Pssst, there is no democrazy, it's judaism!
Let's check which of my posts got deleted on a "free speech board" by filthy hooknosed jidf fuckwits.
>Stop blaming Jews for your own failures. We handed the power over to those in government who abused it.
Typical inferior lying fuckwit Yid!
Wake up, Jews Genocide the Gentiles!
>Your performance is weak.
Project more filthy hooknosed inferior fuckwit Yid!
That's why I'm being deleted lmao, that's typical logic from a retarded Jew!
>Your performance is weak.
I am stronger than dozens of you retarded Jews in a heap against me.
And you filthy hooknosed fuckwits know it, that's why I am being deleted!
Afraid the retarded Kikes are!
(((Muh Ninjas)))! LMAO retarded mongrels!