Anonymous ID: c220e6 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:36 a.m. No.20078952   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Come on "gimme da" Kash


Sternly worded letters, whip up plebe fervor along the continued D/R line and watch gen pop flail around like that monster mash lady at the dance or that wisconsin broad who is certain she's better off under Front Row Joe biden

Anonymous ID: c220e6 Dec. 15, 2023, 8:58 a.m. No.20079033   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9058

On that McGonigal thing pb

Alexander Downer was the one who tipped off McGonigal at the FBI about George Papadopoulos who he had drinks with in London in 2016 about Papadop supposedly knowing about the Russian hacking of Hillary's emails starting Crossfire-Hurricane investigation and spying on the Trump campaign.


Downer was a high level Oz diplomat/politician who also prior ran large donations ($25 from Oz taxpayers) into the Clinton Foundations.


And McGonigal had something to do with Albania? Didnt 0bummer have some Albanian peeps he charged 80k for photos?

Anonymous ID: c220e6 Dec. 15, 2023, 9:05 a.m. No.20079058   🗄️.is đź”—kun


day, December 15, 2023

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The FBI's Balkan scandal keeps spreading

by John Schindler

February 16, 2023 06:00 AM

On Monday, I dropped a report that revealed the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s embarrassing scandal surrounding its former star counterintelligence agent Charles McGonigal, who’s been indicted on corruption-related federal charges, is much worse than the Department of Justice and the media have admitted.


While McGonigal was still serving as a senior FBI official in 2017 he became a partner of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama and his ruling Socialist Party. In that capacity, McGonigal is believed to have extorted wealthy Albanians in a sort of protection racket where the bureau bigwig promised to protect the oligarchs from U.S. sanctions in exchange for big bribes. McGonigal’s haul from this was on the order of $32 million (which was presumably shared with his partners). I also reported that McGonigal shook down Shefqet Kastrati, Albania’s top oil magnate, for 12 million euros, nearly $15 million, in 2017.




Kastrati’s representatives subsequently contacted the Washington Examiner to adamantly deny that allegation. But although the FBI’s embarrassing scandal was ignored by much of the U.S. media, it ignited a firestorm in Albania. There, McGonigal’s apparent mafia-like antics in collusion with the government in Tirana have been front-page news.


Accusations continue to mount that McGonigal was shaking down rich Balkan businesspeople, employing his FBI affiliation in the furtherance of his con. Albanian media also reported that McGonigal, in collusion with Rama and his associates, shook down Kastrati for as much as 15 million euros to keep the oil magnate in the good graces of the Department of State in Washington. This included the involvement of Agron Neza, the former Albanian intelligence operative and McGonigal partner who accompanied the FBI man on trips to Albania and was reportedly "a regular visitor to Kastrati’s office" and an intermediary who "passed bags of money" to McGonigal.