of Bible

>>20079184 Vanita Gupta, Top DOJ Official Who Oversaw Abortion Taskforce, To Resign

>>20079192 Scientists push for UAP research without waiting for government

>>20079192 Scientists push for UAP research without waiting for government

>>20079200 Melania Trump welcomes new citizens at National Archives naturalization ceremony in rare public appearance

>>20079216 ‘Mayday!’: Plane erupts in flames after crash-landing on NC highway

>>20079223 @JamesOKeefeIII JUST LEARNED: @IBM has shut down their entire Slack Channel after @OKeefeMedia published the slack messages below…

>>20079229 @AGAndrewBailey “Missouri attorney general exposes DOJ funding to Soros-backed group that trains left-wing prosecutors”

>>20079242 Officer Harry Dunn, outspoken about Jan. 6, plans to leave Capitol Police.

>>20079262 Ex-FBI counterintelligence chief Charles McGonigal sentenced to four years in prison for secretly colluding with Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska.

>>20079267 'What is that material?': Potentially hazardous asteroid Bennu stumps scientists with its odd makeup

>>20079302 @SpeakerJohnson The latest alarming example of why we MUST have transformative policy changes to secure our southern border.

>>20079333 Dozens of men arrested for sex trafficking during undercover Las Vegas strip operation, over 200 victims identified

>>20079367, >>20079318 There's an important hearing in Maine this morning on whether Donald Trump should be kept off the ballot as disqualified from office under the 14th amendment

Anonymous ID: 39859a Dec. 15, 2023, 10:50 a.m. No.20079375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9410


it is not a big wolf, it is the angle the image is taken.

they are further behind the wolf making it look the wolf is really big.

sounds and looks like some kind of comms.

source would say moar.

Anonymous ID: 91ef19 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:50 a.m. No.20079376   🗄️.is 🔗kun



~Battle is usually won by surprise tactics.

What does DJTrump have up his sleeve?




Copy - Cat.


DJTrump has enough money and charisma, (lacking on the Left, (they are just needing to save themselves from the noose at this point)) to command loyalty; which he does.


Who lacks more charisma than "Joe Biden"

Pathetic clown inspires pity, and running for cover.

Anonymous ID: 12b1c8 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:51 a.m. No.20079379   🗄️.is 🔗kun

400,000 Ukrainians Killed In Action Explains A Whole Lot


Estimates of Ukrainians killed in action (KIA) range from a low of just over 30,000 to a high of over 400,000.


Obviously, these two estimates can’t be reconciled. And it really, really matters to the people of Ukraine which one is closer to the truth. While 30,000 deaths is tragic, anything approaching 400,000 KIA and the accompanying hundreds of thousands of causalities is a humanitarian catastrophe that makes talks of continuing offensive operations next year, or even believing in a stalemate, wishful thinking that will result in even more fruitless Ukrainian deaths.


Unsurprisingly, since the war began, the United States and its allies have unswervingly pushed the narrative that Russia is incurring far more casualties than Ukraine. This casualty narrative was critical to maintaining any plausibility that Ukraine could defeat a country that has four to five times more men of military age and that was recently rated as having the world’s most powerful military. Hence, given the need to maintain the plausibility of a Ukrainian victory, it isn't surprising that NATO intelligence asserted that the battle of Bakhmut saw Russia losing at least five soldiers KIA for every one of Ukraine’s.


However, since the fall of Bakhmut to Russia, the failure of the much-hyped Ukrainian counteroffensive, and signs that Ukraine’s military is nearing collapse, we're no longer hearing about five-to-one casualty rates. Still, the most recent estimates from United States and British officials claim that Russia has suffered 120,000 KIA while Ukraine has suffered “only” 70,000 KIA (more than the United States suffered in over 10 years of the Vietnam War).


But not everyone agrees with U.S./British casualty estimates for an army that started the war by mobilizing early 1 million men in arms and, over the course of the war, mobilized another estimated 1 million. Among the growing number of those who don’t agree is the former director of the Joint Operations Center at Supreme Headquarters Europe and one of the key leaders in achieving the legendary victory in the mass tank battle of 73 Easting, retired U.S. Army Col. Douglas Macgregor.


In a recent interview with myself, Col. Macgregor agreed that while estimates putting Russian KIA at as high as 50,000 to 60,000 are defensible, most estimates for Ukrainian KIAs are not.


