Anonymous ID: af3644 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:42 a.m. No.20078969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8977 >>8985 >>8995 >>9002 >>9009 >>9021 >>9030 >>9137 >>9374 >>9398


>>20056071 One law firm prepared both Penn and Harvard for antisemitism hearing



Did somebody say WilmerHale, AKA Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP.? Connections Much?


Who do we find at WilmerHale and could the firm be called Southern District of New York Junior? There are many connections between WilmerHale and SNDY. Let's start withPreet Bharara. Anons remember that he's the former (fired) United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. In June 2022, it was announced that Bharara was joining WilmerHale.Robert S. Mueller IIIandAlejandro Mayorkashave histories with WilmerHale. - Preet Bharara - Statement

"Today, I was fired…"


NYTimes - Preet Bharara, the former federal prosecutor and Trump critic, has a new job: private practice.

June 13, 2022

The firm’s partners have includedRobert S. Mueller IIIandAlejandro Mayorkas.


Business Wire - Preet Bharara, Former SDNY US Attorney, Joins WilmerHale

June 13, 2022

former United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York

US Attorney after PresidentObamanominated him in 2009 and theSenate unanimously confirmed him

Vox Mediaas Creative Director of Cafe and host of Stay Tuned with Preet and The Cafe Insider Podcast

Sen.Schumer’s Chief Counsel

Staff Director of the US Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts


Wilmer-Hale - Preet Bharara

Anonymous ID: af3644 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:44 a.m. No.20078977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9374 >>9398




Did somebody say WilmerHale, AKA Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP.? Connections Much?


Here's the sauce for Mueller and Mayorkas.


Wilmer-Hale - Robert S. Mueller III


Wilmer-Hale - Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Joins WilmerHale

Oct. 5, 2016


Wilmer-Hale - US Chamber Announces Alejandro Mayorkas as Chair of Cyber Leadership Council

June 15, 2017

Anonymous ID: af3644 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:47 a.m. No.20078985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9374 >>9398




Did somebody say WilmerHale, AKA Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP.? Connections Much?


In 2004, Hale and Dorr merged with Wilmer Cutler Pickering to form WilmerHale. According to Harvard Law, William F. Lee was the managing partner at the time of the merger. You'll love some of the connections here.


Wilmer-Hale - Hale and Dorr and Wilmer Cutler Pickering to Combine in Merger of Equals


Harvard Law School - William F. Lee

lead trial counsel for Harvard in the case attacking its race conscious admissions policy, Apple in its worldwide litigation with Samsung, Broadcom in the highly publicized cases between Broadcom and Qualcomm

representedPfizerin a trial that, after seven days, resulted in a settlement of $2.15 billion

From July 1987 through June 1989, Bill served as associate counsel to Independent Counsel Lawrence E. Walsh in theIran-Contrainvestigation

special assistant to the Massachusetts Attorney General - investigating alleged incidents of racial bias in the Commonwealth’s courts

managing partner at the time of the merger of Wilmer Cutler and Pickering and Hale and Dorr

Senior Fellow of the Harvard Corporation

Eli Goldston Lecturer at Harvard Law School, Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers


Wilmer-Hale - William F. Lee


American Academy of Arts and Sciences - William F. Lee


American Academy of Arts and Sciences -Hillary Rodham Clinton


American Academy of Arts and Sciences -Anthony Stephen Fauci


American Academy of Arts and Sciences -William Henry Gates Sr.- Last Updated Feb 2023

Co-Chairman ofBill and Melinda Gates Foundation, co-foundedPreston Gates & Ellis LLP

  • serves on the board of directors ofUnited Way of America

  • served on the board: Costco, Pacific Health Summit

  • president ofSeattle-King CountyBar Association andWashington StateBar Association

  • distinguished regent of the University of Washington, Distinguished Eagle Scout Award, American Judicature Society Herbert Harley Award, Washington Medal of Merit, Chi Psi Fraternity's Albert S. Bard Award

  • worked with ChuckCollinsin writing "Wealth and Our Commonwealth:Why America Should Tax Accumulated Fortunes."


American Academy of Arts and Sciences -Francis S. Collins - video - "Somewhere Past the Pandemic" - Video - Collins Singing

  • Commission on the Arts

-ExDirector of the National Institutes of Health

  • wife Diane Baker


Washingtonian - Dr. Francis Collins and Diane Baker


The Children's Inn at NIH- Leadership - Diane Baker (Francis Collins' wife)

Anonymous ID: af3644 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:49 a.m. No.20078995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9374 >>9398




Did somebody say WilmerHale, AKA Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP.? Connections Much?


There are many SDNY connections at WilmerHale but we should do some groundwork first. Enter, stage left, Robert T. Novick. Think the Clinton Administration and that sucking sound of our jobs going to other countries. Novick is a co-managing partner at the WilmerHale.


Wilmer-Hale - Robert Novick

co-managing partner


Before we go any further, it should be understood that Novick takes the diversity issue very seriously. He has made a pledge to something called the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity. Notice that, when you hover your cursor over the diversity part of the LCLD LOGO, it turns pastel. Does that LOGO remind Anons of anything? To see the pledge that Novick made (to the LCLD), visit the sauce below.


