new filter word
new filter word
>tells the egotistical and homosexual social justice warrior that he's filtered
>still responds anyway
i have a difficult time reconciling how stupid people are even on this board
herd mentality
group think
scared of offending anyone, especially a group
they let their pussy feelings and socialite programming get in the way of real world experience and facts
because they're sheltered bitches
smoking pee pee acts like one of those twatter employees from the human resources department who got laid off and never learned to code so instead haunts qr with his politically correct faggotry
sounds like their problem
if americans cared about other americans as much as they do all these other foreign countries then america might just actually be great again
i'm still trying to find the part in the u.s. constitution where it says america, being a sovereign nation, needs to constantly patrol global waters instead of protecting our own borders
but it's not like they follow that anyway
the constitution has become a perversion of the foundation it was built on
money, as everything else
>2. Northern corporate greed. Northern corporations liked high tariffs (taxes) on goods the South imported, because it reduced competition with European manufacturers and allowed them to charge higher prices for often substandard goods. The tax revenue went to Washington, which used it to subsidize Northern industries (both directly and indirectly) at the expense of Southern agriculture. Cotton was especially lucrative. In 1859, the value of exported cotton totaled $161,000,000. The value of all Northern exports combined was just over $70,000,000. By 1860, the Federal budget was $80,000,000. Seventy million of that was paid by the South. One section, which amounted to 29% of the population, was paying more than 82% of the taxes. Of that, four out of five dollars was being used for internal improvements in the North. This was not good enough for Abraham Lincoln. He backed an increase in the tariff from 24% to 47% (and 51% on items containing iron). He got his way. This tariff rate was in effect until 1913.
just think of it like a classic car restoration that began as a barn find
>3. Northern hypocrisy. The North also had slaves. It is an actual fact that Massachusetts had slavery 78 years longer than Mississippi. They freed their slaves by a process called manumission, which was designed so that the Northern master didn’t lose any money. Wall Street continued to finance Southern plantations, and thus slavery, until the Civil War. The Northern bankers wanted slaves as collateral and preferred them to land. Very often, “Massa” used the money he borrowed from Northern banks to purchase more slaves. The Northern bankers thus financed slavery.
>Also, it did not escape the attention of the Southern editors that the slave fleets did not headquarter in Southern ports. They operated out of Boston, Massachusetts, and Providence, Rhode Island, joined later by New York City. The Lincoln regime did nothing to restrict these Northern shipping interests. Nor did this stop with the war. It continued until 1885, 20 years after Lee surrendered, when Brazil became the last nation in the New World to outlaw the international slave trade. Southern editorial writers hammered home all these points in the 1840s and 1850s, when charges of Northern hypocrisy were quite common in Southern newspapers.