Anonymous ID: a79541 Q Research General #24720: Trump is back on the Colorado ballot! Edition Dec. 28, 2023, 12:34 p.m. No.20143768   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: a79541 Dec. 28, 2023, 12:35 p.m. No.20143773   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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#24719 >>20142841

>>20142897 Fetterman To Carville: 'Shut The F*** Up' Over Biden's Sagging 2024 Prospects

>>20142903 GOP oversight writing mean letters again

>>20142935 Marjorie spills ALL the piping hot Congress tea! The Roseanne Barr Podcast #28

>>20143010 Attention all Patriots! Fort Sill National Cemetery just received burial requests for four unclaimed veterans. These heroes served during the Vietnam War Era and are set to be laid to rest alone.

>>20143161 Lunnon, AI enhanced

>>20143316 Now There’s Proof! Brad Raffensperger Lied to President Trump When He Told Him in Jan 2021 Phone Call There Was No Fraud in 2020 Election

baker change

>>20143338 Backlash Over Israel's Video Of Hypothetical Hamas Christmas Day Attack On Seoul

>>20143339 QClock December 28, 2023 - For God And Country

>>20143347 Federal Judge Rejects Press Freedom Claims By Project Veritas In Ashley Biden Diary Case

>>20143358 Warmonger Lindsey Graham: “Hit Iran… Blow It Off the Map”

>>20143399 Child tells Nikki Haley "Chris Christie thinks you're a flip-flopper on the Donal Trump issue…honestly, I agree with him." KEK

>>20143401 Microsoft Buys Over 1,000 Acres of Farmland in Wisconsin

>>20143411 Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson warns that every city service is on the verge of collapse thanks to the illegals

>>20143432 US Announces $250 Million Arms Package for Ukraine

>>20143446 Turkey hits 71 targets in Iraq, Syria in retaliation for soldiers’ deaths

>>20143490 Israel hits Red Crescent Society headquarters in Gaza

>>20143504 Photos have emerged of a new Russian observation post on the Golan Heights on the border of the Syrian provinces of Daraa and Quneitra.

>>20143509 Ivanka Trump on the "timeless wisdom of Mr. Rogers"

>>20143518 Trump puts Iran, Europeans and antisemites on notice

>>20143529 IDF takes no action against soldiers who killed Gaza hostages

>>20143532 Foreign Minister of the Israeli: Seyed Hassan Nasrallah should quickly understand that Israel's next goal is him and Lebanon.

>>20143543, >>20143545 Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert swaps congressional districts'

>>20143548, >>20143570, >>20143634, >>20143624, >>20143645, >>20143708 BREAKING - Colorado Secretary of State announced that Trump is back on the ballot

>>20143618 Middle District Of Florida Prosecutes 1,500 Individuals For Child Exploitation Offenses As Part Of Project Safe Childhood

>>20143614 QClock December 28, 2023 - Something Big Is Coming, Mr. Rogers - Helpers.png

>>20143679, >>20143709 Caravan Update in Spanish

>>20143637 Mike Pompeo summoned by court to explain alleged US govt plot to assassinate Julian Assange

>>20143685 @realDonaldTrump: Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve Fail Again

>>20143724 AOC slammed over Christmas message

>>20143718 Is Treasury slowly taking over the Fed? WSJ

>>20143765 #24719


#24718 >>20141961

>>20142089 Javier Milei Continues Cleaning House: Announces Layoff of 5,000 Government Employees

>>20142204 Scientists Destroy 99% of Cancer Cells in The Lab Using Vibrating Molecules

>>20142233 Pepe Escobar: Yemen Ready to Stare Down a New Imperial Coalition

>>20142318 Putin ally Vladimir Egorov 'falls to his death from third-floor window'

>>20142329, >>20142330 Biden Secretively Vacations at Home of Billionaire Who is Connected to Over 800 Media Companies

>>20142370 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/28/2023

>>20142397 DEVELOPING: Parts Of New York City Under Shelter-In-Place Order

>>20142445 QClock December 27, 2023 - Whatever Happened to the Awan Brothers

>>20142455 Did Q+ just out George Stephanopoulos as a pedophile?