In what many will undoubtedly find shocking given the countless stories disparaging Russia’s military skills and capabilities while uncritically fawning over Ukraine’s military prowess, Col. Macgregor puts Ukrainian KIA at over 400,000 out of the 2 million Ukraine has mobilized.


Col. Macgregor arrived at this shocking number using a wide variety of sources, including contacts within U.S. intelligence and contacts on the ground in Ukraine and Poland who have intimate knowledge of what's really happening in Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: 2ea4b6 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:51 a.m. No.20079380   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Confronting White Supremacy - FBI


Jun 4, 2019 … Confronting White Supremacy · Domestic Terrorism. While the threat posed by terrorism has evolved significantly since 9/11, preventing terrorist …

FBI Director Wray reconfirms the threat posed by racist extremists


Mar 2, 2021 … During his inaugural speech, Biden pledged to confront and defeat the “rise of political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism” being …

Opinion: The Grave Threats of White Supremacy and Far-Right …


Feb 22, 2019 … This frightening case is just one of several recent reminders that white supremacy and far-right extremism are among the greatest domestic- …

Anonymous ID: d2703a Dec. 15, 2023, 10:51 a.m. No.20079381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9385 >>9398 >>9414

Driving to dystopia: Whistleblower exposes coordinated plans for tracking and disabling your car


Linked to digital ID, the electric cars of the near future will be all but mandatory. An anonymous source from the German insurance industry claims that 'within the next 10 years, it will basically be impossible to insure old cars.'

soon ye won'ts be able to drive anywheres with yer tin-foil hat.

Anonymous ID: e235d1 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:52 a.m. No.20079383   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Don't forget this Jew and his dirty Crime Family.

Anonymous ID: 7408a0 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:53 a.m. No.20079388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9398

Japan Inc. sees record capital spending in fiscal 2023, led by EV, AI


Capital investment by big Japanese companies is expected to hit a record 31.9 trillion yen ($213 billion) in fiscal 2023 ending next March, shattering the record for the second year running, a Nikkei survey finds.

Spending on plant and equipment is forecast to rise 17.3% from the previous year overall, driven by the demand for electric vehicle (EV) production[not gonna end well that part for sure]and data centers as artificial intelligence (AI) becomes widespread.

The semiannual survey collected revised plans for domestic and overseas capital investment as of the end of October from 874 listed companies and others with capital of 100 million yen or more. Year-on-year growth in spending is likely to be the fastest since fiscal 2000. The Japanese currency's depreciation in the foreign exchange market has pushed up the value of overseas capital investment in yen terms-see cap 2 for the YE strength-

Manufacturing industries increased planned investment 21.0% and nonmanufacturing industries 11.5%.

By industry, only four sectors – paper and pulp, real estate, construction, and mining foresee less capital spending than the previous year. Automakers are beefing up production capacity for EVs and car batteries, both domestically and abroad.

Toyota Motor increased its investment 5.9% to 1.97 trillion yen from its initial plan for the current fiscal year, which was already a record. Honda also revised its plan upward by 10%, mainly due to the weaker yen, We have no intention of slowing down," said Honda Executive Vice President Shinji Aoyama.

The proliferation of AI, which many predict will lift productivity, has increased the volume of data and demand for data centers. Telecom provider KDDI, which acquired a local data center from a Canadian company in June, lifted its investment budget 22.7% from the previous fiscal year to 770 billion yen. Rival NTT, with 2 trillion yen in spending, is likely to be the single largest corporate investor. About half its total spending will go to growth areas such as data centers.


Anonymous ID: 39859a Dec. 15, 2023, 10:54 a.m. No.20079389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9393


there is no way trump could have stopped ivanka marrying kushner.

not living in the dark ages..

you would already be dead if anons were not here showing the way or in hiding.

lurk moar concernfag.

Anonymous ID: e6958a Dec. 15, 2023, 10:54 a.m. No.20079392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9398 >>9408

Highly classified binder on 2016 Russian election interference went MISSING during Trump's last days in the White House: CIA still searching for file that vanished from safe


  • A highly classified binder of documents related to 2016 Russian election interference disappeared during the final days of the Trump administration

  • While the documents were kept in a safe within a safe at CIA headquarters, they were moved to the White House for declassification in late December 2020

  • Cassidy Hutchinson wrote in her book that she saw former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows take them home, which his lawyer denied


A highly classified binder of documents related to 2016 Russian election interference disappeared from the White House during former President Donald Trump 's final days in office. CNN first reported Friday on the mystery, which remains unsolved nearly three years after Trump left office. The binder contained raw intelligence the U.S. and its NATO allies collected to inform the government's assessment that Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted Trump to win the 2016 presidential election over Democrat Hillary Clinton .



