Anonymous ID: 55fd61 Dec. 18, 2023, 3:39 p.m. No.20095956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5973 >>5989

Man, I watched Tucker being interviewed where he's talking about how dark some the alien stuff is that he doesn't want to talk about.. and in the comments, you get the "they're angels and demons" and you get the "I took DMT and saw versions of these"… didn't really want to rehash a bunch of comments i've seen before.. then saw one stand out a little bit because he was talking about loosh… and then I was like alright.. scrolled a bit more.. saw this clip from that @whatever show where the dudes are always kind of making fun of idiot females that don't know how to explain themselves.. a chick accuses them of being misogynistic and then he asks her how she defines misogyny and she kinda slowly collapses in her head and just starts crying.. idk wtf was going on, I guess she couldn't define misogyny.. but then I just couldn't stop fucking laughing.. and I was like OMG.. what effect do I have on the loosh eaters when all I do is kinda raise my family in a conservative way, but I low-key have departed from being emotionally influenced in anyway by the outside world accept in constantly watching humanity fail and laughing about it… am I possessed by a loosh eater?