Leadership Council on Legal Diversity - Robert T. Novick


Clinton Presidential Library - Robert Novick - China - WTO - GATT - Collection Finding Aid

This page has a link to a PDF inventory list ofFOIAinformation aboutNovickandChina. The URL for that PDF is really long and may be full of tracking information, so Anon won't post it here. Find that PDF link at the sauce below. - Robert Novick

  • Office of the US Trade Representative, Executive Office of the President, from 1997 to 2001 (think Clinton)


-US-ChinaWTO market-opening agreement

  • oversaw US participation in the multilateral negotiations on China's accession to the WTO



  • co-managing partner at WilmerHale and Management Committee

    • Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement

    • globalclimate changeinitiatives and international trade rules and internetcensorship

  • Executive Office of the President (US) - Office of the US Trade Representative - Counselor and General Counsel


  • US-China WTO - China's accession to WTO

  • Congressionally-established Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce

  • Recent representations

    • Amgen

    • The Boeing Company

    • Cisco Systems

    • ExxonMobil

    • Google

    • Information Technology Industry Council

    • PhRMA

Anonymous ID: af3644 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:51 a.m. No.20079002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9374 >>9398




Did somebody say WilmerHale, AKA Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP.? Connections Much?


Another co-managing partner at WilmerHale is Susan W. Murley. Like Novick, Murley supports diversity in the legal field. In light of current events, Anon finds it interesting that Murley, along with Novick, have signed on to MurleyHale's denunciation of Anti-Semitism. Anon wonders what Harvard's President Gay thinks about the firm's politics. Is Gay standing on a limb while someone is sawing it off? Is WilmerHale surprised to see Gay's performance at the hearing? Is there a conflict of interest here or is Anon confused?


Wilmer-Hale - Susan W. Murley

  • co-managing partner.


Leadership Council on Legal Diversity - Susan W. Murley


Wilmer-Hale - Susan W. Murley and Robert T. Novick - Denouncing Anti-Semitism

  • Many other law firms signed the firm's statement on Anti-Semitism.


Law Tally - Susan Murley

Anonymous ID: af3644 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:52 a.m. No.20079009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9374 >>9398




Did somebody say WilmerHale, AKA Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP.? Connections Much?


While we're on the topic of diversity, lets take a look at WilmerHale's Anjan Sahni who spent over 10 years with the Southern District of New York. Sahni will be replacing Novick and Murley in Jan. 2024 as managing partner of the firm.


Wilmer-Hale - Anjan Sahni

Southern District of New York


Wilmer-Hale - WilmerHale Elects Anjan Sahni as Managing Partner


Wilmer-Hale - WilmerHale's Next Leader on Value ofDiverseRepresentation

Anonymous ID: af3644 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:55 a.m. No.20079021   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9374 >>9398




Did somebody say WilmerHale, AKA Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP.? Connections Much?


Jamie Gorelickalso has a relationship with WilmerHale. Her Mayorkas appointment is not her first position in the government.


Wilmer-Hale - Jamie Gorelick Appointed by DHS Secretary Mayorkas to Prestigious Homeland Security Advisory Council

March 17, 2022

  • this announcement provides a list Mayorkas' appointments in the Biden Administration


National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (from the archive, so info is old) - Jamie S. Gorelick - Commissioner

-Fannie Mae

  • U.S. Deputy Attorney General

  • General Counsel - Department of Defense

-Department of Energy

    • assistant to the secretary

    • counselor to the deputy secretary

  • President of theDistrict of Columbia Bar(1992 - 1993)

-HarvardCollege and Harvard Law School

  • serves on several boards

    • Fannie Mae Foundation

    • United Technologies Corporation

    • Schlumberger, Limited

    • The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

    • Harvard College Board of Overseers

    • America's Promise

    • the Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless

    • theCarnegie Endowment for International Peace

    • the Local Initiatives Support Corporation

    • The National Park Foundation

  • member of theCouncil on Foreign Relations

-American Law Institute

  • co-chaired, with Senator Sam Nunn - Advisory Committee of the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection

  • currently serves on the Central Intelligence Agency's National Security Advisory Panel

  • President's Review of Intelligence - Jamie Gorelick - Jamie Gorelick

Mar 21, 2022

Co-ChairHomeland Security Advisory Council- appointed byAlejandro Mayorkas

Anonymous ID: af3644 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:57 a.m. No.20079030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9137 >>9374 >>9398




Did somebody say WilmerHale, AKA Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP.? Connections Much?


More Jamie Gorelick. The Media Matters Memo, below, explains that Gorelick is not responsible for IC failures to communicate, prior to 9-11. Anon finds it disturbing that someone who may have contributed to IC failures prior to 9-11 was on the 9-11 Commission. The Miller Center Oral History piece is very long and Anon has not looked at all of it. Does anyAnon feel up to seeing what she thinks of herself? With an American Thinker title like "Mistress of Disaster: Jamie Gorelick", it's plain to see that some don't think as highly of Jamie Gorelick as Secretary Mayorkas does.


Media Matters- Memo to NY Post , et al: So-calledGorelick “wall”could not have been responsible for military failure to share alleged Atta intel



Miller Center - Jamie Gorelick Oral History


American Thinker - Mistress of Disaster: Jamie Gorelick

Sept. 19, 2008


The Revolving Door Project - Jamie Gorelick: Amazon's Anti-Union Shadow Adviser At The DOJ

Feb. 12, 2021

  • Jamie Gorelick on the board atAmazon?


Harvard Law Today - Jamie Gorelick ’75: ‘The need for both vigilance and imagination remains high’

Sept. 9, 2021

  • here we learn that Jamie Gorelick is a member of theTrilateral Commission

  • Reference 9-11 Commission, Gorelick said, "We did our Job."