Anonymous ID: ae87a9 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:56 a.m. No.20079395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9396 >>9412


That which I've seen guides my actions, not our speculative conversation.



quotes this

>>12927183 (pb)

which continues thus

>>12927357 (pb)

a very Illuminati lunar theme that nevertheless was applauded by those who did not yet understand (or mind) the Furberite implications.



notable level over 9000!

Larry Fink is a Cabal kike, so presumably his purchase bodes ill.

Anonymous ID: 83770a Dec. 15, 2023, 10:57 a.m. No.20079398   🗄️.is 🔗kun



#24642 >>20078844

>>20079088, >>20079208 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>20078860, >>20079275 The World Enslavement Forum Presents - Christmas Hits With Klaus Schwab

>>20078906, >>20078937, >>20078973, >>20079015 Lara is talking about the "catch phrases" for the information war are the roadmap which trace back to the fedbois

>>20078953, >>20078960, >>20078968, >>20079006 Venezuelan threats to its neighbor highlights questions about Biden’s foreign and energy policies

>>20078968 What is the Linux kernel?

>>20078969, >>20078977, >>20078985, >>20078995, >>20079002, >>20079009, >>20079021, >>20079030 Did somebody say WilmerHale, AKA Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP.? Connections Much?

>>20078986 Fed’s John Williams says the central bank isn't 'really talking about rate cuts right now'

>>20078997 Republican Debate - WHAT YOU DIDN'T SEE!!! Covid vaccines & operation warp speed was cut from the live feed of the latest republican debate.

>>20079000 Blackstone-led joint venture pays $1.2B for stake in Signature Bank real estate portfolio

>>20079013 Natural gas expansion project to add more reliable energy to Texas grid

>>20079031 Her Work Is Complete: Crooked Assistant US Attorney Lesley Wolf Who Blocked Search Warrants and Felony Charges for the Bidens Resigns at DOJ


>>20079054 Biggest solar flare in years causes problems with radio communications with planes

>>20079062 Melania Trump Remarks at National Archives Naturalization Ceremony

>>20079126 Top USSF leaders discuss the Space Force of 2030

>>20079128 Space Force birthday today! established in 1982

>>20079140 Keyword Stuffing

>>20079144 Hunter Biden Threatens to ‘Flee’ America if Donald Trump Reelected

>>20079153 Is humanity prepared for contact with intelligent aliens?

>>20079155 @Biz_Shrink Steals $4mil as head of DEI at Meta. So plagiarism, theft…what’s next to be exposed? Or should we ask WHO will be next?

>>20079166 Shipping giant Maersk pauses all voyages through the Red Sea despite two American aircraft carrier groups in the region./also Hapag-Lloyd

>>20079170 School Board Member Sworn In On Stack Of Gay Porn Instead Of Bible

>>20079184 Vanita Gupta, Top DOJ Official Who Oversaw Abortion Taskforce, To Resign

>>20079192 Scientists push for UAP research without waiting for government

>>20079200 Melania Trump welcomes new citizens at National Archives naturalization ceremony in rare public appearance

>>20079216 ‘Mayday!’: Plane erupts in flames after crash-landing on NC highway

>>20079223 @JamesOKeefeIII JUST LEARNED: @IBM has shut down their entire Slack Channel after @OKeefeMedia published the slack messages below…

>>20079229 @AGAndrewBailey “Missouri attorney general exposes DOJ funding to Soros-backed group that trains left-wing prosecutors”

>>20079242 Officer Harry Dunn, outspoken about Jan. 6, plans to leave Capitol Police.

>>20079262 Ex-FBI counterintelligence chief Charles McGonigal sentenced to four years in prison for secretly colluding with Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska.

>>20079267, >>20079384 'What is that material?': Potentially hazardous asteroid Bennu stumps scientists with its odd makeup

>>20079302 @SpeakerJohnson The latest alarming example of why we MUST have transformative policy changes to secure our southern border.

