Baker Love
Nothing more…..Nothing less
Bring the pain
I live it every fucking day. I mean in case you haven't figured it out, gubberment pain, pain on the deceptors, the liars, cheats, thieves, the fuckers trying to kill us with polluted food, water, air. Got it now faggot? It's time.
We are on the verge of total demorat destruction. Feels good man.
No shit moron. Way ahead of you. Get recent will ya.
fuck nugget
no? But it will be glorious. I know.
English fag, at least speak proper english. Pitiful of you…… sigh
kinky, you fonting me?
100% Anon. Great answer. Together
Pbbbbtttt………..noice but mine is better. LQA
Lovin' it! Awesome Anon!
LOVE this album. Thanks
Always have, Always will Dear Anon. Be safe, Happy Christmas.
Yea it does… Great memories. I feel we were so much more… then.. hopefully we can get back there. Shill city these days.
Hey love! Throw back from Wee. All is pretty much well. God Bless you Patriot!!
Wasn't easy. I backed up a lot of art but [they] took out 2 computers, twitter, fakebook, some other art website but, hell. I'm not so easy to knock down. I got chan. How are you? Faring well I hope. God Bless my friend, Merry Christmas. For you, my ultimate favorite Q I have ever made. Thank you. For just being you.
Anons are truth hunters. get the scabs to fight. Libs are good for blockades. human waste
We can hope. OG was gud shit
geez luv. You are the bright star. I wish with my whole heart I could do something for you. Can I? tell me if there is anything I can do to help, no matter how I will try my damnest. I understand but cant say much. Wee anon has …. not been well…intentionally…I'm doing my best to keep him healthy….Hospital trust is gone. They fucked him up pretty bad last time. I'm scared… sorry. tmi for here. I wish you only the best.
WTF is POASTED? [Posted] I see it too often. Is it a brit thang or are these people stoopid?
ever hear of CGI and fake plastic clones or masks? Think outside the box. Killery has been dead a few years. It's optics. The world needs wake up to their treachery, it's a movie, it's already happened. Ukraine lost. Long time ago. Israel is next.
faggot I'm OG, piss off.
Anyone who claims, Home of the free crap is seriously deranged. We are not free. Far from it.
Yes. Unfortunately this generation has been seriously compromised. There is hope for them yet.
I only wish with all my heart those words were true. I didn't add them because they aren't. Free? Not even close. yet we are brave and that's the key. WWG1WGA
G'night Patriots