Anonymous ID: 09fcb4 Dec. 29, 2023, 9:01 a.m. No.20148394   🗄️.is 🔗kun

replying to



suspected Illuminati

Drops some hints worth investigating; outside my expertise.



>>20145789 pb

Homicide weekend victims buried in gif.


** Chukl


>>20146027 pb

Muslim terror cells will go hot in CONUS thanks to Biden's open borders.




>>20146153 pb

proclaims he is the sole available Illuminati resource on the board, or open BB-affiliated one, or something like that.

it's his turf, which is why he polices it

Anonymous ID: 09fcb4 Dec. 29, 2023, 9:07 a.m. No.20148409   🗄️.is 🔗kun

replying to


** Masonic Hidden Hand symbol

>>20146618 pb

en vogue


** pole-shift ELE | ee0973 | Illuminati / xeno

>>20146974 pb

Another prediction of the ELE:

Pole shift, earthquakes, tsunamis, triggering WW3 for 90% depopulation.


Water Serpents refers to Water Elementals?


Hopium Prophecy refers to apocalyptic Hopi prophecy.

This is real. See for example contactee Miriam Delicado,

who guides people to the 4 Corners region of the USA, which will be a safe zone,

because it is elevated and geologically stable.


Blue Star: Fulfilling Prophecy by Delicado, Miriam


OP implies he's non-Jahku (Terran Human).

His other posts generally indict human degeneracy.

Reminds me of Reddit's ReptilianDude, but softer.


Regarding the Hopi, Sasquatch states:


> The Sipapu is the entrance to the underground city below the Grand Canyon, where the Hopi and Ancestral Puebloans survived the last world cleansing, with the Ant-People. The shape-shifting Snake or Lizard-People also live down there, and they gave the Hopi their unique and famous snake dance. Interspecies relations are neither all good nor all bad, they are made of attempts to mutual understanding. To heal your own collective karmas, you have to help in healing the karmas connected to your destiny.


> It is probably the most or second most important sacred site for the Hopi, comparable to the Sipapu. Yet, in the Hopi language, the words 'makus dadavo' normally translated as 'prophecy', signify more precisely a 'life plan', guidelines for a way of life with the most probable outcomes of choices we make. The petroglyph on Prophecy Rock shows the two roads we are asked to choose between, the road of unbalance bringing chaos and destruction, or the road of balance bringing Peace, harmony and healing. The first one is unsustainable and rushes toward self-destruction, while the second one is long lasting. Two fires will purify this fourth world of Humanity, one of consciousness and transformation, and the other one of unconsciousness and destruction. Both will take part in the great needed world cleansing.


> Some of them, like your Hopi relatives, have known and prophecized of our return, as your long awaited Elder Brother coming to guide you back into a planetary civilization of Peace, with our Star Elders living among us to lead us into spiritual inter-species relations, as it was in your early beginning. Now, our return depends only on the awakening of your Soul and the opening of your consciousness, since we have always been among you and never disappeared from this home-planet, other than in your collective memory, altered and shortened by the enslaving uncivilization that has been controlling you.


The Hopi prophecies are coming true — here’s why we should pay attention

by Cyril Christo | Aug. 4, 2021 | Aug. 04, 2021


** Chukl

*** ELE


predicts Extinction-level Event again.

>>20146444 pb trips

Clarifies nature: tsunamies from pole-shift.

"Watch the water" means watch for a White Squall in space:

increased charged space dust triggers planetary climate change and micronovas,

as our local stellar cluster passes into a zone of galactic "shear"

>>20146448 pb

> only idiots live below 4k asl

Which is most of humanity.


>>20146508 pb

Denies there is time left.

P'nti said recently there might still be time to find/setup an underground shelter before the solar storm.


>>20146658 pb

Humans lost because stupidly violent.


>>20146652 pb

Humanity's final iteration ends;

Homo sapiens sapiens will be replaced.

Those who will decide the future, aren't on qresearch.

sayl ~ drown


*** Other

>>20146430 pb

Utah data center defeats Internet opsec; presumably NSA.


>>20146681 pb

Gif claims he's a fallen angel; Lucifer mythos.

Snakes and bat wings.


>>20146722 pb

Anon claims Qanon is winning.

Chukl punctures the delusion.



>>20146732 pb

Says Vatican is Rev 13 pagan high place, and suggests it be razed by artillery.


Attached pic is of Margaret Sanger and Gypsy Rose Blanchard, who are similar enough that one suspects that they are the same soul.

What this has to do with the Vatican, I'm uncertain.

Catholic contraception? Gypsy should have been contracepted, considering her teenaged father. Sanger battled the Catholic Church.


** Suspected Illuminati/Insiders

f2ce23 (4)

corroborates ELE and Chukl's assigned status. Planefag, non-terse.


** Protocols of Zion are from Cabal, to Jews & others

>>20146408 pb