>>20142462 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Jupiter and the Geminid

>>20142471 Strzok: Trump Supporters ‘Engaging in Threats of Violence,’ Biden Folks Don’t


>>20142821 #24718


#24717 >>20141191

>>20141278 In memory of Chuck Shramek the photographer of the Saturn-like object by the Hale Bopp comet in November of 1996, which gained him international notoriety

>>20141332, >>20141362, >>20141381 99% of phones are being tracked through push notifications and the US Gov't has a gag order in place so people don't find out

>>20141358 DJT Truth - MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

>>20141379 Joe Kent Explains How The U.S. Government's Funding Our Own Enemies In Iraq

>>20141487, >>20141489 Newsmaker Interview: Trump puts Iran, Europeans and antisemites on notice, dispels Nikki rumors

>>20141540, >>20141541 @elonmusk - Don’t Look Up (ChatGPT Created an Image of God with a Bunny)

>>20141679 Kash Truth - As a former federal public defender, I put the cops and prosecutors on trial every damn day in the court room, thats not only the job, but comes from constitutional Due Process. Of course there’s a two tier system of justice with Jack Smith.

>>20141685 Fox News Audio anchor Matt Napolitano who appeared on ‘Jeopardy!’ dead at 33

>>20141821 'LOCAL MEDIA BIAS: @RealSafeSeattle calling out the Seattle Times’ coverage of the BLM Garden getting crushed by the city on Wednesday.'

>>20141951 #24717


#24716 >>20140203

>>20140322 Trump Demands Maine Secretary Recuse Herself From Ballot Challenge Over Jan. 6 Statements

>>20140641 Argentina’s New Elected President Lays Off 5K Gov’t Employees

>>20140724 Eiffel Tower Shuts Down As Employees Go On Strike On 100th Anniversary Of Founder’s Death

>>20140784 Herb Kohl, a former Democratic U.S. senator from Wisconsin and former owner of the Milwaukee Bucks basketball team, has died at age 88, his foundation says.

>>20140791 $2100 gold soon? (let's see what happens)

>>20140976 Schumann doing a thing

>>20141178 #24716


Previously Collected

>>20140189 #24715

>>20137715 #24712, >>20138582 #24713, >>20139233 #24714

>>20135381 #24709, >>20136145 #24710, >>20136941 #24711

>>20132840 #24706, >>20133769 #24707, >>20134630 #24708


Aggregators: | |

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #21: Not Giving Up >>19567242

Anonymous ID: a79541 Dec. 28, 2023, 12:57 p.m. No.20143889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3905



handoff confirmed

early notes below:


#24720 >>20143783

>>20143795 Canadian Government Admits 48,780 Excess Deaths in 2022 - no evidence covid vaxxes saved a single life

>>20143798 Vivek Ramaswamy Says Voting For Trump Is A ‘Trap’ During Iowa Town Hall.

>>20143806 The 10/7 Project by ADL and others: says they seek "accurate, unbiased coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict"

>>20143819 US-NATO Black Ops: Destabilization in Serbia and the Former Soviet Union

>>20143828 Gene Ho's latest TikTok video on mystery person in Q photo

Anonymous ID: a79541 Dec. 28, 2023, 1:57 p.m. No.20144175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4183 >>4186 >>4194 >>4196 >>4199 >>4204 >>4213 >>4218 >>4219 >>4221 >>4232 >>4235 >>4249 >>4283 >>4285 >>4296 >>4303 >>4304 >>4310 >>4312 >>4319 >>4326 >>4334 >>4348 >>4368 >>4373 >>4381 >>4382 >>4395 >>4406 >>4415 >>4422 >>4426 >>4440 >>4454 >>4458 >>4459 >>4464 >>4468 >>4471 >>4474 >>4484 >>4487 >>4493 >>4497 >>4515 >>4534 >>4542 >>4543 >>4554 >>4563




Anons have been digging on this corrupt Soros-funded Dem activist for years, here's a record from from OLD to NEW:


>>10812930 Colorado Secretary of State Encourages Non-Citizens, Deceased to Register to Vote 9/28/2020

>>10876069 Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold asked the national media to not report any results on any election results on Nov. 3, using the hashtag #PressPause 10/01/2020

>>11546019 Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a lawsuit in federal court to force Colorado to clean up its voter rolls… against Jena Griswold 10/05/2020

>>11725545 Colorado's Secretary of State jena griswold CAUGHT deleting Dominion Voting System Proposal from her OFFICIAL website 11/21/2020

>>11733822 Jena Griswold Of course Soros backed. 11/21/2020

>>11956594 Sec. of State Griswold certifies Colorado's 2020 General Election results 12/08/2020

>>13936280 Griswold worked for Obama's campaign, The first elected Democratic Secretary of State in Colorado since 1963 and the first woman Dem to ever hold the office 06/19/21

>>13952417 Colorado Democrats Pass ‘Rules’ That Prohibit Election Audits, Griswod: "My office just issued rules prohibiting sham election audits" 06/21/21

>>14260220 Soros-Funded Colorado Sec. of State Moves to Eliminate Signature Verification, 'Protect' Dead Voters and Put Gag Order on Poll Workers 8/03/2021

