Anonymous ID: e99486 Dec. 18, 2023, 1:44 p.m. No.20095442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5591 >>5839 >>6183

Meet Lawyer Michael Dreeben, The Man Behind Three Major Anti-Trump Operations


Michael Dreeben helping Democrats with their 2024 lawfare strategy shows how much coordination is behind this Soviet-style attempt to imprison Biden’s political opponents.


Eyebrows were raised last week when it was discovered that Special Counsel Jack Smith had added attorney Michael Dreeben to his legal team.


“An interesting detail: Michael Dreeben somehow snuck into Jack Smith’s office. He was Mueller’s appellate guy,” enthused Marcy Wheeler, a proponent of the debunked conspiracy theory that Donald Trump stole the 2016 election by colluding with Russia.


Fellow Russia-collusion hoaxer Rachel Maddow of MSNBC ran an entire segment to announce the exciting news that Dreeben is “helming this part of the case,” meaning Smith’s request to the Supreme Court to look at whether American presidents may be prosecuted for actions taken while they are president. Left-wing legal activist (and, yes, another bitter clinger Russia-collusion hoaxer) Joyce Vance said her “friend” Dreeben had “framed this petition” before the Supreme Court.


Mueller, of course, is Robert Mueller, the ostensible head of the Mueller probe that treated the Russia conspiracy scam as credible and leaked information to the propaganda press to ensure it had maximum effect. After 18 months, the investigation concluded with not a single American, much less a single Trump official, being found to have colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election. On the way to that conclusion, it wreaked havoc on Republicans across the country, and a strong majority of Democrats still believe the “big lie” that Russians stole the 2016 election for Donald Trump.


The Real Leaders of the Mueller Probe

As anyone who saw the visibly struggling Mueller testify in July 2019 knows, he wasn’t in a mental position to lead the operation. That was left to key operatives, including more than a dozen Democrats. For example, Mueller selected partisan Andrew Weissmann for a key role. In addition to his ethically flawed prosecutions of Enron executives, he was at Hillary Clinton’s ill-fated 2016 Victory Night Party. The inspector general report showed him as a full participant in the Russia-collusion hoax. After the Mueller probe, Weissmann went on to raise money for Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. Weissmann was also part of the team at left-wing legal group Just Security that unofficially wrote Jack Smith’s indictment of Trump over classified documents.


As partisan as Weissmann was, and continues to be in his role at left-wing propaganda outlet MSNBC, he wasn’t even the actual leader of the Mueller lawfare strategy. That was the much more subtle, much more careful, and much less sloppy Michael Dreeben.

Anonymous ID: e99486 Dec. 18, 2023, 1:54 p.m. No.20095471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5493

Israel Attacks Hospitals in Gaza’s North and South


Barely a day has passed since the 7 October attack by Hamas when the western media has not revisited those events, often to reveal what it claims are new details of astonishing atrocities carried out by the Palestinian group.