Anonymous ID: 83b4fa Dec. 31, 2023, 1 a.m. No.20157596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7599

replying to


** pole shift T pillar

>>20151431 pb

>>20151443 pb

cryptic image comparing T-mobile logo to plasma field

implying the cyclic apocalyptic magnetosphere event that accompanies a pole shift

which is rumored to bring a planar alignment as well, with "supernatural" effects

much like how Jupiter's well of dark matter brought Nibiru into alignment with Earth, after 2012 IIRC.


first image is original.

amusing alignment with Trump's tie: both represent cataclysms for some.


The source of some of the images appears to be total nonsense, Velikovskian and worse:


However, these are simply attempts to explain the ancient warnings

of the aurora/plasma in the sky that accompanies a pole shift,

which produces the pillar of light visible in the sky from the whole globe,

presumably one at each pole.


This would be the "return of Christ" that cannot be faked,

the Ascension to 5D that allows us to feel God directly, as xenos do

(which is why they all believe in God/Divine).


^speculation obviously


The subthread implies various apocalyptic features, such as canyon carving planetary lightning.


8939d8 (8) writes nothing significant outside the thread


>>20151468 pb

Chukl rebukes baker for not getting the ancient warning on planetary alignments.

Alright, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe this isn't just a geosolar pole shift, but occurs in tandem with a planetary alignment.

They align sufficiently and BOOM, interplanetary lightning arc(s).

Which might adjust orbits, who knows.

That would make the date of disaster much more predictable, than trying to predict when the geosolar+stardust system will trigger a pole shift.


> In the near future, on Jan. 27, 2024, Mars, Venus, and Mercury will all align in the morning sky. But one of the most awaited alignments will occur in the 2040s. This event will showcase Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, which will all be visible within a small segment of the sky next to a thin crescent Moon.


Jan 27 lines Earth up for an arc from the Sun?

so maybe that's when the electrical grid goes down and the pole shifts.

But Earth is on the wrong side of the Sun from the other planets on that date, so it's a stretch.


2040 aligns with the heaviest planets, and therefore may be worse, but it's too distant.


Maybe the alignment affects something using forces unknown.


If there was going to be an interplanetary arc from Sun to Earth, I'd expect the next one on March 26 2025, when Sun-Mercury-Venus-Earth will align.

Mars is close enough to Earth to arc, though not aligned.

Saturn is close to aligned as the counterweight in that arrangement, which is perhaps dire.


There was a similar alignment Jan 25 2022 with nothing noticeable happening.


** Illuminati/insiders


*** 48fa7c

Oral traditions encoded truth:

>>20151579 pb

Re Noah's flood.


Endorses pole shift lightning.


Illuminati terseness. Rest is just memes.


*** 87f3fe

>>20151962 pb

Hints connection between "star of David" and star of Ishtar, Jews and Cabal.

>>20151956 pb

HG Wells' book "The Open Conspiracy" describes Cabal plans.

Wells always did emphasize the folly of the sheeple pitted against the stars.


*** 4f6c5a

>>20151360 pb

John Tower connected Robert Maxwell to George Herbert Walker Bush, allowing Israel to steal USA's nuclear secrets from Sandia Lab.

Worthwhile subthread.

Israel allied with Soviet Union to spy on US nuclear secrets, its implied.


*** f572e2 | kek


*** Tom Hanks typewrite 17s

>>20151795 pb

Synchronicity: quotes post ending 1717 to point out Tom Hanks COVID19 self-quarantine tweet with two 17 timestamp, event 201 and COVID typewriter.

Obviously comms.

Meaning is that Tom Hanks was detained by xenos and coopted from his previous Cabal allegiance.


ID bf3058 (7) says nothing else significant. Illuminati terseness.

Anonymous ID: 83b4fa Dec. 31, 2023, 1:02 a.m. No.20157599   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20157596 (me)


** Gilgamesh' tomb

>>20151700 pb

>>20151727 pb

As Yajweh said, the real reason for the Iraq war was to loot Gilgamesh' tomb, to retrieve dangerous prehistoric lost-tech artifacts.

Without Iraq, Iran destabilizes the Middle East, aggressing on Israel until MBS' Saudis unite the ashes, becoming the Antichrist.

> Since the US-led invasion toppled the regime of Saddam Hussein in 2003, he said, the Christian community had dwindled by 83%, from around 1.5 million to just 250,000.


** Chukl

83c215 (3)

8f0b18 (3)

f48fa8 (3)

unusually constructive

971d94 (5) the usual


>>20151535 pb

Warns last of Nephilim died millennia ago, and still this much trouble.

Dangerous to allow them to revive.

>>20151913 pb

Gilgamesh (nephilim) is in Antarctica, behind the black sun,

which is presumably a portal to the spirit realm.


054d7a (8)

more Enoch Nephilim omniderigence


>>20151798 pb

MBS posting.


** Glaciers return

>>20151867 pb


High-IQ chemical scientist

believes in spirits


>>20151904 pb

Bombastically clueless about significance of Schumann resonance, and the spirit spheres' relationship to the magnetosphere, and presumably bioelectricity to spirit.

Not Illuminati.


** Coal toll

>>20151457 pb

For White mothers, 98% of Black fathers don't support the child.

It ends in divorce 97% of the time, unlike the 70% average with Black mothers.


** Wakanda

>>20151677 pb

>>20151660 pb