The only hubris here is what you bring with you, ~~Aftertwat~~. Filtered. Now show how powerful you are by IP hopping.
Ghoul across a couple devices. No MuhGuhGaytriot. No VaticanTard.
Who the fuck are you to save anyone? You think people need your saving? You're the dumbest despairfag I've ever met, ~~Aftertwat~~, you know that?
It's best for the board to post dead animals in response to cat memes with the message "America Winning." It's best for the board to post memes calling the BV a crybaby when the shills' malicious propaganda is removed. It's best for the board to try and change the language that Anons have established using for years. Consensus cracking, board sliding, constant whining. All because their propaganda is removed. Well, that, and there's an election coming up. The tactics in use right now are very reminiscent of mid-2021 before the Absolute Retards got their hands on the ban hammer.
VaticanTard's new script I see.
Not a shill, retard.
Each individual shill needs multiple devices, IP hops, and personas to take on just one Anon here. The shills are so fucked. Proper fucked.
I don't worship my ego, Loretta. I don't defend my personality either. I take advantage of the spotlight it puts on the shills.
It was the duper's delight in the meme. The trucker's hat. "How's my driving?" That, and the consistent pattern over time of juvenile insults of superiority wrapped in a glaze of smug condescension. What is the logic behind mimicking another Anon?