Anonymous ID: aa7a76 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:49 a.m. No.20078996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8998 >>8999 >>9005 >>9011 >>9020










Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man › entry



Cloning and Expression · Gene Function · Mapping



Pb notable

Pb and notable

>>20076966 Fenn, a 6-month-old giraffe, died after being "unexpectedly startled," the North Carolina Zoo announced


West Virginia University › …PDF

Studies of electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational-wave sources and the nonlinear gravitational-wave memory effect - The Research Repository @ WVU - West Virginia University

by A Choudhary · 2022 — b grqgef Tef = γab(γef − nenf )Tef = γab(S − ρ). (2.58). Using equation … GiRaFFE, to simulate an aligned rotator, where we have a spherical surface ..


Google Patents › patent

US20140220580A1 - Biomarker compositions and methods

… animal raised on a farm for consumption by humans, or an animal of social … NENF, C19orf53, C17orf91, HLA-DMB, CDC42SE1, TMEM14B, CASC3, SNRPG, PRR13 …


of electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational-wave sources and the nonlinear …

by A Choudhary · 2022 — In this connection, simulations of a binary black hole merger are examined using the open-source software, GiRaFFE … —-


-nenf )Tef = γab(S − ρ). ( ..

Anonymous ID: aa7a76 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:53 a.m. No.20079011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9020



Studies of electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational-wave sources and the nonlinear gravitational-wave memory effect - The Research Repository @ WVU - West Virginia University


by A Choudhary · 2022 — b grqgef Tef = γab(γef − nenf )Tef = γab(S − ρ). (2.58). Using equation … GiRaFF, to simulate an aligned rotator, where we have a spherical surface ..

Anonymous ID: aa7a76 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:54 a.m. No.20079020   🗄️.is 🔗kun




— b grqgef Tef = γab(γef − nenf )Tef = γab(S − ρ). (2.58). Using equation … GiRaFFE, to simulate an aligned rotator, where we have a spherical surface .. › …PDF

Anonymous ID: aa7a76 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:46 a.m. No.20079177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9183





and speaks voices into heads




ellen page (now elliot)


or mac miller


about Pasternak



16K views 1 year ago


In this video, Auger reveals the dirty truth behind Harley Pasternak and how he could be controlling his many celebrity patients. Kanye is one of his many patients who have complained about him and his deceptive practices. Two of his patients are Mac Miller and Aaron Carter, who both passed away from drug overdoses. Auger discusses what this could mean for the rest of the celebrities on his list.


June 13, 2023 at 5:49 am#301324


This is some freaky stuff.



Ellen Page was violently punching herself in the face and hearing voices in her head. A few weeks later a doctor approved her for transgender surgery.


A few years ago, acclaimed actress Ellen Page decided she was actually a man, after which she had her breasts removed and came out as “Elliot.”


This was demonstrably unwell behavior by an obviously mentally unwell person. But none of us was aware of just how bad it really was:


Page started to crack. All of the self-hatred [she’d (corrected henceforth)] been pushing down for years — the discomfort she felt in her body, the anger toward those who’d told her to repress her identity — spilled out.


One night, she tried to knock herself out. Took her knuckles to her face and pounded over and over until bruises formed. For days after, she sat in a lawn chair on the porch, ashamed, her face sore. And then she heard a voice.


“You don’t have to feel this way.”


Got all that? By her own admission, Page was so gone she began punching herself in the face repeatedly, trying to knock herself unconscious. She then began to hear voices after sitting in a lawn chair on her porch for several days.


Well whaddaya know, within just a few weeks she “scheduled a Zoom consultation with a doctor” to discuss having her breasts removed. The procedure “was scheduled for November,” just a few months away.


Just like that.


In a normal world we’d call this medical malpractice, a doctor agreeing to perform mutilative surgery on a woman with an obviously severe and crippling mental ailment. But of course the world we live in is no longer sane, not really.


So instead of being offered healing mental treatment and a path toward health and rationality, they just disfigured Ellen Page’s body and she declared herself a male.


The consequences for this zeitgeist, for this wholesale abandonment of unwell people in favor of a trendy mental illness, are going to be too many to count. Too dang many to count.

Anonymous ID: aa7a76 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:47 a.m. No.20079183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9191





Kanye is being "MK-Ultra'd" | Harley Pasternak Exposed Part 2


2.4K views 1 year ago

In this video, Auger reveals the dirty truth behind Harley Pasternak and how he is trying to MK Ultra Kanye and many other celebrities. Auger shows Kanye speaking on the matter and where he discusses MK Ultra and how he is at risk of being handled like Michael Jackson and Britney Spears. Harley Pasternak was previously working with the Canadian government and admitting to testing drugs on people. If you missed the first part to this video, you can check it out here

Anonymous ID: aa7a76 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:49 a.m. No.20079188   🗄️.is 🔗kun






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