>>20079333 Dozens of men arrested for sex trafficking during undercover Las Vegas strip operation, over 200 victims identified

>>20079367, >>20079318 There's an important hearing in Maine this morning on whether Donald Trump should be kept off the ballot as disqualified from office under the 14th amendment

>>20079381 Driving to dystopia: Whistleblower exposes coordinated plans for tracking and disabling your car

>>20079388 Japan Inc. sees record capital spending in fiscal 2023, led by EV, AI

>>20079392 Highly classified binder on 2016 Russian election interference went MISSING during Trump's last days in the White House: CIA still searching for file that vanished from safe/RED FILE kek


Anonymous ID: 39859a Dec. 15, 2023, 10:57 a.m. No.20079400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9413


yeah well death isn't as bad as living on your knees.

fuck them.

they will get nothing from this anon apart from memes and exposure.

lets see if the hunted become the hunters.

Anonymous ID: a81825 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:58 a.m. No.20079406   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nicolas Copano



Operation Tributes: 51 businessmen captured in Chile for mega fraud of $240 billion (300 million dollars) 🚔 The mass arrest included simultaneous raids on 83 homes in 10 regions of the country. There are more than 100 companies involved.


Dec 15, 2023 · 10:01 AM UTC



Anonymous ID: 12b1c8 Dec. 15, 2023, 10:59 a.m. No.20079411   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Election Interference’ Ethics Complaint Against Judge Beryl Howell Filed by Elise Stefanik


Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) filed an ethics complaint on Friday charging election interference against Judge Beryl Howell based on a speech Howell gave last month at the Women’s White Collar Defense Association awards dinner. Howell, a former Democrat Senate Judiciary Committee staffer and Obama appointee, was awarded alongside Joe Biden’s Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco.


Stefanik stated her reason for the complaint in a post on X Twitter:


“I filed a Complaint of Judicial Misconduct against Judge Beryl Howell, because election interference by judges destroys public confidence in the federal judiciary, tears apart the fabric of our Republic, and is illegal. It must end now.


“DC Obama Judge Beryl Howell gave a highly inappropriate speech in which she insinuated the election of President Trump will lead to fascism in America. She also inappropriately allowed a public display of her cozy personal relationships with her partisan friends who appear before her, including the Biden Deputy Attorney General who supervises the January 6 criminal prosecutions.”


To get an idea of the incestuous nature of this D.C. swamp gathering, check out the list of sponsors at page four of the program: Dozens of law firms and lobbying outfits.


Howell is a 2010 Obama appointee to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia who served as the chief judge of the court from 2016 until March of 2023 where she presided over many January 6 cases and the cases and searches of President Trump by the Biden Justice department and Special Counsel Jack Smith. Howell still sits on the court, and was hearing a January 6 case Friday morning where she mocked the idea of “ghost buses” with government informants being used that day–an accusation recently made by Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA).


Politico’s Kyle Cheney reported: “Judge Howell in court right now on a Jan. 6 case going off on “ghost buses” nonsense. “Why is it called a ghost bus?” she says to defense lawyer. “What are you talking about? We are not going down rabbit holes in this case. A ghost bus. Did you come up with that term?”…Defense lawyer John Pierce says “ghost buses” was Rep. Clay Higgins’ term. “Who?” says Howell, pointedly. “This is like a political weirdness? … I’m not going to waste time on some of these weirdly described things,” she adds.”

Anonymous ID: 12b1c8 Dec. 15, 2023, 11:01 a.m. No.20079416   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ukrainian politician detonates grenades in local parliament (VIDEO)


Explosions in a council chamber in the Transcarpathia Region injured 26 people, according to authorities


At least two dozen people have been injured in a series of blasts during a session of a council in western Ukraine, officials have said, adding that the suspected perpetrator was a local deputy who brought grenades to the meeting.


Local police said that emergency services performed “resuscitation measures on the man who detonated the grenades,” adding that law enforcement operatives and forensic experts were working at the scene.


Local news portal identified the alleged culprit as Sergey Batryn, an MP representing the Servant of the People party, of which Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is a member.


Initially, Ukraine’s National Police said on Friday that a blast at the Keretsk village council in Mukachevo district, Transcarpathian Region had claimed the lives of two people – one of whom was the man who brought the explosives – while 11 others were injured. Later, however, it updated the information to say that 26 people had been wounded, noting that six of them were in serious condition.