>>14312219 Statement from Colorado Secretary of State’s Office Regarding Official Order to Mesa County 8/10/21

>>14319848 jena griswold, the Colorado Secretary of State, along with Dominion "raided" the elections department of Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters 8/11/2021

>>14337711, >>14337757, >>14337772 , >>14337796, >>14337819, >>14337857,Mesa County Elections DecertifiedSecretary of State jena griswold announced during a zoom Thursday, her office would be decertifying Mesa County elections immediately. 8/12/2021

>>14338431 Colorado Secretary of State jena griswold recently made it clear she prioritizes political posturing over sound public policy 8/12/2021

>>14340210 CMz: Why is Jena Griswold trying to blame Tina Peters for the bios passwords leak when only Jena Griswold should have had access? 8/12/2021

>>14340575 BV, please rename this bread to #18142: How Many More Scapegoats Does jena griswold Need? Edition , ty, baker 8/12/2021

>>14339761 Jenna griswold, SoS of Colorado. Her voice was shaking, tight forced smiles. She's definitely nervous/scared. She couldn't hide it 8/12/2021

>>14347149, >>14347219 CM Forwards Seth Keshel - I will be showing you all just why corrupt Colorado Sec of State jena griswold is creating such a stir over Mesa County.. 8/14/2021

>>14351848 Colorado SoS Jena Griswold: Rich or Poor?? 8 /14/2021

>>14358374, >>14358379 CodeMonkeyZ - Can jena griswold be trusted with a "Trusted Build"? (VIDEO) 8 /15/2021

>>14366937, >>14366958, >>14366967, >>14366974, >>14367040 Check out jena griswold's campaign contributions + jena griswold has an email address 8 /16/2021

>>14393414 FBI joins criminal probe in Colorado voting equipment breach 08/18/21

>>14411326 Tina Peters never had access to admin BIOS passwords 08/20/21

>Colorado Election Fraud: Soros-Backed Secretary of State Permanently Blocks Arizona-Style Audits 08/30/21

>>14492722 Colorado secretary of state files lawsuit to prevent Mesa County clerk from being involved in upcoming election 8/30/2021

>>14499816 CODEMONKEYZ - jena griswold is trying to use the courts to overthrow a lawful election 9/1/2021

>>14538598 Colorado Union of Taxpayers, Inc. v. jena griswold, Colorado Secretary of State and Judd 09-08-2021

>>14603663 Clerk Peters returns to Grand Junction,vows to fight 9/17-2021

>>14641487 Colorado Secretary of State jena griswold wanted private security due to threats 2021-09-23

>>14667574 Election Records Are Being Destroyed! 2021-09-26

>>14692969 Mesa County Court Tina Peters case to be decided by District Judge Valerie Robison, Secretary of State jena griswold… 2021-09-30

>>15278556 griswold asks judge to dismiss 'baseless' GOP election-denier lawsuit 2021-12-30

>>15521139 Bad News 4 Soros-Backed SOS jena griswold - Second County Clerk Steps Forward with Devastating Evidence in Colorado Lawsuit 2022-02-01

>>15643356 Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold Being Sued for: Not Legally Certifying 2020 Election 2022-03-12

>>15918337 jena griswold BTFO third report on mesa county voting machines released 2022-03-22 12/27/23

>>16219070 jena griswold Republican Clerk in Colorado Hands Over Copies of Hard Drives After Attempting to Protect Evidence Soros-Backed Secretary of State Tried to Delete 2022-05-06

>>16219101 jena griswold Colorado clerk accused of voting system breach hands over hard drives 2022-05-06

>>15848725 Two Colorado County Clerks Sue Deceitful Secretary of State jena griswold - Ask Court for Permission to Use Their Saved Voting Machine Data to See If griswold Illegally Meddled with Machines 2022-02-17

>>17394595, >>17394609 Tina Peters Sues Colorado Secretary of State, jena griswold, for Illegal Recount - Massive Corruption Is Being Covered Up in Colorado 9/14/2022

>>18089489 2022 Election: Colorado Secretary of State Sent 31,000 Registration Cards to Foreigners 1/6/2023

>>19523510 Colorado secretary of state calls Trump a ‘liar,’ vows to see ballot lawsuit through 9/6/2023

>>20137337 Democrats Want to Save Democracy by Eliminating Elections - “What we are seeing right now is the all-out assault on democracy,” Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold


Seems like Griswold is skating on pretty thin ice at this point.

is that why she's now backed down on the issue of Trump appearing on the ballot - too much attention on HER and her corrupt regime?