Replacing Kamala Harris
SUNDAY, DEC 17, 2023 - 06:40 PM
Authored by Thomas Neuberger via "God's Spies" Substack,
In the exclusive piece below, Democratic Party donor Guy Saperstein argues that Kamala Harris’s presence on the 2024 ticket could be fatal to Joe Biden’s electoral chances.
I’ve said the same, especially here:
Trump (if he's smart) pivots to Kamala Harris, dismisses Biden and makes her his opponent…
Biden improves his odds if he gets rid of Kamala Harris as a running mate.
What’s different about Saperstein’s argument is his bill of particulars — reasons why Harris should be dropped. Much of this is in the public domain. But much of it isn’t — the Willie Brown connection, for example, or her sloppiness and massive “chain of custody” problems as DA.
The piece deserves your careful consideration. To paraphrase Saperstein, “Imagine how Republicans are going to play this.” They won’t be silent.
Guy Saperstein is a former member of the Democracy Alliance, a progressive, and a major Democratic Party donor. From his Huff Post bio page:
[H]e founded a law firm in Oakland which became the largest plaintiffs civil rights law firm in America, in the process successfully prosecuting the largest race, sex and age discrimination class actions in American history. Guy also prosecuted False Claims Act cases against Lockheed Missiles & Space Co. regarding satellite surveillance systems, and against Raytheon, Boeing and TRW regarding the sham National Missile Defense Program.
In 2006, Guy helped write the “Real Security” plank of the Democratic Party’s New Directions for America, and in 2007, helped found the National Security/Foreign Policy New Ideas Fund, with funding from the Democracy Alliance. He also has been Co-Chair of the Democracy Alliance’s Strategy Group and was active in its National Security/Foreign Policy Group. In 2006, Guy was described by Bill O'Reilly as "a character assassin” and “a member of the nefarious Left-Wing Mafia," along with four other DA Partners.
The Twitter insertions below are mine. The rest is Saperstein.
The Time to Replace Kamala Harris Is Now
by Guy Saperstein
2024 is going to consist of an attack on Biden for being too old and frail, combined with an attack on his VP, who would become president if Biden died. The attack on Biden will be simple: endless, repeated videos of him slurring words, misstating facts, stumbling, looking lost, forgetting names — all the classic signs of dementia.
The Republicans ignored Kamala in 2020, but they won't in 2024 because of Biden's age. They will be shouting from the rooftops, “Hey, people, this person could become your President!”
Remember that the person we are talking about entered the 2020 primaries polling 18% and, after four debates, fell to 6% and dropped out. I can't remember any presidential aspirant falling so far, so fast, so there should be no argument Kamala is a truly terrible candidate.
But there is more, much more. (Very long article)