L3ⴲ ID: 22c6ca Dec. 22, 2023, 10:24 p.m. No.20118190   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20117710 pb

> you are blind as shit.


If Chukl's trolling of Mayor were important, he would be pleased to have it analyzed. Instead he is pleased with my folly.


Therefore, the correct conclusion is that Mayor is irrelevant, and the many posts Chukl devotes to trolling him are spam.


This pattern is far more consistent with the data, but also not worth the effort of reaching, which is why I falsified the worthwhile conclusion first.


Both Chukl and Mayor are sincerely deceived, albeit in opposite directions: Sith vs Positivity. To Chukl, Mayor has just enough occult status to be worth spitting on regularly.


As with the Mr. Pig situation, I assumed malice where Qtardery was sufficient.


>>20114689 pb

> The people standing on top of the world are not evil, rather they are utilitarians of the purest sort, which can actually make them extremely easy to deal with if you understand the purpose of human society (to persist).


Speaking of Sith: If the purpose of life is survival, many evils are justifiable in a sufficiently-desperate zero-sum game, present circumstances included.


But to the Creator who made both matter and man, endowing both with Consciousness to varying degrees such thoughts are falsehood and folly, far from Him.

L3ⴲ ID: 22c6ca Dec. 22, 2023, 11:38 p.m. No.20118392   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Indeed, my character list is fucked. I haven't paid nearly enough attention to sort it out, assuming I could.


Laffin seems bottish, running on a different ID than you concurrently. Not Chukl, then. Perhaps affiliated.


Mayor seems to be an insult used for multiple people.


Was worth a shot. Lazy newfag guesses won't cut it, clearly. Qtards should've ID'd the Illuminati in their midst long ago instead of squabbling about the garbage at the bottom of the filter bin.


Further clarification will have to wait for a detailed pass, an unlikely luxury.

L3ⴲ ID: 22c6ca Dec. 23, 2023, 12:11 a.m. No.20118482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8508

Deep News: President Xi Jinping and War - Shantae



Farsight remote viewing raw data is often misinterpreted by the presenters, who are experts on remote viewing but little else.


In this case, they fail to realize the importance of what the remote viewer saw, because they do not realize that Xi (and the CCP) must take Taiwan to retain legitimacy, just like the USG cannot lose Alaska to Russia or Texas to Mexico.


The RVer inspects Xi's attitude on Taiwan reunification by force or diplomacy in November and again in December (the future for RVer at the time).


In November Xi is relatively calm and confident about the complex and critical topic. He is confident in a diplomatic solution.


In December Xi is stressed, near the point of a breakdown, and his attitude has shifted. He believes that a military invasion is necessary, a potentially disastrous move for China and Xi. (China would much rather prefer to wait the USA out, allowing it to collapse without a direct military confrontation.)


Remote viewing the future is even more unreliable than remote viewing the past, because free will decisions can change the future, which is merely probabilistic until it occurs. However, the opening of a third from in WW3 would be a dire development, a step towards nuclear war.

L3ⴲ ID: 22c6ca Dec. 23, 2023, 12:14 a.m. No.20118494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8516

>>20115162 pb

Suspected insider or Illuminati.

the pause = immigration pause during Trump's 2nd term?

(after he gets out of prison via military coup and deal-making)


>>20115492 pb

HR Karen commissars. notable.


>>20115456 pb

Illuminati bloodlines run the Fortune 500, to drain the sheeple

opsec 1-post ID


>>20115191 pb

Illuminati named "X" gifted me a tattered Titan chocolate bar wrapper for my Thea titaness post, "from the crows".

Now he posts another Titan chocolate bar, with a golden ticket inside.

Sounds good.

Can't decode the rest.