Yes, but some of it is also wasted.
Whenever I need to rinse my mind of heavy matters to switch contexts, I can count on /qresearch/ to provide a bracing splash of irrelevant despair-inducing idiocy, to remind me of the absolute state of America, and the necessity that I resume work with, if not fervor, at least pique.
The look in the glass is just a reflection
who can you blame when it offers rejection?
He means Project Looking Glass, stupid.
The Cabal did not expect their plans to gang agley.
That's why they fired up CERN to alter the timelines.
Remember the satanic parade?
>your mother was a toaster.
She walked down the aisle with white bread but popped out burnt toast.
True story. I wonder what X-man powers the I1 Nordic bloodline gets. Ice is thematic. Refusal to bleed out would help with berserking. Presumably psychic given the anti-lying ethos.
Ah, but time would fit the paternal inheritance, and I read a mention of it in folklore. For example, a future echo of a man returns home and vanishes shortly before the real one does.
DNA = Dormant uNtil Ascension
Perhaps a New Earth gets instanced in 5D over about a century of solar agitation, leaving the 3D physical plane scorched and uninhabitable, while Federation UFOs hover over the waters, waiting to reseed life.
> Your mother was a defective toaster.
It's true, I came out even whiter.
>> 20079162
This corroborates Paul Furber's claim that Omicron was a live vaccine developed from the original Wuhan strain and released from a South African biolab.
The stupid ants wouldn't have a planet if the aliens weren't their loving parents (who kicked the Repterrans underground).
That which I've seen guides my actions, not our speculative conversation.
quotes this
>>12927183 (pb)
which continues thus
>>12927357 (pb)
a very Illuminati lunar theme that nevertheless was applauded by those who did not yet understand (or mind) the Furberite implications.
notable level over 9000!
Larry Fink is a Cabal kike, so presumably his purchase bodes ill.